Reviews from

in the past

Mecánicas solidas con el juego del color lo que hace que los puzzles sea interesantes pero les falto mas personalidad en tanto en diseño de ambientes como en dificultad para poder ser una obra mas destacada

I liked this a lot more than I thought I would. The color changing makes for fun puzzles that can be pretty challenging at times, but that just makes them rewarding. The story was also very good, where you would get bits of it as you progress through the levels

The only reason I didn't finish this game is because I ran into a soft lock partway through that made it impossible for me to enter a ship (I think) that was supposed to take me to the next level. I'm not too bothered by that, however, because the story was so one note and predictable that I'm fairly certain I already know how the game ends despite having never seen it anywhere. Hue's colour switching mechanic is interesting on paper, but dull in practice. It's little more than a gimmick for the vast majority of the time and the levels are far too simple to carry its dead weight. Also, for a game centred around colours, it's kind of visually bland imo. The best thing about Hue is that it's a short and simple pallet cleanser to play in between more substantial games. The world needs games like Hue, so I'm ultimately glad it exists, but even as a pallet cleanser, it's little more than a footnote.

Pretty fun little game with a nice artstyle, some adequately challenging puzzles and a well told story despite being fairly cliche and predictable.

A cute puzzle platformer game, but nothing incredible. The puzzles were pretty clever, but there's nothing in the game that takes it above and beyond

This game was... amazing. Such an incredible way to work with color and join it with very clever puzzles. A must try, it has beautiful story.

Got boring really fast, I know its a good game but it isn't my type at all.

Se você gosta de jogos de plataforma e Puzzle, vale a pena jogar!

Neat little puzzle game, but nothing interesting enough to keep me playing. Probably good for people looking for a light game on an airplane ride or rainy day.

The concept alone doesn't make for a great game. Hue tried to change that, but ultimately nothing changed.

Great puzzle platformer. Early levels are easy but when you get further in the game, it gets more difficult to solve. It is a fun and interesting game.

Really nice and relaxing experience, loved the concept

Pretty calm and relaxing most of the time. There are a few cases where the joystick just doesnt select the color that you want, leaving you to restart all of your progress if you die. If the joystick did not screw you over every 5 minutes, it would be a lot better

Puzzle platformer based on swapping colors to make elements of the levels dis/appear. Both the puzzles and the platforming are simple and rarely frustrating, and are accompanied by some monologues in between. Can feel monotone at times, 100%/plat just takes a lot of time. Abandoned because it sometimes crashes and causes hard system reboots on the Ps Vita.

It was a cool concept and made me think

This is the kinda indie title that you could probably lump together with Braid in terms of quality, but without any of the pretentious nonsense associated with it. Overall the mechanics are very interesting with this being a dual stick platformer having to switch between various colors to make puzzles work that often reminded me of Mighty Switch Force. Honestly though I do find Hue to have a sort of lack of identity that the rest of the game doesn't really have a problem with. Hue just isn't an interesting character, but the platforming itself is. If you want a solid puzzle platformer, play this game, it's a solid 4 hours, and you likely have it from PS+

thought i finished it.... but steam only says an hour vs HLTB of 4.5

The colour-changing mechanic is very well-implemented. It allows for all sorts of puzzle-solving options and can be done on the fly. The way it fits into the short yet sweet story is nice, if a bit boring and undeveloped.

Fun, easy and straightforward gameplay. You can easily deduce how to get through areas without the need of tutorials or hints. A nice detail is that two colors that overlap will create the corresponding color when you blend them irl (ie: red and blue overlapping creates purple).

I enjoy puzzle games, but the only gripe I have with the gameplay is the spikes. I was stuck in one area a bit too long because I accidentally ended up hitting the ceiling spikes several times over- enough for it to be frustrating and put the game down. Otherwise, the difficulty curve is very balanced. Another issue I had was the narrator. I believe the game would have been much better entirely silent with ambient music (which is pretty good and sets a nice tone with the sound effects!)- since the narrator often over-expressed themselves to the point it came across as a bit pompous and fake. The way the narrator text was written came across as somewhat childish. The idea is already presented as a bit outlandish and ridiculous, and the narrator did not sell me on its importance or how great of an impact it made on the fabric of space and time.

This isn't really an issue with the game, but I noticed the start screen art does not match the game's actual style. It is just a bit strange to see an art style that does not match the art I'm looking at majority of the time- it throws me off every time. I think the game's default style is rather charming and wouldve made a great start screen on its own instead of default to a different one. But that's nitpicking on my part. For the most part, it was an enjoyable experience (save for the spikes. Not even megaman prepared me for those spikes.).

This game was a major disappointment. It takes such a cool concept for a puzzle game and struggles to go in the right direction with it.

Mark Brown from the YT channel Game Maker's Toolkit talked about something that I really feel correlates with this game. It is a puzzle game, but it has very difficult platforming as well. Not generally an issue for me, but this game executes badly on it. But what Mark Brown said was some people will just want to do the puzzles, and some will just want to do the platforming. It is rare you can have both in there. Some games have succeeded at this (like Portal), but this is not one of them.

The ramp up on difficulty is pretty stark, and having to redo puzzle portions of a room because you failed the platforming section of the room is really irritating. Platformers aren't usually an issue for me (I beat both Ori games on 1 life mode), but this game is different just because this concept works against the platformer genre a lot (with just a couple of exceptions that were creative).

Platforming in this game is difficult because you have to activate very specific colors at very specific points, but the color wheel is very easy to accidentally select the wrong color on because of the number of colors. This isn't a game where you just have to push a button to change a state back and forth, there are numerous states that are possible. This game failed at staying focused on how best to work with this concept, which is very obviously making a straight up puzzle game.

A ideia é realmente boa, a jogabilidade é limpa e os puzzles são ok, vale a pena dar uma chance

Actually a pretty cool concept and some fun puzzles. Was pleasantly surprised.

This can be a fun puzzle time when you're not getting screwed by the analog deciding you're slightly off mid-jump when picking your next color to change to, resulting in you plummeting to your death and having to restart a puzzle again. I don't know how they could have implemented a better selection system for picking your colors, but the number of times I died to "you weren't close enough to the color" or "how about this color instead?" was enough to be off-putting.

Really fun game! The puzzles were real mind-benders, and there was a fun balance of timing-based and slower, more mental challenges. I also enjoyed the way the game was paced.