Reviews from

in the past

I will admit I didn't have any expectations coming in that I would enjoy this, because I find the general aesthetic of this game to not be very appealing to me.

I trudged through the almost completely awful gameplay for a solid hour before dropping it. It's some seriously tedious shit, with spam x combat and a uselessly easy impaling system and block puzzles and platforming puzzles galore that only pad out the content to a ridiculous amount. That's fine though, people do not think even slightly positive thoughts of this game in terms of gameplay, so I did myself a favor and watched the cutscenes.

Of which, left a rather goodish story impression for me. It's actually a rather light read overall, which makes the game's length and padded out content so retroactively worse considering that the story here could be told in less than an hour quite cleanly. But what is played around here are some interesting themes and perspectives of one's own fate, with two characters giving completely different sides of how they consider the knowledge of everything being predestined.

It doesn't develop anywhere in a super interesting fashion unfortunately as far as the first game is concerned. Kain and Raziel are entirely set in what they think of their fate being determined off the bat, and there isn't much added development other than the histories of their lives being grey and riddled in blood. It leaves a very unsatisfying impression overall, clear setup for a sequel that I might play (but will most likely watch instead).

That's as far as it goes in terms of positives though, because other than I guess the decentish music there's very little here. The game almost brutally breaks off any sense of emotional attachment, and the aesthetic while very decently set in gothic horror has not aged very well at all.

If you can tolerate the garbage gameplay you will find a rather alright story to consume that is very clearly setup for a greater sequel, but overall I'd just read the script or watch the cutscenes like I if you are even slightly interested. Limit your suffering.

I was saw a person who hated this game but loved the monotonous sequel and wondered what the hell was happening to the world.

A great action-adventure title that presents a wonderfully decayed world to seamlessly explore seeped in a gothic aesthetic that perfectly compliments its exquisite storytelling and dialogue. Rewarding exploration, a unique atmosphere and excellent storytelling make Soul Reaver a fun game to revisit and remember.

This game has excellent writing and an interesting level structure. It takes light Zelda/Metroidvania elements for its world. You are directed linearly through the world but it doesn't stop you from exploring other areas.

Porra a narrativa desse jogo é muito, mas pqp tem muita coisa que caga no pau

Ein Spiel das ich in meiner Jugend hatte aber nie sonderlich weit kam nun endlich mal durchgespielt. Schieben wir's auf Parappa der ein paar wundervolle Videoreihen über dieses Spiel gemacht hat und ich dem nun endlich mal nachgehen musste.

Ein Spiel das auf den Tugenden von Ocarina of Time aufbaut, sie mit etwas Metroid verbindet bevor diese Reihe in 3D ging und dabei eine düstere, eigene Welt ohne eine einzige Ladezeit schafft.
Ich muss echt sagen, dass der technische Aspekt mich am meisten beeindruckt hat. Die Welt von Nosgoth bietet feinste 90s goodness an gothischer Architektur und einem Hauch Technologie dazwischen. Dadurch dass das Spiel so viele Jahre auf dem Buckel hat sieht die Umgebung teilweise glaubwürdig, teilweise aber auch einfach weird verformt aus, was dieser Welt nur noch einen weiteren Layer an Persönlichkeit verpasst.
Besonders den Wechsel muss man hervorheben. Heute haben wir Titanfall 2's Zeitreiselevel das on the fly zwischen zwei Maps umherwechseln kann, wir haben das neue Ratchet & Clank das angeblich die Power der SSD brauchte um zwischen den Rifts zu wechseln. Aber ein Dimensionswechsel der in Echtzeit die Umgegung verformt funktionierte nur in einer Zeit in der du die Polygone des Levels noch selbst zählen konntest.

