Reviews from

in the past

This is kind of a personal review about a friend that's gone and looking back into some bad times so if this isn't your cup of tea then here is me giving you a warning now, thank you.

July 2020

Ex And Oh: "It really seems like the world is ending, like we're all stagnating"
Alex: "Being couped up like this has been rough for me, I was gonna travel a lot this year and this pandemic kinda shot that in the water"
Ex And Oh: "You're telling me, I never mind being stuck in one place but I just want to move on with my life, we were finally gonna meet up"
Alex: "Once this whole thing blows over, let's do that and get some pollo a la brasa bro"

Road of brightness, I will get there, and shinin

Lumines from the second you boot it always felt like a good time coming, but for me it's more bittersweet. It was one of my best friend's favorite games from the PSP's halcyon days due to his love for puzzles and the infectious fusion of music that Mizuguchi's more prominent works have been known for. Blending puzzle and rhythm puts you further into a zen like state that any other game with either or possibly can.

Ex And Oh: "Yeah I like Tetris, why what's up?"
Alex: "Heard of Lumines? It's from the dude that made Tetris Effect"
Ex And Oh: "Yeah I love Tetris Effect, waiting for the Switch version or for it to hit Steam to actually buy it, money is rough right now"
Alex: "Been playing more during my down time and haven't played it for years, the switch version is pretty cool with the rumble, you should give it a try"
Ex And Oh: "Yeah I will"

Shake your body, Shake your body, Shake your body

Despite my personal feelings, a huge variety of skins and music makes Lumines feel like a celebration in its basic challenge mode rather than an arduous climb to the top. Like the actual Tetris Effect before it, Lumines can incur the effect of seeing 2x2 blocks in life (at least for me) after a while. Even the soundtrack itself can incur good memories with how upbeat most of the soundtrack using electrical sound and calming vocals that serve as a reminder to despite attempting a moderately difficult challenge to also just take it easy and have fun.

Out for a walk, gone forever

Ex And Oh: "Hey this game is pretty sick, music is stellar and the gameplay is almost just as addicting as Tetris"
Alex: "Yeah the music is nuts, I sadly never got past 60% of the game but hearing shake your body gives me that happy rush I really need"
Ex And Oh: "Been wanting to try out more stuff and expand my horizons so thanks for showing me this, hope things are alright with you"
Alex: "I'm trying my best man"

Each run takes longer and longer demanding more and more from you to keep the board clear, a unique feature of the Switch version rumbles with the gameplay and music bringing a third sense into the mix of feeling Lumines. I feel like Lumines reflects life with its tempo changes, upbeat and faster songs to reflect the small moments of celebration and happiness and more ambient and slow paced songs to reflect the constant lull we face. Of course each life is different and each basic challenge in Lumines will always be the same but how we tackle it will always be different when we're given the same blocks.

Celebrating life, ours

Ex And Oh: "We keep losing brothers and sisters to this life, the only few people that showed me kindness are the ones to leave early"
Lisa: "im sorry man, losing a friend is never easy"
Ex And Oh: "Sorry for venting, it just keeps happening"

Beating the basic challenge left me surprising empty, all I could think about was my friend never getting the chance to even beat the basic mode. It sucks that this is all I can really remember him but a single game recommendation is just one of the many proofs in the world that he did exist, something he had trouble realizing himself and always wishing he can finally move forward in life when the world wouldn't let him. One of the many video games that can bring people together in a time that it feels like we're closing each other off.

I downloaded this from Game Pass but had to delete it because I was becoming too obsessed with it. I wasn't gonna be able to focus on any other game if I kept playing this.

Way too much fun.

Still bad at Tetris style games.

i accidentally spent 50 hours on this just because it reminded me of a girl i liked

my spouse and i played SO MUCH of this during lockdown. Theres a song on here where theres a robotic sounding "voice" making noises and it sounds like its saying "ass" over and over so sometimes we just enter a room and go "ass" and then leave

i love music i love falling blocks

Finishing Lumines is making it through an all night dance. Its board, wider than tall, is less inviting to ordering, like usual on the genre, and more to finding comfortable spots. Some like to place on the sides, some more at the center, some like populated spaces, some prefer to start on quiet corners.

