Reviews from

in the past

Whoever decided to add Streets of Rage style proximity based throwing to a run and gun was a god damn genius

Chase + Lightning is ridiculously busted

Para mi gunstar heroes es un collage de generos de muchos juegos de la era de 16 y 8 bits, hay casi de todo. Contra, streets of rage, el deslize del suelo de megaman, pienso que hay algo de plataforma que recuerda a algunas entregas de castlevania o ninja gaiden. Y cuando digo que hay de todo es que hay de todo, peleas en trenes, golpeas y tiras enemigos hacia afuera, hay miniboses, agarras a enemigos y los tiras, mezcla entre un beat em up y run and gun, hay bastante frenetismo y maniobrabilidad, niveles con mini batallas contra jefes, peleas que requieren aprender los movimientos del enemigo y el nivel del dado, vuelas en el cielo, hay multiples fases en las batallas contra jefes, te cuelgas de los palos, hay explosiones y enemigo por doquier, los enemigos te agarran y te tiran tambien, hay movimiento pseudo 3d y debes esquivar balas, y un largo etcetera, se me queda todo en. Aunque esto es superstición, casi se ve como que los devs estaban intentando meter ideas, nivel tras nivel, elemento nuevo tras elemento nuevo pal juego y asi todo el rato. ¿La trama? Una mezcla de todo lo que se habia visto hasta ese entonces, como si los devs quisieran juntar todo lo que habian jugado y meterlo en un juego para hechar adelante la empresa.

Debido a esto, pues gunstar heroes se esfuerza en ser lo más divertido y atrayente, y claro, el juego no tiene una idea realmente nueva o original, simplemente es un refinado y una mezcla de todos esos juegos de la sega genesis y super nintendo. Hay bosses que vences de una manera muy simple y niveles realmente cortos, al ser una mezcla el juego no se define tan bien que digamos y siempre cambia de ritmo. Ojala hablar de forma más extensa sobre el juego, pero bueno, una opinión más.

Second GOTM finished for February 2022. Got some wicked Gun Slug vibes from this one, scroll right and kill things. The different combinations of weapon orbs are interesting, and give some depth to the game, but one of them is way broken. Deceptively hard game, beat it on Easy and even then was sweating the final boss. Enjoyable, but not likely to ever play again.

Seven Force is probably the coolest boss ever made for a video game.

Every second is gold. So much creativity packed in, it's all killer, no filler. A bonkers, ecstatic delight.

Good clean fun. I'm not surprised to see Treasure already nailing it with their first title with that easy-to-learn but difficult-to-master gameplay, packed to the brim with the goofy charm I love in a video game.
I wish that the score system would feed into extends, having to do everything in one try is the primary cause for the difficulty of the 1cc. Why else have a score system in a game like this (besides for Fake Cool Gamer Points™)? If you don't care about using continues it's certainly difficult but nothing practice can't overcome. Either way if you want a less intense experience just slap on the homing shot and have fun.
Despite the parts that I wish were different, I just can't be mad at it. Like, come on, there's a boss named Melon Bread.

Run and gun chulísimo con jefes y niveles divertidos.

Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah, I get it. People LOVE Gunstar Heroes. One of the best games on the Genesis, they say. Treasure's finest, even! Well guess what? I don't care much for it! That's right, applaud me. Applaud me for my bravery!

Gunstar Heroes is fine. I personally find it to be a pretty average run-and-gunner with some solid mechanics, good controls, and some really fun set pieces. However, it's my least favorite game by Treasure on the genesis. I find Alien Solider to be a lot more mechanically engaging, and when it comes to humor and style Dynamite Headdy has this game beat. Even when compared to other run-and-guns on the system, Gunstar is far from my first choice. And yet, the way people talk about this game you'd think it's the second coming.

For years I've seen this game talked up but never quite found the time to get around to it. This was probably to my detriment, as Gunstar Heroes continued to gestate in my mind, growing in power until it reached almost mythical levels of hype. Of course it couldn't live up to my expectations, and that's not really the game's fault, but after hearing for so long that this was the Sega Genesis game, it's hard to not feel disappointed when it doesn't even stack up to the rest of Treasure's output.

That is also why I think this game deserves a revisit (if I can ever get around to it.) Perhaps I'd like it more now that the illusion has been shattered. I can enjoy it for what it is and not what it was built up to be. Who knows, maybe one more run might be all it takes to tip me over and make me join the ranks of the converted.

Sem sombra de dúvidas é um dos meus jogos favoritos do Mega Drive.

Gunstar Heroes é um jogo Run and' gun muito ao estilo dos jogos da serie Contra porem que se destaca pelo seus visuais, bosses carismáticos e sua principal mecânica do jogo, a capacidade de combinar o poder de duas armas para poder criar uma nova, é muito legal ficar vendo qual arma nova cada combinação dá.

