Reviews from

in the past

im jus gon copy and paste my steam review

also ive played thru dis game like 10 times im pretty sure so take my fuckin word for it

a misunderstood masterpiece
kane and lynch 2 was released in a time where games like uncharted, army of two, and gears of war were the standard for third person shooters at the time. games where you played as a quippy asshole who kills a million guys but youre still good and likeable

kane and lynch 2 did not follow dis

in kane and lynch 2 you play as da most disgustin, repulsive men who hate each other, doin ugly horrible things, ruinin eachothers lives, and as a result dats what da game is. its disgustin and repulsive, da camera shakes when you run, it looks like an MPEG video, when you get shot da screen depixelizes, you SHOULDNT aim down your sights, da guns are deliberately inaccurate, Lynch is yellin constantly from PTSD and his schizophrenia, Kane is pissed off at Lynch and at his life, and ultimately doesnt care about anyone but himself. dis is usually where people (people who even like this game) say dis game is "deliberately bad" but dat doesnt apply here and anyone who says it does is a moron

theres a scene about midway thru da game, after Kane and Lynch escape torture and are runnin around China naked with cuts all over them bleedin everywhere where they stop in an underground mall, and Lynch starts havin a breakdown. you cant feel bad for him, you cant, and Kane starts talkin to him about how he "needs" Lynch to go thru with dis deal from Glazer with him, "one last deal," so he can "get out the game," and as fucked Lynch is even he realizes how selfish Kane truly is. but who else does Lynch have to rely on? get some clothes on

when i first played kane and lynch 2 it was on PS3 with my homie veronica, it was on sale for $3 and i played it on my old 90s HP monitor, we got to da helicopter setpiece, where you hijack a helicopter and start unloadin machine guns indiscriminately on offices in a huge tower
due to my monitor bein so old, it has speakers, and when things get too loud, it clips like HELL, and starts makin dat sound like when your earbuds are screwin up but way louder and basically perpetually. i wish everyone could experience dat part dis way

another thing people either completely ignore or misunderstand how huge of a design choice it is, is da fact the game is based off graphic liveleak videos
dats WHY da camera is like that, dats WHY da game is so short, dats WHY da gameplay is chaotic, dats WHY da story is so sparse and told in inbetween shootouts and loadin screens with shots of shanghai, dats WHY da entire game is how it is. its a design choice dat runs so deep into the game yet no one realizes it, for whatever reason

i wanna credit my homie veronica for showin me dis game, and for part of how i initially describe da game in dis review
id recommend everyone should go back to dis game, after almost a whole decade of retrospect, and how ambitious it is, i think it deserves it

I actually really enjoyed this game. The story was nothing and the characters weren't as good here as they were in 1 but the shooting was a lot better and I loved the style.

Games ugly as piss, plays horrible, the characters suck, and it becomes repetitive almost as soon as it starts.

Possibly the worst game i've ever played.

Not great but it's meant to be like that. Ambitious thing for IO Interactive to do and more than likely a step-up from its predecessor (which I have not and likely will not play.) Gross in most of the right ways. I am wondering who at IO Interactive was so gung-ho about grindhouse and exploitation film because this and Hitman: Absolution are very similar tonally. Wonder if they're still at IO or if exploitation is just the Danish mindset.

What if shooter but was an incursion to hell.

The most present and conscious camera I've seen. No climax, no build-up, no conclusion, no nothing. Just a disgusting reality permeating the experience.

Also, WTF is up with the sound design and soundtrack?????

not beautiful images, but necessary images

Michael Mann but instead of borderline gayness we get hypermasculinity in full death-drive mode

The endgoal of that weird series of third-person shooters that was Max Payne, Stranglehold, Uncharted, and 50 Cent Blood On The Sand, except with this extremely gross art direction.