Das Spiel hat allerdings ein recht komisches Pacing. Der Anfang ist super, super gemacht, bringt dir Mechaniken und die Welt in guten Portionen näher, lässt dich einen Scale der Spielwelt erwarten der Lust auf mehr macht und lotst dich recht natürlich zu den ersten zwei Bossbegegnungen. Sobald du den Soul Reaver dann aber erhalten hast, bleibt es beim simplen von einem Boss zum nächsten rennen, ohne die nötige Füllmasse und die Kontextualisierung zwischendrin die zum Beispiel ein Zelda hat. Hier ist die Welt vielleicht sogar ein Stück ZU verbunden, weshalb sich das betreten eines Dungeons nicht anfühlt wie das betreten eines Dungeons, da man ja einfach nur der Schlängellinie gefolgt ist. Und auch wenn ich die Grafik gerade noch gelobt hab, fehlt es durch die Weitsicht am Aufbau der Orte. Du siehst nie die Größe eines Komplexes von außen, Informationen über Orte gibt es nur spärlich und es gibt nie stimmungsaufbauende Establishing Shots.

Wenn man nicht gerade auf der Suche nach allen möglichen Geheimnissen ist von denen es tatsächlich einige gibt, wobei ich sie dank fehlender Karte kaum wiederfinden konnte, rennt von einem Boss zum nächsten, kämpft hier und da mal, hüpft hier und da mal, schiebt hier und da mal hunderte Blöcke umher und kommt dann irgendwann bei schwach erklärten Bossen an bis es irgendwann endet.

Trotzdem hat das Spiel durchaus was faszinierendes an sich und wirkt in so vielen Punkten, besonders für seine Zeit, erstaunlich fortschrittlich, während andere Aspekte wie z.B. die Sprungphysik auch für PS1 Verhältnisse unterentwickelt wirkt. Erstaulicherweise haben mich die haufenweise Blockschiebepuzzle nicht so sehr gestört wie erst gedacht und auch der Kampf war für die Hälfte der Spielzeit unterhaltsam, egal wie simpel er ablief.
Aber ich hab einfach häufig beim spielen gemerkt wie andere Studios langsam beherrschten wie man Puzzle, Rätsel und Bosse richtig kommuniziert, während Soul Reaver hier noch arg kryptisch und an vielen Stellen auch einfach unsauber ablief was all die Ambitionen und technischen Achievements etwas unterbutterte.

Enttäuscht bin ich eigentlich eher davon, dass die Nachfolger es scheinbar versäumten auf all den guten Konzepten aufzubauen und mit stärkerer Hardware, mehr Erfahrung und einem höheren Budget das beste draus zu machen und dies hier schon der Höhepunkt des Franchises ist. Ich hätte gerne VIEL mehr davon in etwas besser.

The puzzles really pulled the experience down for me; They were never particularly difficult, nor imaginative, mostly just tedious with how much pushing those blocks needed to get them into the correct positions, and just how many times the same pattern had to be repeated. Some puzzles were also plain obtuse, making me resort to a walkthrough to finish the game, something I don't often do (then again, I don't often play games with such an abundance of puzzles).

The combat was fine, with a snappy dodge and a nice, simple string to be used by mashing square, though I found it strange how the main mechanic of stunning enemies and then needing to find a way to kill them was mostly made obsolete less than halfway through (not going to elaborate further for fear of spoilers).

The atmosphere was quite good, with sound design showcasing the upper limits of the Playstation. Playing it on an emulator on my phone due to not having access to any other gaming hardware, I was about as immersed as can be. Had it not been for the puzzles breaking up the pace of the game, it would have been a pretty enjoyable 5-or-so-hour experience. As is, I found a lot of the game to be a chore, to the point where I didn't even bother finding all the glyphs (surprising considering my affinity for exploration games like King's Field). Something about my reward for exploration being another tedious puzzle and an ability I would never use didn't quite tickle my fancy.

Overall, if you like puzzles and/or games with a thick atmosphere (as I do) I would recommend to at least check this game out. This game has at least made me curious about the rest of the series, so it's not exactly bad. However, the tedium of doing pushblock puzzles whilst enemies continuously spawn to beat you up and slow the process of pushing blocks down really wore down on me, pushing the game's rating down to just average.

La trama es casi inexistente, básicamente es Raziel matando a sus hermanos, el bulto de la historia sucede en la secuela. El combate es muy rudimentario, tanto que prefería ignorar a los enemigos. Los puzzles no tienen mucho ingenio ni variedad, es puro tedio acomodando bloques (muy desaprovechada la habilidad de alternar realidades para resolver puzzles). 10/10 en lore, intro cinemática y diálogos Shakesperianos, pero SR2 es mejor juego (este sólo tiene a su favor que al menos tiene bosses).

