Reviews from

in the past

projared gave it a 4 out of 10 but he cheated on his wife

That's what all you politicians are. Big cock, but no cum.

Senran Kagura is canon in the Metal Gear universe.

While it's certainly not perfect, I had an absolute blast playing this. The action is intense, dramatic and totally ridiculous, which I absolutely loved. It's been a while since I played a game where I loved every second I played of it. The swordplay is just so satisfying and addicting. I mean, you can cut your enemies into a hundred pieces and then rip their electric heart form their chest, what's there not to love? This game proves once again that Platinum can make an over the top crazy action game, because this is one of the best Hack n 'slash I've played. Revengeance is an action game that indulges your greatest power fantasies and it really makes me wish there were more games like this.

Admittedly, for as much as I love this game and will always adore it for having one of the strongest vocal soundtracks ever, this playthrough wasn't my favourite.

I wonder if maybe I was too strong on NG+ or something because it really stood out to me just how much time you spend slow walking to a door while having a comm-versation, often getting to the door early anyway and having to just wait and listen. I'm all for the lore and story, but I'd have preferred to just put the controller down and watch, or at least let me walk further or go through doors while talking!
(This isn't nearly so bad normally, but when the fights take no time at all it's harder to ignore)

Also, for some reason I played on mouse and keyboard which was fine for the most part (aside from super wonky sensitivity during the comms calls) but it wouldn't let me remap to my mouse buttons even tho holding Shift and Ctrl so much hurts my pinky😠

Still a great game, had a great time, I'm mostly just salty that I didn't get to listen to the vocals much during the bosses bc I'd kill them too quickly. #sufferingfromsuccess I s'pose

If you haven't played it, you should. It's fkn awesome 😌


The final boss is one of THOSE gaming moments, where Miquel Iceta (a spanish politician) gets implanted with a year full of nanomachines to champion the spirit of the US and fulfill their wars on the Middle East.

You then battle it out on the free marketplace of ideas and parries.

I wanna have sex with jetstream sam

trilha sonora é um absurdo, o sistema de partir ao meio as coisas é muito legal e funciona bem.

a história é bem pastelona e edgy pra caralho, não me cativou muito, tanto ela quanto a critica não me pegaram muito.

As boss fights são MUITO BOAS, mas o caminho até chegar nelas com os inimigos padrões é muito enjoativo depois de tu repetir a mesma coisa mil vezes, e eles nem são muito complicados, o jogo te deixa recuperar 100% da vida em cada inimigo então tanto faz.

Hideo Kojima não parece que ficou muito feliz com o resultado final do jogo, em entrevistas ele mesmo fala, ''クソ野郎'' algo como ''eu não fiz a história, os designs, tudo foi feito por um time completamente novo, a gente não conseguia sair do lugar então decidimo pegar uma equipe nova pra fazer algo que eu completamente aleatório só pra testar algo que não seja stealth'' inclusive o jogo foi idealizado em 2008 curiosamente o ano de lançamento de devil may cry 4.

menção honrosa pro melhor brasileiro dos games
Jetstream Sam

The tutorial alone makes you feel like a badass. The plot is dumb but the bosses are cool and cool is all that matters honestly. Doesn’t overstay it’s welcome and the soundtrack is one of the best ever. Very few complaints, go play it

It's always fun to explain a favorite.

Remember this trailer from all the way back in 2010? Looking back on it now, there's a certain stink of "totally not pre-rendered" to it. The gameplay that's shown here is so limited and off the screen so fast that it's hard to believe this was a real vertical slice of what they actually had finished. Judging from the development hell that this went through, and the fact that it was quietly cancelled not even six months after it was introduced, I think I'm right about that. Maybe I'm just cynical. This was the trailer that introduced Blade Mode to an unsuspecting public, after all, and I shouldn't disrespect it. People talk about having their gay awakenings from watching Disney movies with attractive leads. I had mine when I watched Raiden slice watermelons with a katana.

To say I was obsessed with this would be an understatement. Baby Psychbomb needed Metal Gear Rising like he needed oxygen. I went out and paid $39.99 for a copy of Zone of the Enders HD purely so I could have early access to the demo. I never even played Zone of the Enders. I probably put well over 20 hours into a demo that barely lasted fifteen minutes per playthrough. Parrying became as second nature to me as breathing. I was immune to the great filter that was release-day Blade Wolf because I'd already put him down like Old Yeller a hundred times over thanks to ZoE HD.

The game came out three years after its existence was leaked, was helmed by a different studio, and had a completely different design philosophy from what was originally planned. Historically, games with a history like this are disasters when they drop. It's rare for them to be good, let alone great.

Revengeance is one of the best games ever made.