Love every second, and got to bring back a classic, age-old experience: buying a used/discount copy for a friend and going through it again together on a new save. The amount of times we both said (despite my playing it 3 times) "what is happening?" "why are we here?" and "wait, how?" was probably at a rate of once every five minutes for it's 3 hour runtime. Reminds me whenever I think of it now, when Michael Mann was going to direct a video game adaptation of Heat on the PS3. If whatever that was going to be actually turned out good, it would be Kane and Lynch 2: Dog Days.

Btw if you play it for the first time, once you get the LMG, open fire on some glass or something. The art direction meant sounds had to be processed in this particular way, and once you fire for a good amount of time, your camera shakes uncontrollably and the audio breaks and cuts as the mic it's being picked up on clips. Highlight of the game.

Acho que ver o quão amado este jogo é diz muito sobre o quão juvenil a discussão em jogos ainda é. Certo, concordo que o jogo tem uma estética corajosa e subversiva, e que um jogo AA vir com o intuito de alienar grande parte da sua possível clientela é uma mensagem que aprecio ter sido enviada - mas e aí, essas aspirações subversivas foram realmente concluídas? Depois da primeira hora de jogo, temos apenas um shooter de terceira pessoa monstruosamente genérico (e estou sendo generoso), seu único fator notável sendo a trilha sonora atmosférica e a câmera balançante - em termos de tema já vi mais rebeldia na maioria dos episódios de Always Sunny e em termos de valor de choque já vi pior em Call of Duty. Fico honestamente decepcionado que um jogo merda que não tenta em absolutamente nada além de sua apresentação pode ser considerado uma obra prima por tantos, sendo que por baixo do capô ele faz menos em explorar a sua mensagem através de mecânica do que os jogos genéricos que ele tenta se contrastar diante. É o Spec Ops: The Line do gamerzinho cult - não o penico do Duchamp.

A truly disgusting experience from start to finish, an actual commendation for this case since K&L2 manages to surpass the original (a pretty mediocre "squad" shooter about heists fucking up and you having to haul ass to escape the fallout) by becoming basically a snuff film simulator.
The idea of contextualizing the whole game as a found footage is honestly brilliant and full of little details, like the way it censors the corpses of the enemies you kill via headshot. I remember watching that trailer that was just them running naked, covered in blood and running away from police and police dogs (an actual mission in the game, and a macabre one) and Lynch killing one with a tray from a fast food place and feeling completely blown away by it. The way this game captures the grease and disgust of both the protagonists and the setting. There are segments in this game that the camera isn't covered in blood, but filth and grime, making you feel truly disgusted.
Coming from a game that gave it's protagonists barebones motivations and personalities, playing Lynch in the sequel feels like playing an actual criminal. His "insanity" used in K&L1 to make him look like a monster is now recontextualized here as another crack in a broken man trying to live his life in the only way he knows, finding love in the process and dooming it to fail in a world of crime and perversion.
Overall, an incredibly interesting story about two horrible people doing horrible things to others and in turn receiving an even worse treatment for it. You will feel uncomfortable playing it, lost and nauseated by most of the maps, but frankly that's a really admiring thing to aspire to do and actually pulling out. If you can get past the "meh" shooting (sidenote: I barely use shotguns in most tps or modern military shooters because I find it really boring, but this game managed to get me to play it almost always favoring the semi automatic shotgun over assault rifles) you'll find an actual hidden gem.

A fucking phantasmagorical experience that I would recommend to almost nobody. I love it.

I vividly recall this game actually being pretty great. Wether or not this holds true, I have no idea. Haven't played in years. But I do have those fond memories.

The boldness in direction of an indie game with the budget of an inindie game. Awesome.

The fact that Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days has to get described as some kind of """anti-game""" because the taste makers and machinations of big-Video Games have decided for you, or through you, that feeling disempowered and disoriented are inherently non-video game feelings (they're not, and calling it an anti-game is cope against this conservatism) just goes to show that gamers and the games they play and the games that are made for them are most of the time absolutely the tackiest, kitsch ♥♥♥♥. I don't want to hear anyone tell me about what makes the latest Sony movie video game exclusive the vanguard of this industry's accomplishment and cultural worth when Kane & Lynch 2 gets denigrated as either a ♥♥♥♥ game or a anti-game.

