Reviews from

in the past

If all games were like Killer7, video games would be horrible.

Extremly psychotic, one of the best mindf**ks I've ever had with videogames before. It was the game that opened the doors to Suda51 for me, that's why it holds a special place in my heart.

Incredibly intelligent direction from Suda51, one of the most unique story-based games ever made. The only complaints I have is that certain chapters are much, much less consistent and gripping than others

I was obsessed enough with this game to import a poster of it from the US. I own the hand in killer7 book, that I can't read bc it's in Japanese, the grasshopper artbook that thankfully got a translation and the OST that started me always perking up as soon as I know that Masafumi Takada did the score for a game.

I was a bit obsessed when the game came out.

Looking back at it and having played parts of it again two years ago, it lost a bit of it's charm for me.

I think I wouldn't like it as much if I had played it as an adult with the current state of games and esp indie games. Back then - for me at least - Killer7 was the word almost avant-garde game with it's weird graphics, antique railways-system-gameplay and confusing storyline.
But now there are more games like this or maybe it just feels like that too me I don't know.

I love it to bits and pieces but it is absolutely not for everyone and I get it when people don't like it. It's violent, it's confusing and definitely not easily accessible. Still glad it exists.

this game has a really strong start, doesnt keep the momentum for 2 chapters and then picks it back up. otherwise, itd be pretty perfect. reminds me of mgs2 in a lot of ways

My favorite video game of all time. 100 percent unique to this day.

A unique and immensely fascinating game that oozes style, for sure. However, I found the combat would get somewhat tiresome after a few hours of continuous play. It's not particularly challenging or exciting, since you're largely just shooting at the telegraphed weak points of upwards of 100+ braindead enemies per level. Luckily the bosses are usually quite interesting to make up for it.

killer7 is still one of the most unconventional and strange yet unique and fascinating experiences I've had with videogames ever. It's truly one of the very few videogames that could be considered as how every element in itself and their deceptively flawed execution can create such a seemingly alienating, but oddly appealing nature at the same time. It breaks every conventionalism and subverts natural expectations of game design, narrative, writing and general cohesion and combines such a wide ammount of different genres and gameplay mechanics that becomes its own unique piece. It's almost the equivalent of a interactive schizophrenic episode, with moments of inconsistency between sheer dullness and violence, of pure melodrama, absurdity and joy combined with malaise and bleakness.
Whether you end up thinking this game is one of the most pretentious pieces of shit ever created, or a brilliant masterpiece that will never be replicated again, everyone should play killer7 and experience it for yourself. One of the most surreal, quotable, unorthodox and engaging narrative-wise games ever conceived. Truly an under-talked masterpiece.

11/10 i definitely have energy to spare.

Killer7 é, por qualquer lente tradicional, um jogo disfuncional, irritante e incoerente. Sua história surreal não faz o menor esforço em se tornar clara para o jogador, todas as mecânicas agem com o propósito de distanciar o jogador de convenções pré-estabelecidas pelo seu gênero, e o seu tom varia muito grosseiramente entre horror, drama político e comédia. O jogo faz de tudo para alienar o jogador, jogando fora qualquer senso de segurança e expectativa que ele pode ter da obra. E é assim, com todo o leque de possibilidades se apresentando como uma verdadeira incógnita, que ele te prende. Killer7, ao não fazer o menor esforço em querer reciprocar o interesse do jogador, acaba criando uma atração magnética para quem tem a paciência para se deixar ir em uma viagem em que, embora ele não pareça ser bem vindo, será sem dúvidas uma que jamais esquecerá.

Não consigo falar com certeza se Killer7 é um comentário genial sobre política, metanarrativa, ou entretenimento em geral - ou se é apenas nonsense japonês feito pra zoar quem busca por significado nesse tipo de obra. Creio que ele caminha uma linha tênue, da largura de um fio de cabelo, entre os dois, e é o tipo de obra que estava (e ainda está) além de seu tempo. Não é uma recomendação fácil para ninguém, e posso contar em uma mão os momentos em que me diverti com ele; porém, se você é, como eu, um desses que acredita que jogos tem potencial artístico inigualável, esse seria um dos (difíceis) argumentos que provariam seu ponto.

This game's ending still gives me chills its so god damn good

I shit my pants.
I shit my pants really bad.
In the name of Harman...

On keyboard and mouse it's extremely easy but you don't play this for the gameplay

This game is a stylish fever dream and I loved every second of it.

A obra-prima de Suda51. Contém variação constante, level design interessante, jogabilidade pesada mas tensa e uma das maiores experiências de horror que já vi.

O jogo de humor negro/horror/ficção política/drama do Suda51 é um caos esquizofrênico criativo. É uma bad trip alimentada por uma história pós-moderna muito a frente de seu tempo, gráficos psicodélicos e trilha sonora do Masafumi Takada, famoso pela trilha de Danganronpa. Pessoalmente, eu considero um jogo perfeito. Divertido, interessante, e com fator replay alto simplesmente pois a história é bem ligada com a gameplay e entender a história exige zerar várias vezes. Jogue agora, ou that wonderful smile will be forever lost.

im not reading a vn suda fuck off

edit: my bad im reading the vn

im not smart enough to understand the plot of this game

This one one of the most unique games I have ever played, gameplay and story-wise. I heavily recommend it

A classic. Every inch of this game oozes insanity. There's nothing like it.

In a climactic moment, a member of the titular Killer 7 gang asks "What is the United States?" His companion responds "How should I know? I'm Japanese!" In one sense the summarizes the narrative of the game fairly well: complex questions are presented and answered honestly, even if not fully. The focus is less on the events of the plot, or the specifics, but on who the participants in the plot are. Who knows what the United States is--the character only knows what he is. And that's all that's really important.

The ultimate argument that style IS substance. The style of Killer7 bleeds out into every single facet of the game. The original control style, the addictive combat loop, the incredibly loose, fascinating narrative, and of course the outstanding graphical style.

This is a game from 2005 that would still be ahead of its time if it was released in 2020. There is so much in this game thematically in regards to identity, the war on terror and the melding of cultures in the internet age that makes it remain relevant in the way only the best works in this medium can. One of the games I can most comfortably call a masterpiece.

i don't know what the fuck just happened but it was fucking awesome

This is definitely one of the coolest games I've ever played. The more and more I think about the more I realize how amazing this game is. I don't think I've ever seen a game tell its story in such an interesting way before. Everything else in the game is just as amazing. This is probably the most visually striking game I've ever played and the gameplay and music are really great. This is easily one of Suda's finest works and I'm glad we didn't have to wait years to get it in the West like some of his other games.

I understood what happened because I watched donnie darko

Perfect in my eyes. Story is good, the characters are unique, the music is terrific, and the artsyle is pleasing. The gameplay itself can be rather simple and shallow although it doesn't do anything inherently wrong that immediately comes to mind so it's not a terribly big deal.

An actual work of art. I sincerely hope this gets remastered and extended on Nintendo Switch as Suda51 originally intended.