Reviews from

in the past

Kinda fun but also annoying as fuck as patrols always seem to alarm from the very edge of the screen and then when we kill all the annoying enemies, another patrol alarms from the edge of screen again. Also very repetitive.

A top down co-op shooter where you are probably going to be killed by friendly fire more than by the three enemy forces. Amusing/terrifying use of Starship Troopers/American foreign policy style setting. A lot of different support features to call in and upgrade, even without any DLC, vehicles, airstrikes, heavy weapons, turrets, drones, etc. Three different enemy forces and 33 enemy types, different difficulty planets and different forces will make you use different loadouts to fit the situation.

Without the DLC the guns could use more variety, and upgrades are repeated. Terrible camera when you get four people. Joining players tend to drop on you. Lack of mission variety. Only one type of sidearm and a lot of players ended up wanting to refund upgrade points when they ended up hating the burst fire feature they gave the pistol.

Very fun game but it does start to become a grind to level up and it can be too easy if you have two or three people with you that have the slightest idea of what they should be doing.

For Democracy!

Helldivers is one of the more unique games I have had the pleasure of playing in the PS4 era. At it's core it's a top down multiplayer shooter with heavy references to the political satire adverts from the original film adaption of Starship Troopers. Sounds pretty crazy but that's only the start, this is a bizarre game where you have to rely on the community as much as your own skill to complete it and playing well with others is vital as killing yourself or your squad mates is as easy as the aggressive aliens you're fighting.

The goal of the game is to fend off three rather different, though equally aggressive races from progressing towards earth in a giant galactic war. Each player starts the game on the bridge of their own starship which is essentially a hub with each station acting as a menu for something from changing your characters clothing, weapons and skills to bios of characters and enemies. From here you can choose to either go out on missions on your own or join a squad of players (up to four) to try and take down harder missions together.

Each race has a good variety of units to fight from smaller easy to kill aliens that sound off alarms to huge armour plated killing machines that render pretty standard weapon load outs useless. You have the Bugs which are extremely similar to the bugs from the afore mentioned Starship Troopers movie, very organic, largely close range and quite often burrow underground. The Cyborgs, which are almost steampunk, tend to be heavily armoured, use a lot of guns and can also deploy tanks to the battlefield. Lastly there are the Illuminate which are the "apple" of the alien world, super slick, white armour, advanced technology with cloaking and lasers.

These races are fought in a tri-front war with each front being measured by points gained through successful missions completed added to a bar on each front. Every person playing this game commits to the war effort, this is all online, measuring how well humanity are doing. Push an alien race back far enough collectively and you can take on their homeworld and wipe them out for good (if the community beats all three races it all starts over again). Working together on the right front is key to victory for the community, but working together in missions is just as important as harder missions gain more points but are near impossible to play through without a team backing you up, this game can be hard.

Once on a selected planet for the mission there are a number of objectives for your team to complete across the map, defending missile silos, killing certain targets, saving survivors of a ship crash etc. The harder the level the more missions there are, completing them all gives you extra points towards the community victory as a whole. At the end of every mission your squad has to activate a beacon to call in a dropship to come and pick you up. This causes every alien to home in on your location causing a bit of a last stand situation with every mission you face, it's tense and pretty action heavy. I haven't begun to explain how crazy those can be, as I believe Winston Churchill once said "Friendly Fire, Isn't." Every shot you can take can kill your own squad so accuracy and positioning of your squad are super important as an accidental team kill can be the difference between success and failure.

If you do die or kill someone by accident though you can bring them back using stratagems. These are epic, before every battle each player can equip up to four of these plus the default revive stratagem. Despite the names, these are actually drop pods launched from your orbiting starship providing weapons, additional ammo, jetpacks, assault mechs, vehicles, mines, bombing raids, distraction beacons etc. as well as bringing dead players back to the battlefield.

These can kill you.

The pods slam into the ground from space, if you stand underneath one you will die, though explode would be more accurate. Sometimes reviving someone else will kill you, throwing a stratagem in the wrong place may blow up someone's tank, killing them, you or even your whole squad if truly unlucky. (There are options to kick trolls who are doing it on purpose though in like 70 hours of playing I rarely encountered that) Precision, timing, knowing when to run and what stratagems to take to compliment your squad and alien type are key. Some missions with groups of people we would get wiped out yet five minutes later with a new squad on one of the hardest settings we're running through like experienced commandos.

The presentation is pretty decent, the visuals aren't amazing though they certainly do the job effectively with pretty good looking enemies and weapon effects with decent music and voice acting. There are a variety of planet types, desert, swamp, volcano, snow etc. that effect the game slightly (slow to move through water and snow without vehicles and jet packs) but they all feel kind of empty, barren except for the odd rock, mountain or crevice. I feel the planets could have been more interesting to travel around.

The game has one big flaw though, repetition. It has provided some of the best, not to mention, tense moments in any co-op I've played in years where you struggle through rooting for the last member of your team alive to revive you, surrounded by aliens, low on ammo but the mission objectives are really quite boring and get old pretty quickly on the bland maps your pretty cool looking squad traverse. It's a pretty big flaw in an otherwise unique experience with fantastic gameplay but I really wouldn't let it put you off and urge you to give Helldivers a try while the community is still active.


