Reviews from

in the past

Terribly boring, Limbo was better

A stepup from their previous work, Limbo, that suffered from a weak second half. Inside never looses steam, actually it is constantly getting better and ends on a enormous high note. Fantastic orwellian atmosphere, unfortunayly with somewhat weak puzzles.

one of the best 2D "story" scroller of all time

I was pretty wary going into this, given that I was fairly underwhelmed by Limbo back in the day. But by god does INSIDE deliver. And good lord, what an ending.

A wordless Orwellian dystopia filtered through an abstract nuts-and-bolts adventure/puzzle game. Meditations on the nature of free will and endless cycles of control. The type of masterwork I’d recommend to anybody with a pulse. The final 30 minutes??? Holy shit

In music, a band that debuts big then needs to face a phase known as the 'difficult second album syndrome' or perhaps the sophomore slump. Playdead could have outdone themselves on a first go with the incredible LIMBO, it would be risky adding even just one extra layer of colour and perspective depth.
Thankfully it paid off and INSIDE excels with excellent sense of pacing and visual control of narrative. Set in a dystopia not far from that of its predecessor, you play another sneaky boy who attempts to infiltrate a frighteningly fascistic testing facility. The sense of dread is better established very early on as you traverse a forest where you hide from 'officers' in trucks carrying dozens of people. It is almost impossible not shake the many associations with historical human atrocities such as the Holocaust. The imagery and even the gameplay (not to spoil anything) follows a consistent theme of having power and control over others; a government manipulating hordes of the public in a chilling unison. Of course, this is just a sci fi concept in a world far from ours, right?

I liked it better before a friend called the last thing a mashed potato

At first you're outside, then you're inside.

If I'm being honest, I still have no idea what this experience was. But it was a ride from start to finish, and I'll be sure to play this one again someday.

This review contains spoilers

It's very pretty and the splosion room and fleshball finale made it worth it. Whatever it's trying to convey is meaningless with how vague it is, though.

Didn't actually think this was that fun :V

Timing is everything. Death here is filtered through as machinery; a natural cog to industrial malevolence. The absence of free will in a dilapidated landscape drives Inside's core mechanics. Like Journey, this game functions best as an immersive and mostly risk-free experience but this one is all the better for that simplicity. Its puzzles are straightforward but the biggest draw for me is just how focused this is on delivering an uncompromisingly stark vision, employing brilliantly ghastly sound work and visceral imagery. I was shocked by how many of these puzzles I instinctively recalled from my last playthrough years ago and that's a credit to just how well the game drives itself into your mind. There's much here that hits you in the gut, and there's no particular logistical reason as to why. It just does. Bodies and spaces, I guess. Yada yada yada.

Can't believe Playdead invented one person multiplayer.

(Escrita em 2017)

INSIDE é um jogo diferente de outros que já joguei. Acostumado a não jogar estes ditos jogos “cinemáticos” que apresentam uma pequenina narrativa linear, entrei em INSIDE porque me interessei pelos seus visuais. Não desapontou. A narrativa misteriosa e deliciosamente simbólica do jogo te mantém atento pela sua curta duração. A gameplay é surpreendentemente cativante, fortalecida por controles intuitivos e animações fantásticas, transferindo ao jogador uma verdadeiro sensação de controle do garoto.

O jogo é composto de alguns puzzles que não são desafiantes o suficiente para irritar o usuário, mas interativos o suficiente para fazê-lo sentir como se tivesse resolvido algo; salpicada com louvor também estão a presença de set pieces memoráveis, que muitas vezes misturam leves elementos de puzzles e tensão, que de novo são ajudadas pelas animações muito bem feitas, dando verdadeiro peso à tentativa, falha e sucesso do jogador. Percorrer nesta jornada para dentro de sabe se lá o quê é uma experiência que ficará em minha mente por muito tempo, graças à sua vasta gama de momentos célebres e a sua direção de arte impecável.

Inside is a must play for platformer puzzle lovers. It’s simplistic in gameplay (only five keys to remember, left, up, down, right and grab) rich in atmosphere and curious in story. Parallels to Limbo can be made (which is also excellent) but I absolutely LOVE this kind of story telling with zero dialog and everything from the story can be extracted from the character’s actions, the environment and puzzles needed to be solved to advance to the next area. The music sets the tone when needed, in low infrequent areas, and the sound effects is top notch. Again, this is a MUST PLAY.

There's some elegantly simple/varied puzzle platforming to be had here, but also a good deal of walking forward and waiting for something to happen.

Disturbing, pulse-pounding, beautiful, bizarre. Not a single overlay or word shown and spoken, elegantly designed.

overrated, pretentious and overall lacking in most gameplay elements.
has a lovely atmosphere though


Me ha gustao normal pero ya es más que Limbo que no me gustó nada. No acabo de conectar yo con los juegos de esta gente

It’s a short, but brilliant game with an incredibly dark and unforgettable story.

From the offset Inside manages to establish an incredibly dark tone that it carries throughout. You are a boy trying to survive in a bleak world that’s completely unknown to you. Playdead manages to convey so much atmosphere and mystery in the design of this hauntingly beautiful environment as progression gradually unveils more layers to this incredibly twisted world that seems to draw parallels with our own humanity. The story of Inside leaves much open to interpretation and although some might not like so many unanswered questions, I appreciate the developers letting you put together your own picture of what’s going on. There are a myriad of clever puzzles and platforming section throughout, with only a few not quite hitting the mark. The boy you control feels very grounded, with impeccable animations and sound effects really immersing you into his character. Inside is a chilling, unforgettable experience that will leave you thinking about it long after its conclusion.

Nach LIMBO wurde bzgl. Atmo, Grafik und Story nochmal stark zugelegt. Ende ist etwas ungewöhnlich. Spiel lohnt sich und hat man auch zügig durch.

Not nearly as "transformative" as most people tend to say. Its fine. the ending seems kinda obviousish once youre in the middle of it

An imperfect experience with an ending that blew me away.

Buen mensaje y mejores niveles que limbo

A Playdead simplesmente dominou a arte do gamefeel com esse jogo. Você consegue sentir cada passo, salto ou queda dado - sensação que apenas o Prince of Persia original e Shadow of the Colossus conseguiram me passar. Assim como esses dois clássicos, esse gamefeel está a serviço da narrativa e imersão. INSIDE é às vezes contemplativo, às vezes desesperador, às vezes arrepiante; mas não importa que sentimento ele manifesta em você, ele sempre o faz primariamente através da gameplay.