Y'all have never played a damn game in your life, is what it really sounds like. This one, and the first, however, slap. So maybe start here.

I saw someone describe this as an "anti-game", a game that purposefully goes out of it's way to make it difficult to play in order to drive in it's message that these are "bad" people. Still doesn't give this game a pass.

Fuck you Muff; I love motion blur.

at the time of Army Of Two, 50 Cent blood in the sand, Stranglehold, Homefront, Uncharted or even the first Kane & Lynch, commercial video games seemed to point to a mindless mass future in which firearms and killings in suburvial environments no longer than 6 hours , with a compulsory multiplayer it sounded like money and almost all of them celebrated themselves unaware of their imperialist premises.
I have always had a fascination for suburban spaces as a setting for drama or action, but I am a bit pissed off by the approaches that see them as a simple playground for violence or misery pornography, which is exactly how it is usually seen under American lenses.
so why not crash the van into the avenue of American shooter and, for once, honestly present what happens here? no context no motivation no satisfaction, just a graphic document in Shanghai, a city often seen by Westerners as a playground for pleasure or shady business, with a conscious camera alerted to cinematic intentions and aesthetically unsightly, ireespectful with the eyes and the hands of the player but, curiously, more visually respectable with the deaths, censoring genitals and disfigurements (taking notes Naughty Dog?) and I don't know what the hell is wrong with the sound.
maybe because the IO interactive anthology doesn't know many more verbs than "kill", you know, the hitman saga, freedom fighters (lol) and they know it, they wanted to take a chance with an exercise on the shame of some "antiheroes" in a "field of games"

Also, play Reciever, it is good and also faithfully presents the use of a firearm

Essentially a playable Liveleak video with no interest in catering to the comfort of the player. The goal during development, per art director Rasmus Poulsen, was to be non-pleasing. In this effort, it incorporates an interesting combination of things that immediately make it stand out. The nauseating shaky cam, weapons that are frequently inaccurate, a screen prone to visual artifacting, sound that gets blown-out from explosions/gunfire, and some of the most disorienting and oppressive soundscapes you'll find, which were appropriately done by figures from the 1980's German industrial music scene. It all comes together to create an experience unlike anything else in the medium, for better or worse.

How this got past publishers without the vision being severely compromised in favor of a safer and more player-friendly approach, I don't know. What I do know though? To me, this shit rules, and I'm glad it exists.

What a fucking banger.
Play this co-op for the best time of you entire fucking life.


Very chaotic, very fun, and ultimately even though it might be bad, it still is one of my favorite gaming experiences lol

Had to take a long ass shower after this one.

gave me a headache in just 5 minutes

genuinely one of the most nauseating four and a half hours i’ve had the chance of experiencing and the crude, candid presentation of it all made the act of playing it all the more abominable.

arguably you're not even playing as the two poster boys; you're moreso some ubiquitous cameraman, desperating attempting to keep two dudes actively committing a massacre within frame. not helped by your camera not being equipped to handle the explosion of bitrate-dropping grit and grain nor the overbearing soundscapes you'll be rummaging through. but, dog days goal isn't just to make you witness some wild descent to hell, these characters are already in hell anyway. what it really wants you to do is to feel, as an estranged viewer, a gradual, personal descent into exhaustion. the outrageous become a morbid curiosity, and that morbid curiosity turns into fatigue and cynicism; an effect not unlike that of its inspirations - that being gruesome, online recordings of extreme violence and cruelty (the game's teaser is styled as a liveleak video. unsurprisingly, its extremely gross! ( )). all this distilled in a medium where big name contemporaries are ready to patronize you, either attempting to justify your every action or sometimes straight up not questioning them. this game was literally scientifically engineered to be as repulsive as possible - transcribing the true nature of some of its peers, the casual viscerality of user generated content, and the discomfort, nausea, and detachment that content incites.

so essentially, this game fucking rocks and the fact it actually exists alludes me