O jogo é muito divertido e que vale muito a pena ser jogado, os únicos problemas é que as vezes movimentar o personagem pode parecer estranho e devido a quantidade de coisas na tela o jogo acaba se tornando meio caótico as vezes, o jogo é bem desafiador e o Seven Force na dificuldade Hard é sem sombra de duvidas um dos melhores bosses que eu já vi.

real fun, over the top action, amazing visuals that have held up super well and even more amazing bosses, the homing shot is pretty overpowered but fuck I played this on normal with that on and I still struggled and there's two higher difficulty modes so I guess it's fine

bar none the best run n gun game u can find. great at making the player feel powerful while also providing steady challenge. love this game, constantly revisiting

The peak of run-n-guns. Always a blast to go back to, with that top notch Treasure style to match its excellently hectic gameplay.

Around a year ago I posted (in sincerity) a thread on /vg/ in which I asked if there were any "Masterpieces" on the Sega Genesis. This was after a long period of playing the cream of the crop on the Super Nintendo and growing up with a Genesis it seemed like nothing compared. But one game was brought up more than anything else, and I was told there is nothing like it on the SNES. See growing up I heard the praises of this game and got it on the Wii Virtual Console and it just never clicked with me. I didn't understand a fast paced shooter where the enemies respawned endlessly but you can also not shoot anything realistically and just move to the right. So I'm really not sure what spurred me on to playing this but now that I'm much older, I can't believe that I bounced off of, what I think is the best action game of the 16 bit era. Holy shit, every single one of the 4 main worlds, and the 99 different endings is so wonderfully crafted. I couldn't believe how much I loved just blowing up everything on every single screen. The control you have over your character and the things that you can do just really don't feel possible. I felt like I was just mashing buttons at points but when I slowed down I realized I was just completely one with the character. And the myriad of dive kicks, and shooting, into a throw parry, into a slide. I was doing all of it and I knew what I was doing and it just looked incredible. I really couldn't believe how tight the whole experience is. There is no fat here every single screen is crucial but also incredibly challenging and so fucking addictive. All the bosses had their own little charm to them and the was the end game plays out I physically couldn't put the controller down. I'm probably underselling it but that genesis sound chip blaring a symphony of gun shots and driving music just kept my senses high and got me through to the end. I can't believe how much I loved every second of this game and I really can't wait to play it all though again

One of the best Genesis/Mega Drive games i've played EVER. Incredible graphics pushing the Genesis to it's limits, incredible gameplay and pacing, incredible music, incredible boss fights and more; Treasure debuting epic style as a developer

chucking green into the wall 30 times in a row to kill him feels fucking amazing

What the fuck did I just play.

I wanna do it again.

So I did.

Gunstar Heroes is pretty lit, it's a really cool run and gun and I guess it's this companies first title, and this is a pretty dope way to start. This game is just pure chaotic energy from start to finish and outside of the boss fights I totally love it, I love the stupid melee tricks and throwing you can do it's totally hilarious just ORYAAAAAAAAAing people into another dimension.

Bosses are technically impressive but kind of are just trivial or very boring HP sponges with not too much in between, but it's a minor point overall and only is pretty annoying on Stage 5 where dying means you have to start the whole stage over.

Stage 6 honestly made me interested in playing some shmups, it was my favorite part of the game.

Guess you'll see some shmup reviews from someone new to them in the future!

I wanted to make a meme and give this game a Seven Force/10 but this game is too good for a 7 so uh, Seven+1 Force/10

(sega mega drive and genesis classics 37/58)

ah so treasure are GOATED goated i see

A jaw-dropping run-n-gun game with a dazzling art style, stupendous music, and insanely satisfying mechanics (throwing those dumb bastards never gets old)!

Gunstar Heroes is easily one of the best games in the Sega Genesis library, but that's no big news since it's a world-renowned game of that console's library. I'm just happy to see that this game still feels really good to play and is tough enough to give you a good fight, but not too difficult where it feels unfair.

It's pretty basic run&gun-style game, just hold the shooting button and press right until your problems disappear. Gunstar Heroes is one of those games that have a pretty simple idea, but the execution is solid enough to leave a lasting impression. What sets this co-op run&gun apart from the rest is the weapon combinations. They are fun to experiment with and gives the game some replay value as you can go back and try out other combinations on levels you beat already.

There is some challenge, but the game is pretty easy to cheese with the right weapon combinations and has unlimited continues, so even the challenging spots are just the matter of banging your head on the wall until it starts giving in.

