Reviews from

in the past

A pretty strange game, overall. Characters are nice and the gameplay is just ok.

since the devs made the groundbreaking decision of literally just removing the shitty gameplay i can give this game's story the rating it deserves

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the only way to experience the story imo. a lot is left out and axel is very much watered down into a nicer guy- this game is supposed to show him slowly becoming someone who cares about people from the coldblooded killer we see in chain of memories. the graphics and gameplay have aged like shit but still, its the superior way to experience the story.

depression in the form of a ds cartridge

o jogo é quase injogavel, pena que tenha saido para ds, mas sua historia é uma das minhas favortias dentre os kingdom hearts.

the gameplay is underrated, is just a different style of the saga, and the combat is enjoyble with the features on the panel system, and the story is catchy as heck, the only issue that i recognize is some annoying bosses, only like 5 or 6 are worthy to beat

De las pocas experiencias jugables que me sacaron una lagrima por su excelente historia única en esta franquicia, espero que en un futuro mas gente lo valora y dejando de compararlo con otros juego que manejar diferentes estilos y estrategias

The whole point of the gameplay is to feel like you are stuck in a repetitive loop of busywork, which in theory sounds miserable, but it really does make you feel for the characters.

I only watched the HD cutscenes but like, how the FUCK is Roxas not diabetic this mf eats ice cream every goddamn day. Does he even eat food? This guy is living off of ice cream. I know he doesn't have a heart but does that also mean he doesn't have a stomach? This is the most important part of the entire game/movie. Why isn't Roxas obese?

This was always my favorite kingdom hearts game as a kid and even if it's not the best overall the plot and mission mode more than make up for the goofy gameplay.

Shit gameplay on purpose the only objectively Good Story in KH

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roxas, xion and axel are such a good protagonists i love gay people (starts to violently sob)

"Who Else Will I Have Ice Cream With?" Memes aside it got good soundtrack despite I only played the HD cutscene of the game. The game connects a lot of dots missed out of KH2.

Visually, it was blegh. Gameplay wise, it was kinda fun. Xion was a really good addition.

A slightly bitter taste left by partially confusing ending aside, this really far exceeds everything I've seen the series do thus far. The combat is definitely held back a little by being on the DS' control scheme, I played both on a DS and emulated with a controller and the latter was much more preferable, but the panels system is awesome and it manages to feel pretty close to the combat of KH 1/2. Roxas is a far better protagonist than Sora's ever been and the character development (or hell, just them having character at all) shown through the central three really is a peak for the series so far. It's also just really fun to see the events of KH1/CoM from afar and see how everything's leading into KH2.

i like this game
i would recommend it to anyone that's interested in kh characters but the gameplay is fucking boring
banger story tho

Loved the Story, and the Characters, Combat was okay. But still 100% wourth it because of the Story

the gameplay is kindve boring but looking back on it I think it has some of the strongest character writing in KH

The whole thing about putting the player in roxas' shoes by playing as a grunt doing repetitive garbage is actually a really cool idea but I honestly feel like this was just an excuse for the devs to cut corners and make playing this game feel like work. I can see someone defending this saying its an experimental work of art, with the goal not being to "entertain" you but to put you in the shoes of someone in a narrative but I think that games should at the very least make the player feel something other than apathetic bordeom for the majority of the game. I dont actually dislike the mission structure of the game but if they were going to put this game on shitty hardware they could've atleast tried something different like com instead of this boring button mashy dumbed down classic kh gameplay. Roxas' story deserved so much better

I can't give this a score cuz I didn't play it, I just watched the "movie" in the collection. But I really like its story, as hacked-together it is for the movie. I'll have to try and emulate it sometime. Or maybe Square will actually remake it at some point.

There is nothing about this game I like.

This game actually surprised me. The early game is kind of a slog, especially with the recon missions, but by late game the amount of abilities and keyblades you can use make the game really interesting.

The inventory system is really fun, almost reminding me of the Resident Evil 4 inventory style (one of my favorite game mechanics ever). Also, the limit system is really cool, encouraging players to get some hits in while on low health to deal an incredible amount of damage.

It's a shame really that nobody gives this game a chance, but I get it. It's a fucking DS game and it doesn't look all that great and Square Enix never decided to remake this game like they did with Birth by Sleep and Dream Drop, so it's kind of a hard thing to sell someone on. But as a long time Kingdom Hearts fan, I think this is my second favorite game in the series (with 2 being the best of course).

Heavily recommend playing this on MelonDS btw. You can upscale it and play it with a controller, making the experience quite a ways better.

My personal favourite KH game due to its amazing story, amazing characters and amazing followup to the questions left by KH2 and is amazing both thematically and with characterization - BUT ABSOLUTELY FAR FROM THE BEST. However, it is held back by the DS and its gamplay is only just better than the miserable mess that is RE:COM but yeah. 9/10 ALSO IT DESERVES A PROPER FREAKING REMAKE

did the cutscene version but it has a fantastic story

100%'d the game as a kid. I really recommend playing the game instead of watching the lackluster movie, although the gameplay is unbearable and the impact on the Seasalt trio hits like a truck. KingK made an excellent retrospective on YouTube. I rated 5 stars, not for it's gameplay but on the story and how the gameplay relates to the monotonous work Roxas goes through while working for the Organization XIII.

Tomar helado es una metáfora al felatio según el alcalde

buena historia, jugabilidad meh