Reviews from

in the past

here i am trusting nintendo again, and here i am disappointed

Luigi's Mansion The First was an extremely unique experience on the gamecube that continued nintendo's current streak of fresh ideas produced with a level of polish that was unrivaled, making for a game drenched in atmosphere and full of fun puzzle bosses that to this day ceases to get old.

then they made a second one, so fuck everything i just said. pushing the focus towards environmental puzzles and being as uncreative as possible, LM3 continues the legacy of being completely inoffensive and pushing the focus more on gameplay and as far away from world building or - god forbid - atmospehre as possible.

lets get somethin' straight here. the gameplay of luigi's mansion on its own (or as some might say, in a vacuum) isnt that much to write home about. it was good, and extremely satisfying having to push and pull with the ghouls, but its not what keeps the game going. the atmosphere and the characters, on TOP of the gameplay, are what make it special. every portrait ghost had a quirk to them, but it wasnt completely over the top. every ghost feels like a real person with a goal in mind. hell, the first boss is just an old man that wants to read a book.

Luigi's Mansion 3 starts promising, the first two bosses being a luggage handler and a maid keeping in theme with the hotel. then you fight a fat police officer that likes donuts. then an irritable artist. then a knight. then a t-rex. then cleopatra, etc.

every level is a cliche, and the gameplay has little to no variety. go in a room, solve a puzzle, maybe suck up the same three ghosts and repeat. the real meat and potatoes of gameplay is in the boss fights, which while unoriginal are always fun to fight. and even then, it mostly revolves around waiting for them to attack and then flashing.

other than that its the usual nintendo fare: looks great, sounds great, smells great, everything on the presentation is excellent, outside of most of the ghosts looking really gross and generic (e.x. the angry ghost is a big red rectangular prism, this game has worse enemy design than the fucking jimmy neutron game)

on its own its just an ok puzzle game, but its not on its own because nintendo wont let it be. its Luigi's Mansion fucking 3 now, soiling any and all creative vision that went into creating the first game. congratulations nintendo, you found a new fucking cow to milk. im sure it was worth it

Juntando elementos do original com adições da segunda edição, a 3ª iteração da série focada no irmão mais alto e mais medroso de Mario traz níveis diferenciados que funcionam de forma similar ao segundo jogo, mas sem as limitações espaciais, permitindo uma exploração mais livre de cada fase/andar, com livre movimentação através do elevador para fases níveis anteriores.

Um meio termo entre o prédio único do original com as múltiplas mansões do segundo jogo. Novidades também nas habilidades e interações com o cenário, estreando o tiro de desentupidor e o clone viscoso apelidado de Gooigi.

Now this is how you do a comeback!

I had a great time with this. My girlfriend watched me play a lot of this game and every now and then she'd say "I haven't seen Gooigi in a while" and I'd have to make him pop out.

Bursting with charm and fun. The lighting, physic objects, and animation are absolutely incredible. Still lacks the genuinely spooky atmosphere and frantically satisfying ghost catching of the original game, but makes up for it in it's own way.

Definitely in the minority with this one. It's a cute enough game and the mechanics are really fun, and the setting is designed perfectly - but at some point I just hit a wall with getting frustrated by puzzles and decided it's not for me. For the first time in my life, I'm glad about Nintendo's games staying at a high price because I was able to sell this off without much of a loss. Hope the next person enjoys it more than I did though!

So far so good like the graphics and the game

Mejor que el segundo, pero muy diferente al primero, buenos puzzles y secciones aunque carezca del lore del primero y quiera extenderse con las secciones del gato.

There’s some dumb shit but overall it’s a lot of fun and very well designed, especially when it comes to the visuals.

Many parts of this game were delightful. Luigis little sounds, the music, a lot of the puzzles, the level design, all pretty great.

The bad parts were that there were SEVERAL parts of this game where it doesnt tell you at fucking all what youre supposed to do, like gives no hint subtle or otherwise, and its fucking infuriating.

Also theres a pirate ship and a full fuckin bay in this hotel? There are like under 20 bedrooms. i dunno man.

I liked it. It’d probably be fun to play again in a few years. But fuck about like half those boss battles

A really fun time of what I've played so far.

An alright game with a lot of soul that could have been like 5 hours shorter

again. i’m just lazy this game is poggers

great presentation, also has gameplay i guess

LM3 renders Dark Moon redundant. It's the gameplay from that game, with additions and improvements, paired with the charm of the first game and a structure much closer that first game. The polish and attention to detail are commendable. I do have qualms with some of the boss design. Several fights require an extremely specific series of actions from the player, and while most of them make sense in hindsight, I was definitely frustrated more than a few times. That said, maybe I just really wasn't in the mood for puzzle bosses. I also have to mention polterkitty, because WOW those segments are not fun.

Overall it's a fun game, the animations are really fun to watch and almost everything having physics makes it addicting to suck everything up.

Although I still prefer the atmosphere of the original game with the more interconnected mansion. The gameplay here is revolved too much around mashing 'A' to suck in ghosts as the tug-of-war mechanic is dumbed down. Then the ghost variety is pretty lame as it's pretty much the same 4 ghosts.

I'd give this a recommendation, but more towards a $40 price.