+ Stratagems are a really cool mechanic.
+ The community victory and absolute need to work as a team are great design choices.
+ Large option of weapons, upgrades, vehicles and strategies to try.

- Planets and missions get pretty repetitive.

Helldivers provides very fun and straight-to-the-point mission-based online action levels that are best experienced with friends. The game can get very challenging depending on the mission type and really pushes and requires coordination between the people in your squad to succeed.

Everyone's doing their part. Are you?

I did not play through this entire game, but I enjoyed my time with it. It's a good top-down shooter. That genre is generally just not my thing. I believe I was playing it co-op with someone and we both kinda just fell off playing it together and moved on. Whoops.

Juego divertidísimo para jugar con amigos. La variedad de armas y estratagemas (habilidades), unido a la diversidad de misiones y enemigos hacen que el juego nunca sea aburrido. Las partidas se vuelven alocadamente divertidas en dificultades altas. Recomendadísimo para jugar acompañado!

super underrated coop extraction based shooter, imagine halo:odst but cool-er

This game's concept is so cool. I love the "space conquest" massive multiplayer community aspect behind missions. Entering "cheat-code-esque" combinations on the fly to request supply drops is just fun. When you have aliens right on your tail and you NEED to request a revive ASAP- You mash the directional pad as accurately and fast as humanly possible. The rush of pulling off complex sequences, getting multiple supply drops in quick succession, felt real good. Like a "Yeah, I've kinda been playing video games my whole life. This is nothin'" kind of feeling.

A shame that the mission types recycle a whole lot, there's only 3 or 4 biomes with you doing the same menial tasks over and over again. The DLC is also pretty atrocious, with it all being weapons/supply drops. A lot of FOMO going on when your friend pulls out the 8 dollar 2-seater motorcycle that blows up in 3 hits.

I want to rate this one higher, but the achievement list is pretty brutal- Requiring you to AFK over multiple nights to rack up even close to the amount of exterminations you need. (100,000 enemies.)
If the game has no real "ending" then at least make the path to "completion" be somewhat considerable.

Helldivers is a truly fun coop game with a sense of community. The learning curve is steep, however, but if you stick with the game, you will feel rewarded.

I distinctly remember struggling initially with low-level planets, just to later be able to clear lv. 12 planets while casually chatting with my team-mates without any issues.

Definitely a game worth trying out if you enjoy cooperateive gameplay and an over-the-top presentation and humor.

It's like Alien Swarm but more repetitive and grindy.

Fun with friends for a while.

One of the funniest and best coop games out there. Can be very unforgiving at higher difficulties, but also very satisfying once you overcome that one extremly hard mission.

This game is both excellent and bad. How do I even explain that? It's satisfyingly challenging, it looks great, feels great, and it's designed around co-op with competent friends. Something about it keeps me from rating it too high, though.

I've played this game on both PS4 and PC for about 12 hours on each system. This is a pretty fun and hectic top-down shooter with some really neat ideas, but the structure of the game with the lack of any real progression outside of your character lead me and the 2 different crews I've played this with abandon it once we got our fill, which was way sooner than whatever the end-game is.

Uff por dios , top 3 mejores juegos coops para jugar online o local con amigos, la de risas y tension que genera este juego es de no creer. Helldivers es un twin stick shooter de esos que son realmente adictivos debido a lo solido de sus mecanicas, el hecho de que tenga fuego amigo hace que se distinga del monton haciendolo una experiencia mas reservada y no tan frenetica. No puedo hablar mas del titulo, es asi de simple, tenes 2 o 3 amigos con ganas de reirse un buen rato? ni lo dudes y menos con lo barato que llega a estar en steam

Fun Top-Down Twin-Stick Shooter. Can be very difficult. Plays very much like Magicka

With friends it seems to be much more fun

Fun coop game where you kill everything in sight, the more friends the better :D.

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The closest experience to actually being in an active warzone

Helldivers is a top down twin stick shooter where you play an elite soldier deployed in futuristic intergalactic warfare. The game is intended for co-op and up to 4 players at once but being a chronic introvert I actively try to avoid the scenario this game was optimised for.

The gameplay is a tactical arcade-y affair with a focus on resource scarcity as your gun runs out of ammo and grenades are in limited supply. This brings in the real time strategy aspect as you are constantly calling down supplies, turrets, and vehicles using long strings of d-pad inputs like you're performing a fatality. Combined with the large open levels with key objectives it feels like an action oriented Warcraft 3 by way of Starship Troopers.

If you're in a team I could see things being more frantic as you cover each other, call in drop pods, and take on hordes of robots and bugs but as a solo game everything feels desolate, empty, and slow. You empty your magazine, call in an ammo drop, wait, collect it, repeat. I just don't think it's intended to be a single player experience so it's not one for me.

This game is not afraid to let you do the thing you're thinking of doing at almost any point.