Reviews from

in the past

Was inspired to play this after the announcement of HLVR. I first played it five years ago and thought it was really boring. I dropped it before reaching the boat segment.

Playing it now I enjoy it much more. So much variety in locations and gameplay. At least for the first half. Once you return to City 17 in the later half of the game its really boring. Luckily it picks up again with a good finale in the citadel.

Good game with a captivating story and kinda average gameplay. Despite being good, I felt that some missions were too long and too repetitive, which made me a little tired of it. Also, some puzzles are not really that fun to find the solution, it just gets annoying.

But the finale did bring me some interest in the story again and I want to know more about it.

Many games, especially first person shooters, of the early 2000s were good for their day, but were somewhat killed by the passage of time. One game that comes to mind is Doom 3, which had pretty good reception when it came out, but today is known for just being a jump scare ridden oddball of the Doom franchise. However the same cannot be said about Half Life 2. Everything still holds up today, from the deeply interesting story, to the fun combat and puzzle solving. If only the Combine AI was a bit more advanced

i'm too scared to complete this game

game feels old and all, but as I grew up with Half Life I can't really rate this any lower. At the time I played it, 5/5. Still love replaying it, but some stuff gets a bit old.

Inconsistently brilliant level design and a sombre, atmospheric world frame a tastefully applied but occasionally comedic physics system. Shame the guns are so flat.

More levels like the highway level!

This game blew my mind when I first played it. It is the blueprint for a lot of modern games and it still hits for me in a lot of ways. The atmosphere of City 17, the terror of Ravenholm.

The car level is my fav don't @ me

Ok let's be honest with ourselves, there's a few redundant levels in here, but this game was truly revolutionary in ways people still don't appreciate.

I've sunk way too much time into the source engine to not consider the start of it all as nothing less than amazing. A game any PC owner should have in their library.

Revolutionary in just about every way. The gunplay blends with the puzzle solving in a way that few games have been able to capture since.

A classic sequel to a classic.

Half-Life 2 is a near-perfect combination of quality gameplay and story-telling the likes of which the gaming industry needs far more of. The gameplay itself is fun, diverse, and creative, it still looks great, the characters are memorable, the story, while not wholly unique, is told in the most intriguing way possible and often utilizes the gameplay to convey it for you. I now get the hype for a new game, but I also get why it'd never meet expectations too. Something as near-perfect as this is tough to follow up, but it's easily a new all-time favorite.

If you haven't gotten around to it yet, play Half-Life 2, it's worth every minute.

As good as a sequel could be.

Great narrative based shooter with tons of memorable moments and gameplay that will leave you hooked. The only things that keeps this down are how physics are used, and a few questionable puzzles here and there.

I get why it was revolutionary for it's time, but of course I'm not going to find it as such in 2020. Still good though.

Far from "The Best FPS Ever Made"; Gordon is a terrible character.

Tad bit of a slog (looking at you, highway 17 and canal) and gunplay is meh. It was revolutionary of course but, well, if you want to play with physics you have a ton of games for that now.

Completely earned its place as a classic, what else is there to say? Half star off because fuck the airboat controls.

Half Life 2 isn't really the groundbreaking masterpiece that it once was, but it's still a damned fine, well-crafted game and always will be.

Friend really wanted me to like it, but FPS really just doesn't work for me. It's good, but nothing that grabs me enough to do it myself over just watching a playthrough for the story.

From a design perspective, it's great. For me, it just wasn't. I did finish it twice, though. Just like Valve, though...we can't go for a third.

Still no face fucker alien

Revolutionary Fps with interesting story but the themes are a mess.

the seinfeld of narrative fps games

Writing: 4/5
Gameplay: 4/5
Art Design & Visuals: 4/5
Voices & Sounds: 4/5
Atmosphere & Immersion: 5/5

Fun to experience all the mechanics and see the scale of gameplay that this pioneered for the more cinematic side of FPS at the time. Always great when an engine is developed and you can see the gamemakers just running wild with it. Of course that leaves the game open to a few wonky sections(vehicles, antlions standing in doors, that obnoxious final hallway with the spider) but you get so swept up that fun can be had even in those not-so-favorite segments.