What I really can commend is the level design. Most of the levels are pretty standard deal where you just clear enemies and press right, nothing too fancy but never a hindrance, some levels even manage to have memorable and interesting visuals without sacrificing from the action. There are also levels where the gameplay is spiced up a bit with autoscrollers where you control some vehicles including a space ship and a minecart. These are probably the most memorable levels to me.

In the end, it's a good way to spend an evening, maybe you got a mate or a SO and you've already played Contra, in which case you should give this a try.

This is what I wanted Metal Slug to be but it never could really deliver on: a beautiful spectacle-first run and gun that's just dead simple and feels great in your hands.

The feeling of that midair throw, the satisfaction of discovering the lightning + homing missile combo, the extreme detail in enemy animations that'll be on screen for a fraction of a second...I love it all.
This is also the first game I've completed on my MiSTer FPGA. I love this thing too~

Wasn't the biggest fan of this one. Although I should preface that I'm not the biggest fan of this type of game. The arcade style continously banging my head against a wall until I finally breakthrough. I just kinda tired after awhile and just felt like putting it down. Normal stages were fairly fun but the bosses just meh, some just ran to long and some mainly the one with a guy on a play who grabs and punches you were just downright not fun. Not a game I really have any plans on going back to.

Great game even if combining the homing and lighting shot does make it way too easy

When I bought this on Wii back in the day, it was because of glowing praise from Nintendo Power, of all places. For whatever reason, I didn't like it at all.

Not sure what 2009 me was thinking! This game rules, and the presentation/story are delightfully insane.

Playing the first Metal Slug on an arcade machine when i was 5 years old was probably one of the turning points of my childhood gaming days. That was not only a moment when i were always looking forward to the next time some adult could take me to the arcades, but also a time when i inquisitively looked forward to some other game that could, at some extent, fill the void of not having a Neo Geo or anything that could run Metal Slug at home. Thanks to MAME and Sega Genesis emulators i got to play dozens of run and gun games. Most of them were thrash i guess. But two games stood out for me: Contra Hard Corps, and as you might have guessed, Gunstar Heroes.

As a kid (and still to this day) i wasn’t only looking for good gameplay but also some really good-looking visuals, narrative somehow being less important to me (for that matter i always preferred Point n’ click adventures, with a few exceptions like Half- Life or Metal Gear Solid). To me, videogames were not just an interactive piece of entertainment , but also a whole aesthetic experience. Gunstar Heroes offered all of that to me. I actually thought, as a 90’s kid, that this game was probably based on some manga or anime that wasn’t still available in my country. I guess that’s not just because of the anime-inspired aesthetic, but also because the narrative, the characters and many other things just teased a whole new world which sadly wasn’t developed further. Maybe, it was for the best.

I’m still imagining to this day what would’ve been of Gunstar Heroes if it became a bigger franchise, and i can’t really understand why a game that has been largely considered as, at least, one of the Sega Genesis top-5 games ever, hasn’t been rebooted yet.

I always tend to prefer shorter games, but in the case of Gunstar Heroes, i would say it's shortness is actually it's only negative thing.

This game is an action packed thrill ride! Each level has its own challenge, gimmick, and unique boss fight. He music sets the tone as each track is faced paced, exhilarating and punchy. Whether it’s one or two players, Gun star heroes is a must play!

I've had this multi-console emulator called 'Higan' on my computer for quite a while, and around the past week or so I've used it to play retro games like NES, SNES, and Game Boy games to fill up my library here because I feel like my library's a mess. It could also run Sega Genesis games, so I definitely felt the need to get a game to run it with. I went on the 'Games' section here on Backloggd, filtered it to Sega Genesis games, then sorted by highest average rating and there it was. Gunstar Heroes, it caught my eye, so I downloaded a rom of it. Loaded it up, and you know what happened? I played it for 3 hours.

Gunstar Heroes is THE most unique shoot 'em up game I've ever played. Actually, I'm not even sure if I would completely categorize it as a shoot 'em up, because it even has really cool beat 'em up-like mechanics. Another cool mechanic is the shooting abilities that you could collect, switch between, and even fuse. This really has you experimenting around with different combinations of abilities to see what's best for you to use in different situations. Some are pretty OP at first, like the lightning + chaser combo, which literally feels like an aimbot, but it doesn't let you focus on a specific enemy and you can't jump while holding it, but I like that, because it makes the gameplay fair.

The level design is unique, you go to different places with different enemies and themes, I love the 4th level the most, it was really creative. At the same time, the game's able to have slightly increasing over time difficulty, decent characters, story, and sounds.

Not only is this the most unique shoot 'em up game I've ever played, it is THE best shoot 'em up game I've ever played.

you could tell me my birth was inspired by this game and id believe you