The pieces of Lumines don’t disappear, they go out to take a smoke after finding someone to talk to for a while, and then come back. Those pieces start dancing on their own, they are naturally attracted to form groups, the bigger the better, and sometimes some magician out of nowhere will grab everyone by the arm forming a chain. Raindrops on a windshield. Surviving through the night is hard. It is not because it is not fun, some songs you may not care about, others you may dislike, but once you are in, there are no enemies, it is impossible to escape. As the night goes on that empty board gets lively, sometimes it is hard to hold on and you need to quit early. You will try again another night.

Somehow, you know the perfect night should not exist. Mathematically, anything should go wrong at any time, the variables cannot escape chance. Somehow, that ideal night eventually comes, the last song is announced, the celebration of the celebration is done, the sun rises and everyone goes home. Nothing happened during that time, time just flew by, and somehow something unforgettable to look back forever on in the years to come had been forged.

This is what heaven looks like:

I can't get past level 19 at the moment of this review but I really enjoy this game's presentation and simple and effective gameplay design. Very envious of people who have a better understanding and foresight on how to play effectively.

Lumines is a game that in concept works really well, you have a simple 2 colour matching puzzle game that plays to music and shifts through stark visual themes and audio genres - however the stylistic choices make for a singularly ugly audio-visual experience.

The gameplay itself is always great to come back to, I actually have a lot of fun with the colour matching, finding patterns, trying to create combinations by placing the asymmetric pieces, and the challenge of timing your placement so you don't overlap with the sweeping bar. This is all well designed gameplay that is engaging and fun, but the accompanying music and art, and the way it's implemented results in an experience I can only tolerate in small bursts.

The music choices are a mixed bag, by which I mean it feels like someone dumped a bunch of discount demo tracks in a bag and pulled the play order out at random. The PSP games had a few early 2000's rock and pop hits that themselves didn't work together, mixed in with a variety of generic in-house songs from across the genre spectrum. These tracks are then broken down into samples which play based on your gameplay actions. Sometimes it works but often this approach turns the song into a random cacophony of noises with half the 'song' missing.

Remastered features the in-house tracks exclusively and hasn't managed to do any better with them. You jump wildly between genres, the playlist has no stylistic consistency, and for whatever reason the sound director on these games loves this specific blend of loud distorted noises that appear constantly. Any one of these issues by itself would be tolerable, but the resulting mix of miss-matched music, the way it's broken down and spat back at you as you play, and the clear lack of theme to the soundtrack makes every entry in the series the worst sounding music games I've played.

Lumines feels like the result of a really great premise for a game put in the hands of someone who has no artistic taste. The music is wrong, the sampling is wrong, and even the colour schemes that rotate with each track can range from great looking to 'I can barely see what I'm doing'. There's an artistic deafness to the series that runs deep into every entry. It's a testament to the strength of the gameplay that I end up coming back to each one, hoping desperately they got it right this time, only to be disappointed again. As such, remastered will remain a tolerable game to play on mute.

Lumines Remastered slams open the original's fridge and fills it with a dozen frozen TV-dinners. Every new gamemode is enjoyable, but feels a little slight in comparison the Main Gourmet Entree: the Basic Challenge speedrun.

A true feast for the senses and the mind. "Tetris for Intellectuals" or something equally snippy


i'm usually not a fan of puzzle games (especially those that request as much concentration as lumines) but this one's pretty damn good. overall concept is simple yet addicting, and the graphics and morphing stages are neat as hell and prevent things from getting stale. having parameters such as block/scroll speed be affected by different levels is a nice touch too - when going through classic mode, you really start to get a feel for which stages are gonna slow down and let you relax for a bit and which ones are gonna beat the shit out of you.

it's backed up by a really great soundtrack too. even if there are plenty of songs that arent playlist-worthy, it really sells the different levels and makes the anxiety of watching your blocks hopelessly pile up even more real. there are some great ones, though - i'll never forget the first time i made it to Lights (and immediately fucking lost lmao)

i didn't have much interest in most of the other modes (im a grown adult and idgaf about time attack), but it's still a really well-rounded package and a good deal for the price. only real nitpicks i have are some levels in classic mode have pretty flat color palettes (so it's hard to differentiate block colors), and that classic mode itself is pretty fucking long. having to lock in for 45 minutes to an hour each run (obliterating my eyes in the process) only to die in the second to last stage cause i mixed up the different colors of blue fucking sucked. it definitely made finally beating it more satisfying, though.

it's not gonna be a game i come back to super often, but finally getting the hang of this one felt great. if you're looking for an inexpensive puzzle game that's an easy way to kill a few hours, then this is the one, baby. shake ya body down to the ground.

