Reviews from

in the past

I really wasn't expecting to dislike this game as much as I do, I thought I'd really like it in fact. But the best I can say about this game is that its got good music, there are some funny memes, and the combat is ok if you completely turn your brain off. Now for the bad.
The combat is boring and has zero depth to it. You hit light and heavy in the random order that feels good to you in that second and just mash the analog stick in the direction of the enemy whenever you do a light so you can parry them. The only thing that changes this is when you need to do the zandatsu or when the enemy does a yellow grab. The problem is, there are like 2 whole basic enemies in the game that do the yellow grab and theyre never placed well with other enemies to actually force that attack on you when youre focusing on parrying fodder. In a 1v1 with them its far too easy to react to and poses a threat only while you dont understand exactly how the dodge attack works. Ultimately every enemy in the game is boring and not different enough from eachother to make how you deal with them any different. You just mash and parry or mash and dodge. The zandatsu is just a flashy slash thing that has nothing to it except requiring you to slash a little more precisely during some boss fights, enemy spines are easy enough to get that they aren't actually a factor. Speaking of bosses, they range from ok (Blade Wolf) to godawful annoyances (Monsoon). Sam's boss fight was an incredible letdown and anticlimax, its the easiest fight in the game and its over in 2 seconds. I can understand there being thematic reasoning for it but its still a shame. The final boss Senator Armstrong has good stuff surrounding him but the fight itself is not fun. The cutscenes associated with him are fun and memorable, but fighting him was not particularly fun.
I honestly just don't see what the game has going for it unless you can completely ignore how boring the combat is and just wanna see the robot man say meme. Perhaps someone who's played MGS2 can find the story interesting enough to justify it.

If you didn't fall in love with this game for the soundtrack alone, there's something wrong with you.

This game's so stupid that it wraps back around to being genius.

Arguably Platinum's best game. Just fun as hell from start to finish, with a truly great final boss. Soundtrack is rad.

KATANA SWORDS??????????? EPIC!!!!!!!!!!!!! (its fun yeah)

Probably the only video game I've played multiple runs of where I always was amazed at how fun it was. Also the story is grossly underrated.

The unintentional mastapiece. This is the dumbest game i have ever played but because of that its also the funniest game Ive ever played. The story is pretty basic but the characters are what make it memorable, raiden is way better here, jetstream sam is actually a great character and ofc senator armstrong who is so fucking funny and the stuff he says during the final boss made me laugh so hard. This game is really dumb and over the top but it embraces those things and the dumb shit becomes some of the best things about the game. The combat is freaking badass and the bosses especially are the highlights of the game, they are long, sweaty, high octane, fuckin nuts to buts showdowns with badass music. These boss fights are challenging and i died numerous time to lots of them. The final boss alone is literally an hour long, fuck its good lol.

Platinum's games suck, and this one is no exception.

Feels like more of a tech demo than anything else. The OST is sweet and so are some of the bosses, but they all feel like a tutorial for the final boss which is the only challenge of the game. Fighting the mobs in between bosses is more of a chore than anything else.

projared gave it a 4 out of 10 but he cheated on his wife

M G _ S S + RY = bad game but not so bad

Muy divertido, aunque repetitivo. Si bien consigue expandir el mundo de Kojima, no logra hacer que las excentricidades de Kojima funcionen del todo. Es así que prácticamente todos los personajes se sienten extraídos de un animé en el que se priorizó el diseño exterior del personaje y se omitió el desarrollo interno del mismo.

Aside from a few problems, I find this game one of the best hack-n-slashs out there.

Level design is mostly bland. Some sections of the game kind of force you to stealth encounters that would otherwise be very challenging to fight through (and not a fair way). Aside from the slow-mo mechanic, combat is not very deep when you compare to DMCs or Bayonettas. Thematically, it also tries chaotically to be a 'Kojima game': it throws out at you a bunch of unrelated subjects from past Metal Gear games without any real development of it's whole.

Still, it's a great game and I had a blast.

Las mecánicas son extrañas para ser un hack and slash, pero funcionan bien una vez las dominas y se siente muy satisfactorio bloquear al enemigo y hacerle un contraataque. Cuando le bajas la vida a un enemigo más del 80%, este brillará en azul listo para ser ejecutado en un modo katana, en el cual los partes en trocitos y si das en el puto débil donde se sitúa una capsula de energía, recargas toda tu vida y la barra del modo katana, esto lo hace aún más frenético y te obliga a jugar de manera rápida. El problema es que el juego a veces le da por meter demasiada sobre exposición y la trama da muchas vueltas en círculos, siento que esto entorpece bastante el ritmo de la obra, se siente desconexo y al querer ser un spin off de metal gear, no se conforma con los nombres y diseños, sino que también mete partes de sigilo, pero no pegan nada con el frenetismo del juego y encima, te perjudica pues al finalizar el nivel, obtienes la peor puntuación al no haber ejecutado combos, es una idea muy mal ejecutada.

dumb as a sack of bricks. i can't hate it though

Garbage action game "dude 5 braindead boring combos but look raiden rip out spine"

la música es la mejor parte del juego junto con el espectacle pero el gameplay es bastante barebones

igual kino

Another solid Platinum game, it's pretty fun and the stealth segments, although shallow, break up the main game from feeling too tedious. Story's pretty okay but I hate Raiden's voice.

ciber ninja en tacos y podes cortar literalmente en fetas un helicoptero

Ride from start to finish. Fun gameplay that can be approached in boring ways, unfortunately.

Can't believe this dumbass game predicted the shape of Western politics to come

Actually just beat it for the first time recently. Really good game. I have headache right now. Cannot right review. Must eat food. But please play this game.