Reviews from

in the past

Very forgettable game in the end but I had my share of fun with it as a kid.

a weak story but fun to get all the marvel characters together. The campaign just became this slog by the end.

I could never beat some of the late levels as a child... Either they were too cryptic or the battles too hard.

Everything about this game was so fucking awesome when I played it as a kid. Still my favourite all-time Marvel game. (Along with Insomniac's Spider-Man).

Doom in this is the best version I've ever seen. He's just so godlike as a villain and the story is just amazing. One of the best you'll ever see.

Gameplay is good, enemies can be a bit tedious and annoying but still fun to beat some bad guys in an epic RPG which thrives on the story it is telling.

So much to do, so much to see. I just love it! Definitely check it out if you haven't ever.

Get it on PS4 / Xbox One and you get to play as some spicy villains! Woooo!

Bottom line, this game rocks!

This game bangs. I legit think I 100%ed when I was younger

This game has moon knight, which as a kid didnt mean much to me, but now it does

great roster and a translation of beat em ups into 3D

I really enjoyed this game as a kid and it really introduces you to the Marvel universe and characters. It’s nice that you get to see all these characters together and the lore is pretty good. However the gameplay is pretty repetitive with some missions being a matter of fetch and quest. RPG mechanics are somewhat boring and tedious. It does have some replay value though and missions can still be entertaining enough

"And now I'm better at doing whatever it is Wolverine does."

Fun game to play with a full coop. Not fun alone.

This game rules. A classic for the PS2, and of comic book videogames. It covers a ton of ground in exploring the entire Marvel universe (which is to say, if you don't care about that, its a lot of different kinds of locations with unique enemies throughout) and with gameplay that makes you feel as though you're four different players in a Marvel-themed tabletop roleplaying game.

Add in the fact that you can assemble your own team of heroes with a good story and extremely fun levels and bosses and you have one of the best superhero games ever made.

This review contains spoilers

doctor doom being one of the main bosses is all i remember about this playing it on gameboy

Juegos que jugué en su momento y les tengo cariño pero seguro estaban culeros.

Eh, there are a lot of things I like about this game and a lot of things I loathe. For starters, I actually love how complex of a game this is for being a side-scrolling beat 'em up. Each character feels unique and there are no copies across the roster. You can fall in love with any character you want, and find ways to succeed for the most part.

The story was also pretty good in introducing Dr. Doom in a memorable way, but other than that, it's mostly just lackeys bitching until Doom nukes the whole world in the final act, as you prepare for one last assault.

The side missions are okay, "affecting" the end of the game in cutscenes but also being extremely obtuse and hard to solve sometimes. Collectables are fun missions based on comic book encounters, and getting gold on all of them is hard, but rewarding.

Where the game loses me is that it's 100% okay and rewarding of grinding. Even in my normal playthrough, I had to back out of a mission and head back to the simulation discs to grind XP and finish the game out. Most people probably will not have the tolerance for that, and I cannot blame them.

It's an okay game, but 2 did it much better. This was a great start though!

honestly. it was pretty fun. but I think it should've been as long as the second game not more. there was too much filler in this game. but I will give it a 8/10

use cheat codes to get every character and costume
doing all the collectathon stuff is annoying sorry not sorry

A perfect example of how beloved characters can disguise a bad game.

Why is this game enjoyable? Because you get to be your favorite heroes with your friends and fight memorable villains.

But take away the IP, and what do you have? Numb, mindless repetition. Now, some people are into that, and that's fine! But this is the kind of game that works best when you're young and will play anything as long as it's got co-op.

The Infinity War of the PS2 generation, Marvel Ultimate Alliance is one of the few action RPGs that can hold my attention. Seeing as it was my first introduction to the genre and the greater Marvel Universe, it also holds a special place in my heart.

The opportunity to see so many superheroes and villains come together to fight is pure wish-fulfillment. To go along with that the story is super simple. All you need to know is that Doctor Doom is amassing a group of supervillains to take over the universe, and you must stop him with the help of various brawlers and brainiacs. It’s very much a child-friendly exposition adventure meant to showcase the many faces of Marvel, but it’s easily followable by anyone unfamiliar with the world. For existing fans, seeing the unique dialogues, locations, cinematics, side objectives, and classic outfits are rewards in and of themselves.

Good as the game is, it’s no trailblazer. You got your radial attacks, buffs, melees, and so forth. Where Ultimate Alliance really shines is seeing that synergy play out with a coordinated team or performing combined ultimates and combo abilities with nods to the comics like the fastball special. Not to say it doesn’t stand on its own merits, but it’s definitely a game enhanced by knowledge and interest in the franchise to begin with. The difficulty is par for the course with the exception of one or two bosses, but I do wish there weren't so many insta-death dangers. Thankfully, there's some cheat codes to make the game less grindy, which is nice if you don’t want to wait for abilities, characters, and outfits.

This game was my childhood, it's also where I learned about most of the heroes that are popular today. I'm aware it hasn't aged well in most parts, but this is probably one of my favorite super hero games ever.

I remembered when I was 8 and I got to the part where you have to sacrifice a hero for I think Ghost Rider or something and I chose Spider-man cause I didn't read the text and I cried.

It's an alright top down action RPG. Filled to the brim with fanservice. Aside from their special moves, and certain travel abilities like flight, almost all of the characters feel exactly the same to play as. The story and dialogue isn't great either. It's a game I'm very nostalgic for, though.

sympa quand ont a 12 ans
ridicule passez 15

loved the hats off to the marvel comics. as a marvel fan, I
did enjoy this game, but maybe they could have made the
game a little less repetitive.