My second favorite puzzle game behind tetris, as it blends a faint hint of rhythm gameplay into it. The dev's history of making rhythm-adjacent games are handled masterfully and they really make strong use of the switch's rumble capabilities. I haven't touched it in a bit but I think I might play some tonight. I loved it back in the PSP days and love having it portably now. A must-own on some platform at least.

honestly a dope and addicting little puzzle game. If Tetris is a short sprint, Lumines is a marathon. Expect to spend at least an hour straight doing a run as there are a lot of backgrounds to go through. The game itself isn't that deep though, and I think there are even ways to theoretically play indefinitely so yea. Definitely a vibe game, each of the different backgrounds gives an entirely different new vibe to the game that I enjoy, and some of the OST songs are hood classics. Mizuguchi's games do not ever miss.

Makes a case for itself being the best falling block puzzler out there, and, while it doesn’t beat Tetris for me, it does a pretty damn good job.

it can feel a bit cramped at times, but has pretty infectious looped gameplay that looks grood and stays reasonably fresh. the basic mode is a satisfying core endurance test, while the other modes each have their own unique charm

this game used to be my CRACK like i could not put this thing down, but every time i’ve tried to pick it back up i have failed. it’s a lot to master and the muscle memory doesn’t really STICK compared to games like puyo or tetris

if tetris fucks
then lumines cucks

Good music to sync with a crazy match block loop

gave me the worst joint pain of my life but im top 500 for endless so who really won?

"World of silence
Creepin' sightless time
Port of sadness
Sleepin' flightless mind

World of silence
Blinkin' farthest light
Road of brightness
I will get there

And shinin', and shinin
And shinin', and shinin
And shinin', and shinin
And shinin', and shinin..."

I once considered “Lumines” one of my favorite games. Back in the mid and late 2000’s it dominated my PSP. I’ve always wondered why it never quite hit the same as the years went on. I still like it. I still think it’s a good game. Just something about it that doesn’t land like it used to. Maybe it’s that most of the extra modes aren’t that interesting. Maybe it’s that I can’t really get thru a full Basic Challenge anymore. Not sure what it is.

a stellar puzzle game to relax to, and perhaps the only successful iteration on the tetris formula i've tried

Easily my second favorite drop puzzle game after Tetris. It's so satisfying to get a lot of blocks cleared. Great game.

shinin', shinin' shinin', shinin' shinin', shinin' shinin', shinin'.

De nombreuses heures passées sur PSP, un grand nombre déjà passées sur Switch et encore bien d'autres en perspective. 

Que dire de Lumines qui n'ait déjà été dit ? Pas grand chose... C'est un classique du genre depuis longtemps. Une alchimie parfaite entre le jeu musical, d'arcade et de puzzle bien sûr, avec de superbes effets visuels et sonores calibrés sur l'action et la musique. Pas un puzzle complexe, mais terriblement prenant.

La simplicité de son concept le rend d'ailleurs accessible à tous, même aux dichromates, c'est dire ! cela grâce à l'ingéniosité d'avoir borné le jeu à seulement deux coloris très différents à chaque tableau. En jeu, uniquement des cubes, composés de quatre autres colorés, pour seulement huit formes possibles et un système d'élimination par balayage horizontal. Son concept rapidement pris en main, l'excellence de sa réalisation sonore et visuelle, ainsi que les choix artistiques éclectiques font que je ne me lasse pas d'y revenir pour une ou deux parties.

Je ne saurais juger la qualité du remaster en tant que tel. Les heures jouées sur PSP sont loin maintenant. Toutefois, en ce qui me concerne, j'ai retrouvé la joie des parties passées...c'est tout ce que je demandais ! Les modes supplémentaires sont cependant un plus appréciable.

been playing on and off since 2006 lol