Reviews from

in the past

This was in my hands for no more than 1 minute. I'd almost describe it as offensively bland for having platformer-ish combat along the lines of using just the wrench in the Ratchet series and then not having any platforming. Leaving a score off because as poor as the first-impression was, I didn't see much of what the game had to offer.

Masterpiece. Can't wait to play Knack 2.

Good game, sad that Knack 2 sucks.

I constantly see people overuse the term "mid" for things they think are actually terrible. With that said, this is something that I think appropriately fits the term "mid."

One of the most miserable experiences I have ever had when completing a video game.

If you play this, PLEASE only play it once. Don't go for the platinum. It's just not worth it.

I played this all the way through with my brother on co-op the day we got the PS4 and it was fun as heck. However, I remeber none of it.

My nuts hurt A LOT after that one

i wish i used the time playing this to masturbate to goblin waifus instead

A basic launch title
Average Close quarters combat platforming game that I always finds a soft spot in me despite its flaws.

It just felt like a poor attempt at recreating Crash, Jak and Daxter, Spyro, Ratchet and Clank.

my younger brother and i played this game all the way through in 2015. when we beat the final boss he shouted "FINALLY!" and slam dunked the game case onto the floorboards, fully shattering it (plastic flying everywhere) (he didn't even notice) (bathing in the blood of his fallen conquest like a viking warrior defeating a hated foe)

When my uncle got me my PS4 it came with this and Assassins Creed 4. Take a wild guess which I liked more

Quase 15 horas de absolutamente nada, históría péssima, gráficos horríveis e gameplay ok, impossível imaginar que esse jogo veio pra demonstrar o poder do play4.

Somebody woke up one day and said “knack”. That was the beginning of the end . I often reminisce about the pre knack world

I have actually completed Knack. This is not an April fools joke, I just happened to beat it on April 1st. Yeah, not good.

Knack is like the video game equivalent of a bag of potato chips. It has practically no substance, and it's far from the best thing of its kind that you can partake in, but in spite of that, it's still pretty enjoyable regardless of what it obviously lacks.

You don't play Knack to experience deep, innovative gameplay or a sweeping, dramatic narrative. You play Knack to make your little relic guy become a big relic guy that can throw tanks at airplanes.

The crystal collection system that relies on farming preset locations for completely random items (complete with duplicates) sucks some serious ass though.

It's ok?, because some trophies are RNG based. It's comes to how many additional hour you want to spend just to get platinum. If you wanna just complete the main story it's just ok.

you know it aint great but at least its not another pallet swap Sony open world game and it had a cool tech demo type gimmick going for it

Nossa que chato. Não sei como eu jogava isso quando mais novo (talvez pelo multiplayer), tem uns puzzles tediosos e plataformer insatisfatório

Lançado junto com o PS4 em 2013, Knack é um jogo de plataforma com foco em combate, mas que não encanta em nada. A gameplay consiste em andar por um cenário vazio, matar todos os inimigos e continuar nisso até acabar o jogo. A história é completamente genérica e esquecível, nem vale a pena saber do que se trata. Knack também possui baús de colecionáveis onde tudo é aleatório, e a pior mecânica de NG+ possível, confirmando que o jogo foi programado por orangutangos e bonobos. Fazendo assim, que eu precisasse de 4 runs para desbloquear tudo.

I don't remember this game...he made out of like pebbles.

I did like 3 or 4 playthroughs of this game in a month just to platinum it right before Christmas eve. I regret to inform you that this did not successfully gaslight me into enjoying Knack.