I was awed by the mechanics here a decade ago, and I still love them as if we kept up a healthy marriage to this day. It's your standard PlatinumGames character-action fare — back when that meant something good instead of something mediocre — with core systems that elevate it far beyond anything else the company has made. The decision to hyper-focus combat on being defensive was an outstanding one. Blade Mode tends to be what sticks out in people's minds as the main gimmick of Revengeance, but it's only one part of the greater whole. Parrying is what defines the game. Learning to watch the various enemy tells, ready your parry, and getting a massive counter-attack if you time it perfectly is going to make up the bulk of your gameplay. If you cannot learn how to do this consistently, you will not finish the game. Either that, or you'll knock the difficulty down to a point where you can bruteforce it, and then realize you're not having any fun. You have to learn, but the act of learning is where the entertainment lies.

You've got a variety of moves to help make this a little easier, and one of the best inclusions in any game's move list remains the Defensive Offensive. Making your dodge into an attack was genius. Even when the game is forcing you on the back foot and demanding careful play, nothing can stop the forward momentum. You'll keep dealing damage, keep landing counter-hits, keep stealing spines. The very first encounter of the game on Revengeance difficulty will straight up kill you in one hit if you don't get your perfect parries off. Adapt or die. The game is strict, bordering on cruel, but it will absolutely respect a player who learns. It never feels unfair. It nails the balance of being just bullshit enough to demand another try with every death, sweeping your legs out from under you and ordering you to stand up again.

Pull any song off the soundtrack here and it'll be all the motivation you need to keep going. How many games have tracks in them that get picked up as memes not once, not twice, but three fucking times, all of them spread out over the course of a decade? Get as many people you like to argue which of the boss themes is the best one and watch as they collectively geek out from nothing more than their memories of the songs. The music isn't all that reactive to your actions in terms of moment-to-moment progression, but saving these explosive choruses for the final finisher sequences is going to leave a mark on you. Good luck forgetting them.

It's a miracle that this canonically takes place after Metal Gear Solid 4 and manages not to feel contrived. It's nice to check back in on some of these characters after they've gone through their stories and see how they're holding up. Sunny being a childhood supergenius has led to her getting a key position in a space-flight company; Otacon has mostly moved on from his losses, though he still struggles to get close to people; Solid Snake has finally passed on after enjoying a quiet retirement.

Raiden remains the most interesting member of the cast, however, and he goes through a serious regression arc. Metal Gear Solid 4 ends with him putting down his blade and trying to be a family man, but money is tight, and it isn't long before he starts working protection jobs for PMCs to make ends meet. There's something especially bitter about the fact that someone who helped to save the world still struggles to support himself and his loved ones financially, and the war economy remains the only thing he knows how to thrive in. Things eventually go sour, Raiden is forced into another global conspiracy, and, without any of the people he relies on for support, has his traumas attacked over and over again by Desperado. And they break him. Raiden "admits" that he only cares for bloodshed, but we've seen so many times throughout these games that this isn't true. He keeps carving through people who he knows couldn't stop if they wanted to, with all of them forced into the exact same position as himself. He accepts being a killer. He gives up on reintegrating into society. He doesn't get better by the end, because everything in this universe has conspired to make it so he can't. He abandons his family all over again to become a vigilante. Even with all of the game's villains dead, their greatest victory remains in how they made piled on to a decent man's systemic struggles so hard that he broke.

Senator Armstrong is definitely the breakout new guy of the game, and he's probably on screen for no more than an hour. He's one of the best bullshitters to be put to paper. It really seems like he believes the garbage he's spewing, trying to spin everything in his favor no matter how obviously wrong it may be. Armstrong refutes that he played college ball for a cushy Ivy League by saying that he played for the University of Texas, a school with a football program valued at nearly a billion dollars; he claims to want a country where people are free to fight for themselves while only being able to operate at the scale he does thanks to enslaved child soldiers; he claims Raiden's suffering as his own, and weaponized it as a justification for why Raiden ought to listen to what he has to say. He's clearly pulling from Reagan — as much as people today are gonna be floored when Armstrong drops his "make America great again" line in a game released in 2013, he wasn't the first to say it — and it rules. He's the smuggest bastard alive, and he's deluded himself into thinking he's right. What an outstanding character. He sucks.

There's really nothing about Revengeance that I dislike. There's a few too many slow walking sequences that can make repeat playthroughs a bit of a slog, but they're over and done with before very long. Revengeance starts strong, stays strong, and ends strong. I've beaten it well over ten times on the hardest difficulty, and each playthrough feels as fresh as the first time I ever picked it up. It's a game with immense staying power. This is one of few foundational games where I immediately and forever disregard the opinion of anyone who hates it.

Gente terminally online adicta al porno cuando ve a Jetstream Sam, Vergil y la payasa de ace attorney en una imagen: 🤓🤯🤣🤣🤓💯

I miss when mgr memes were actually funny and not made by 14 year olds who saw Le funny punching man on the for you page on reddit

What a timeless game. Real Higher-Mid ass combat, carried by an iconic soundtrack, some adrenaline pumpin vibes, and some unforgettable scenes.

