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in the past

Heroes 2 is a diamond in the rough when it comes to WWII shooters on the Wii. In a time where WWII games were a dime a dozen, Heroes 2 was able to stand out by offering Wii users a fantastic online multiplayer and a serviceable single-player campaign. Many of the online maps are still memorable to this day. Although some might find the controls cumbersome and gimmicky at times, the Wii's pointer made aiming an absolute dream. Despite its flaws, Heroes 2 offered Wii players an online FPS during a time when Modern Warfare was all the rage on other platforms. There is little reason for anyone to return to this game now, but for the few thousand people that were able to experience the multiplayer when the servers were online, this game will always hold a special place in our hearts.

Heroes 2 is Medal of Honor shedding many of its low quality trappings and trying to be more like Call of Duty, ending up being far better than CoD's own outing on the PSP.

Unlike its predecessor, which had half-assed the single player to focus on multiplayer, Heroes 2 is a really competent WW2 first person shooter with a fully featured campaign, solid controls, satisfying weapons with quality hit detection and passablly designed levels despite the limitations of the system.

On the negative side, weapon variety is poor due to the baffling decision to only make the MP40 collectable off dead enemies, while every single other weapon in the game has to be found in specific places. As a result, an iconic gun like the German Kar98k rifle is only ever present in one single level, and a sewer at that, while a very situational weapon like the shotgun will be offered four or five times. It's an inexplicable concession to no-effort game balancing that severely hampers variety, though it won't sabotage the fun completely. At the very least it's better than the previous game, where you were limited to one weapon plus a useless pistol, whereas here you may trade the latter for something useful.

One or two stealth sequences might also have broken up the pace nicely, but instead it's all action all the time for a campaign that's about three hours in length.

Worth mentioning is the final level, which ends on an infuriating timed sequence with endlessly respawning enemies, which is barely feasible for those playing on hard mode, and only with a lot of luck to boot.

The multiplayer is now for all intents and purposes dead, since they removed the offline botmatch skirmish mode from the first MoH Heroes, which wasn't much, but it at least gave the game some extra value.

Despite its flaws it ultimately is a fine Call of Duty clone that will provide just enough on-the-go entertainment for a passing grade.

I'm going to not make this too long.

This is the game that got me in to online multiplayer. I received it as a Christmas gift pretty randomly in 2007. I wasn't in to shooters at all at this point. I honestly don't know why I asked for it (or if I even did?)

Anyways, through this game I found a tight-knit community of really cool people. There were tons of clans that were constantly playing each other. I was in a few of them. Eventually a forum was made that was dedicated to this community of people. We all had a great time playing it and it will forever live on in my memory because of this. From here, I moved on to playing CoD: World at War on Wii and then WaW on PS3. The rest is history.

This game was pretty basic in terms of gameplay but I loved it for that. There was TDM, DM, and Capture the Flag and that's all it needed. Very simple weapons, very simple rules, and nothing but motion-aiming goodness. I wish I could go back and play this with a bunch of people that used to also play it - that would be great.

take away the custom games and you realize how actually bad this game is.

Bu daha iyi ama gene de kanser ediyor baya.

Eu gosto de FPS, mas odeio jogos de guerra

Descobri isso graças ao Medal of Honor e aos CODs antigos, surreal como eu consigo me divertir muito mais jogando um Black Ops ou algo que se passa na era moderna, do que jogando algo da segunda guerra ou primeira guerra mundial, acho um tema chato entediante e com o Medal of Honor isso não foi diferente

Achei a gameplay do jogo maneira e a história achei tanto faz não fede nem cheira, sua dificuldade é desnecessariamente elevada e olha que mesmo jogando no fácil esse jogo ainda é casca grossa e vai te fazer chorar de raiva, se quiser algo casual é melhor nem jogar essa desgraça.

Vou ser bem sincero que acho que eles fizeram esse jogo difícil só pra estender tempo de jogo, porque ele é muito curto só que sua dificuldade faz você durar 4 dias ou mais pra finalizar algo que deveria acabar ai em cerca de 5 horas de gameplay

I will never forget this game, as back when I was a kid with less emotional control, this made me smash the screen of my PSP I saved up months for

I hate that last level with the timer.

I'm gonna keep this short because the core gameplay mechanics are almost exactly the same as the first game. The only two major differences are the regenerating health and the inability to jump.

The main difference, however, is that Heroes 2 ditches the sandboxy approach of its predecessor for a completely linear level design. Like literally there's always only one path forward, plus you can't jump over small objects or out the windows, which makes the game feel like a one long corridor. The extra tasks are now more like secrets that you accidentally discover, instead of being shown prominently on the radar.

I found this entry a pretty generic, boring, although really well executed CoD-clone. In fact, on PSP this is still one of the best shooters and leagues better than CoD: Roads to Victory. But I'd really only recommend this game to PSP owners, since there was little to no competition in the FPS genre there. Outside of the boundaries of its platform, this game is absolutely unremarkable.

P. S. Forgot to mention, the graphics are worse than the first game too. They're still alright by PSP standards, but the first game looked gorgeous, while this one features blurry textures and drab colors.

Final görevini yapanların cennete yeri yok

I was simply cannot believe how a sequel to a handheld title that isn't as bad can be this... horrible, annoying, idiotic and simply put: bad.

Medal of Honor: Heroes 2 is an FPS game for the PSP and the Wii, and the PSP version of this game is even uglier than the previous game. Outstanding isn't it?

The main problem with this game, is the fact that it features 7 missions that are completly linear this time around, and they are badly designed, linear levels. The horrible objectives are "fine", but these missions are the worst. They are horrible because of the enemies. They sometimes spawn in infinite numbers, creating such an abismal and infuriating experience, that I have not seen in a while now.

This could have been easily solved, but the game even push it down to your throat, and the sewer level just broke me. The ending of that mission is so frustrating that I had to abandon the whole game.

The handheld titles of this franchise are clearly mediocre.

Had a fun time desperately trying to capture what I felt when I would play Wolfenstein Enemy Territory daily as a kid (it wasn't it)

A fun fps that has some cool motion control gimmicks.

An utter pile of garbage.

It starts fine. The controls are pretty damn good. Aiming feels smooth and shooting is punchy. that's really the only positive here.

It's butt ugly to start. Everything is poop brown or vomit color. I think this was a PSP game? It shows.

It has no real story. It's an arcade shooter. That would be fine if it was a fun arcade shooter. But this has some of the worst level design I've seen in a game.

It's punishingly hard. You die absurdly fast even on normal mode. And the enemy respawns are basically infinite. The levels are so LONG too. No checkpoints?? Whenever I died I had to repeat the last 10 minutes. It was terrible.

It has good controls but that can't save a terrible core experience.

I usually finish everything I play eventually, but I can't with this one. No thank you, goodbye.