Beautiful art direction an interesting story cool characters. Doing vampires in a way I never saw them done before.

A masterpiece ahead of its time

This is literally and unironically the single worst game I have ever played since Superman 64. As bad as this game is, the music was nearly Crazy Bus tier, the worst part.

It didn't age very well but still it's one of my favourite games ever. The music, atmosphere, character design, and the gameplay (at least at the time) were absolutely groundbreaking. Everything is so cinematic and the world building is absolutely perfect. This whole series deserves a new chance.

This is my favorite game of all time. The story was amazing, no other game back then had a deep story other than metal gear solid. The graphics are amazing, the best on the Playstation fully detailed models and textures. This has the best voice acting ever, The characters never sound bored and the vocabulary is amazing. And the music fits the area you are in and has the best main theme I have ever heard. So the gameplay, I love adventure games which this does. I also love action and puzzle which this also has. It is so much fun to explorer the secrets of Nosgoth and kill your brothers in their dungeons. And If you like something new with good story and adventure, go buy it. It is the most underrated game and franchise in the world in my Opinion. And does it hold up Today. I played this in 2014. Fifteen years when it came out and I say yes it holds up

If I have to push one more box I'm going to puke.

Unfinished and flawed in some core regards, it's nonetheless hard not to love Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver at least a little bit. This is an action game before its time: cinematic, story-rich, and awing in a scale that pushes the hardware of its time to their limits. It's impossible not to see flashes of both Dark Souls and God of War in Soul Reaver's DNA now.

The writing and worldbuilding are equally rich in their attempt to build an epic both gothic and Miltonian in tone and themes. The quality of the voice acting was peerless in 1999 and still impressive as hell today; there's never been a narrator more suited to a story like this than Tony Jay. Other aspects of the game's presentation do their best to rise to these standards, and while the primitive PS1 graphics engine can't quite produce emotive characters on this register, it produces a convincing impression of both them and the colossal, decaying landscape and swooping camera. The Dreamcast port helps a bit with its smoother framerate and detail, but in some ways that just emphasizes the muddiness of the texture work.

More dated than the visuals, arguably, is the gameplay. It's mash-to-win combat and block-pushing puzzles all the way down here, and while the game's dimension-bending design and puzzlebox bosses can be uniquely clever, they also get tiresome really quickly. God of War would improve on this formula by finding a way to make mindless combat so kinetic it becomes engaging by sheer force of spectacle; Soul Reaver cannot. Every enemy is defeated by mashing square, then either impaling them with a weapon or throwing them into one of any number of vampire-killing environmental hazards.

More egregious than any other flaw is the one that most betrays Soul Reaver's ambition: the story is unfinished. Soul Reaver doesn't just end with a sequel hook; it ends without any kind of conclusion to its narrative at all, at what clearly was intended to be the middle act climax of the game, not a finale. Luckily there are sequels. Less luckily, their returns are diminishing, as the Legacy of Kain series falls further and further into history with its failure to improve on the core mechanics. It would take a full decade for another action RPG set in a ruined, decaying world of the undead to do the epic tone established here justice.

Legacy of Kain as a whole has some of the best writing and acting you could ever wish to see in a video game. Raziel's adventure is wonderfully presented and holds up incredibly well for a game over 20 years old. Camera and controls can be a little finicky sometimes, but its never really a major issue. What steals the show though is the gothic design, ambitious story and Shakespearean prose, one of my favourite PS1 games ever made.

amy hennig's flowery, verbose writing with the backdrop of a bleak, dying, sprawling world is one of the greatest pleasures in this medium

¿A nivel jugable? No es la gran cosa. De hecho, se le podría llamar mediocre. ¿A nivel narrativo? Una obra maestra.

Amy hennig is one of the most cuked and talented writers in the industry.

Não tem como não se prender a narrativa desse jogo, absurdamente incrivel.

zelda but fucked up

de no ser por lo CHOTO que es controlar a raziel y lo frustrante de algunas partes recomendaria el juego a todos.
tiene un monton de mecanicas re piolas que se van desbloqueando a medida que progresas, unos diseños y musica que logran un ambiente opresivo y una historia interesante, en fin, me gustó

Imagine The Legend of Zelda right.