Charming, memorable, and well designed, Luigis Mansion 3 is a return to form for the series. Fusing the character of 1 with the tighter level based design and mechanics of Dark Moon, I was really impressed with the way this game had me hooked. Every level is a perfect sit down session, with each clocking in at about 45 minutes to an hour and a half.

All of the gooigi stuff is really charming and fun, and I would easily play this game again with a friend. Glad to see this series is back on track.

There's a moment where you watch Mario jump around and do cool flips, while you are forced to find a ladder to slowly reach where he is. Its a game that captures what its like to be Luigi. You've spent 15-20 hours fighting and struggling against these threats and Mario casually leaps over your puzzles. Its not out of malice. Mario just doesn't understand that you aren't as good as him. You'll always be the underdog. The second banana. The Luigi.

It could stand to be five hours shorter.

I really loved Luigi's Mansion on Gamecube. I played it many times and it makes me glad that the lesser Mario brother is getting his own stuff over the years. I haven't played Dark Moon on 3DS but to me, it didn't seem it would be as good as the first. Then they announced a third game was coming and I was very interested in playing.

After buying the game and playing through the story which takes 18-20 hours, I say this was a very fun installment to Luigi's Mansion. Saving Mario, Peach, and Toads from ghosts in a haunted hotel really made for some fun gameplay and there's an unintentional "Hotel Mario" joke you can make with the setting and all.

The graphics look good. Very cartoony and the animations are nice to look at. Designs of ghosts look nice and honestly an improvement from the Dark Moon designs since the boss ghosts in that game just look like slightly different versions of the normal ghosts. Here, you got a ghost that resembles Cleopatra, you got a Disco Queen ghosts, there's even a ghost shark.

And all the boss fights of these ghosts were pretty fun. I kinda got stumped on a few like the botanist and there's some pretty difficult fights but they were fun to do and they felt very creative.

Of course King Boo is the main final boss and his Boos are scattered throughout the hotel and catching the Boos are way more fun than it was in the first game. In the first, you just had to use your Poltergust but it was annoying since they can fly into walls and into other rooms so you had to constantly go in and out of different rooms.

But in this game, it's easier. They can only be found if you use your Dark Light which also helps reveal hidden objects. And when Boos are revealed, they don't leave the room so you have an easier time catching them.

Gameplay is really fun. You have the basics like shining your flashlight and using your poltergeist to suck the ghosts up but there's also some new features such as the burst which makes you jump and the suction shot which is like a grapple to pull apart stuff like vents and locked doors.

There's also your companion known as Gooigi. A clone of Luigi make of goop. His gelatinous form can help you slip through bars to get items that Luigi can't get on his own.

There's a lot of puzzle solving in this game which is to be expected since a lot of that is in the first game. It is a little tedious having to backtrack a lot of times as well as some ghosts running off which gives you more objectives to do before you fight it but for the most part I didn't mind it.

In the end, I think this was a worthy addition to the Luigi's Mansion series and I think a way better improvement over Dark Moon. It's fun, it's atmospheric, and it really has some replay value depending how much you liked doing the story.

Overall, I give Luigi's Mansion 3 an 8/10.

Not as great as the first, but still fun and well made. I wish they actually went for more scares, instead of the more child oriented approach that they took. The ghosts didn't feel as satisfying to catch either, I'm not sure why, but it stuck out to me.

Me ha encantado. Es alucinante como con unas mecánicas más simples que un chupete no deja de sorprenderte durante todo el juego. Precioso, con muchísimo encanto y divertidísimo.

Los mayores problemas: Demasiado corto (te deja con ganas de más) y algunos puzzles son algo obtusos.

First time playing a Luigi’s Mansion game, and I really enjoyed my time.

Great environments to explore, so much personality, and a lot of fun just sucking everything up.

There are a few structural issues, like with how Polterkitty really messes with the flow, and some of the bosses are honestly just bad (especially the final boss), but they weren’t bad enough to take away from the experience.

I wasn't expecting it to be this good, I was rather expecting it to become very repetitive. I was wrong, as it turns out to have a really good gameplay mechanic varying with each floor. The story is funny both for kids and adults and the length is just about right.

I can nitpick this game to the end of time, but it’s visually great with fun gameplay and interesting environments

The art style is fun and the bosses are somewhat interesting, but it's a short game. It was worth the sale price.

Had a great time playing this game, as someone who at first was a little on the back foot, is actually really fun.

The skyscraper idea was really good, because every single floor had it's own thematic and sometimes narrative, and probably the best thing about it really, some unique set-pieces were build around it.

The actual gameplay is alright, the controls are a bit wacky, mashing A and the variety of ghosts and bosses got redundant after a while, but since you're always changing the settings is never boring, is nice to do it, the secrets also add an interesting layer.

One of the best looking games on the switch both from a graphical and animation perspective. Some really great puzzles, a good sense of humor, and the vacuum mechanic is loads of fun. I think some of the puzzle solutions can be a little too opaque, the UI is very bland, and the lack of meaningful upgrades makes it drag towards the end.

Oh my god, I fucking love this game

A whole lotta fun, though I do believe they should have spend just a liiiittle more time fine-tuning the controls. They're not horrible per se, but I felt like I was actively fighting against them until the very end of the game. Other than that and some parts I thought were too frustrating and padding for padding's sake (freaking polterkitty), it's a great game, and succ'ing every single thing on the environment has got to be one of the most therapeutic and satisfying mechanics on any game ever.