Only with amazing, trailblazing writing, which respects your intelligence. Godlike presentation in general, especially for 1999 and voice acting which holds up better than most voice work today.

Paired with tedious godawful gameplay, which is so incompetent at times that it's almost like a joke.

Can't recommend a playthrough but do watch the cutscenes on youtube. It's honestly astounding for 1999. Amy Hennig is fucking cracked man.

The game's grown on me ever since I've originally posted my review, specially after playing it a second time on the Dreamcast instead of the PS, so I'm bumping the score. In any case, you can still read my original 2.5 stars review for the PS version below.


Awkward controls and camera, extremely unchallenging, repetitive and predictable gameplay, useless and unnecessary features, tedious and anticlimactic boss fights, short duration and a very underwhelming ending would make me really dislike this.

This didn't really surprise me; the LoK series seem to be much closer to interactive novels at times rather than adventure games, so it's the story that actually kept me wanting to finish the game and I think they did good job at that.

The aesthetics are also cool, though they're way edgier and more cartoony than those of the previous LoK game, Blood Omen. Personally, I prefer the latter's more realistic and dark fantasy tone, but this one's alright and I guess many people will prefer it to the older one. There are some intriguing changes though, such the writing chaging from rune-inspired characters to more arabic-like ones; I guess this can be explained by the time skip, but it doesn't make much sense to me (at least they're cool, though).

Talking about some actual positive points for a change, the graphics are nice and the soundtrack is really good, fitting well with many of the dungeons without becoming tiring after a while. I also like the voice acting quite a bit, being way less dramatic than its predecessor's. This increases the game's appeal as a visual novel, so that's nice. Unfortunately these won't compensate for the negative points, which have to do with much more crucial elements and can't be reasonably downplayed.

Overall, quite a mixed bag, but maybe you'll like it more than me.

Loved the story, love the music, love the a e s t h e t i c s, great ideas at play...

But I got lost billions of times and when I found ANOTHER room full of puzzles that consist in pushing and shoving giant cubes, I abandoned it.

Really annoying, can't believe it's so loved.

Super cool Raziel adventure where he monologues a lot and stabs the everloving soul out of things that used to be people.
It's very atmospheric and it genuinely feels like you're in a world that's way past it's prime and dead in every sense of the word.
There's a lot of fun exploration and puzzle solving, mostly involving your ability to shift through the material and spirit realm, i remember being blown away by watching the architecture and surroundings warp and twist at the press of a button, even by 2022's standards i think it's a cool and rare mechanic.
Then you get more neat abilities which mostly add to what you can do in the puzzles, except for the one where you just run around in a circle.
But yeah this is your game if you want a gothic wraith adventure where you do neat puzzles and find hidden abilities and slowly uncover a mystery of why your creator has forsaken thee.

envejeció muy mal, se me hizo aburrido pero con un buen lavado de cara puede ser un juegazo, haganle un remake chee

Top notch narrative, voice acting and setting but I really really hate block puzzles.

One of my favorite games lore-wise and one of the best intro cutscenes in gaming history.
The dialogue is beautifully shakespearian and very intriguing to hear, since the main voice actors (Michael Bell, Simon Templeman and Tony Jay(may his soul rest in peace)) are/were amazing professionals.
The universe of this game (and this franchise) is very rich in lore and twists.
Amazing goth aesthetics, haunting atmospheric soundtrack and intriguing cast of characters.

Unfortunately, gameplay is not the forte of the Legacy Of Kain series.
This game did not aged that well, but it's the second best gameplay in the series you are going to get. Some puzzles are pretty lacklusters, but others can be rewarding when you uncover the riddle for yourself.

It's an amazing cult classic.

One of the worst games I've ever played that is held up so hard by every single thing surrounding the actual act of playing it that I have to give it a 4. Drakengard is more fun to play, I'm dead serious. On PS1 the framerate makes me feel fucking sick, i sought out the Trapezoid box PC version so i could play without a headache

But goddamn, the atmosphere is thick, the writing is unbelievably good, the voice acting is fucking untouchable, Kurt Harland's soundtrack? Bangers. I love this game for the experiences it gives, but I never want to play this shit again.