What a real shame that this studio just dropped off the face of the Earth after this game.


2023 cumhurbaşkanlığı seçimleri 2. Tur Tohru Adachi vs Senatör Armstrong


Crazy how this came out two generations ago and action games still haven't figured out the importance of vocals kicking in during the final phase of a boss fight

If MGR had good gameplay it would be the coolest game ever made

Standing here, I realize you were
Just like me trying to make history.
But who's to judge the right from wrong.
When our guard is down I think we'll both agree.
That violence breeds violence.
But in the end it has to be this way.

play some real metal gear, kids.

"Looks like that's nothing special..."
-Kaz Miller about MGR

The boss themes of Metal Gear Rising are the single best implementation of a soundtrack I've ever seen in a video game. It's both a crime that more games haven't attempted dynamic music like this game and a crime that Jamie Christopherson's career in VG music didn't shoot to the moon after this game.

La exposición de una obra trae cosas buenas y malas. Quien diría que MGR hoy seria tan popular. Espero que ni el sentimiento de muchos por odiar lo popular, ni los memes, ni los comentarios estúpidos hagan olvidar al colectivo la GRANDEZA de Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance.

El nivel de cariño, detalle y cuidado que empapan cada aspecto del juego es absurdo y lo hacen AUN digno de análisis hasta el día de hoy (enserio, cuantos ensayos hay en internet del mensaje y personajes de este juego?). Es de esas cosas que no te dejan indiferente, te hacen pensar por semanas y hasta llegan a inspirarte.

a game about running around butt ass naked making absolute ground pork out of people with your cool sword and also your ass is huge and you have the best manicure ive ever seen in a game and a hot guy is kind of obsessed with you because of it. just awesome

Born from a Techdemo, soon abandoned by its original Team until it was eventually picked up by a lesser branch of Platinum Games, it is a miracle this even exists the way it does. Metal Gear Rising : Revengeance is the pure spectacle distillation of everything Metal Gear. As a character action itself I can best describe it as flat and shallow. Its mechanics are neither deep, nor do they require much skill beyond mashing X and Y, with the occassional parry. Often combat stears itself into a clunky pit of frustration as the game trys to keep up with its own pace and thumbels what can generously be described as the "handling" of secondary weapons. And those are problems the developers seem to be aware of, as they often resort to showering the player with health items in order to patch any frustration out of the game.

That in turn leads to even more sensless button mashing and the player basicly beeing unable to game over at all. Those problems all casaded into me brezzing through most of the game only for the inevitable late game fight with Jetstream Sam to be a wall made of pur concret. I was basicly expected to learn all the games most vital mechanics during one very late boss fight or else get scrapped of the pavement. Ok now I got all the serious criticism out of the way: Yeah this game fucking rules.

Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance had one Mission: pur fucking spectacle and it damm nails that. Its one the most badass action games I have ever played. From the opening of you slicing a Metal Gear Ray clean in half to delivering the final blow to Senator Armstrong, its one intense dopamine hit after another. Who needs good enviromental design when you can slice cyborgs in to 500 Meat cubs while Rules of nature assaults your ear drums. It maybe violent and edgy but its the good kind: 100% sincere and commited. I also would do it a disservice not mentioning how well it functions as a Midquel between MGS2 and MGS4. All the themes of a future ruled by digital missinformation are here. A future where the same missinformation leads to a global proxy war, turning innocent people into fooder for the war effort and the dehumanising effects for those on the frontline. I know its basicly not cannon and the clifhanger will never be resolved but damm if Raidens journey isnt a blast I want to recommend to every Metal Gear fan out there.

o que separa a bicha loka da bicha má?

I dunno guys I can't really call a game 'great' when half of the actual content you need to engage with is a total flaccid pancake. From the laughably pointless sub-weapons system, bland level design, maybe the most forgettable codecs in the entire series, and half-assed stealth segments always forcing you into immediate hack and slash combat against enemies that are scattershot in quality (y'know it's 7th Gen when they just give up and throw in missile launcher enemies). I don't even buy into the hype for the combat being the real meat here. Lotta people praise this for being peak hack and slash kino but the game does a good job of making sure everything but just button mashing light attacks and parry seem completely pointless for the grind you're roped into. I guess Blade Mode is cool whenever it works as a fun breakaway from the shallow grindset by slicing up enemies into billions of precise little pieces. That's about it, really. It speaks to the rabid hyped up reputation this game garnered where beyond the memes people only gas up the boss fights and soundtrack because everything else doesn't stack up good at all.

I'm willing to throw the gauntlet down on the table here and say this misunderstood the appeal of Metal Gear and Kojima's style. You can take a major character and spin them off into their own self-contained game, highlighting what makes them unique gameplay-wise compared to the tactical stealth action norm we're used to. That's fine. However, when the job is done this shoddy and questionable, I take quick notice and judge the merits of what it offers for being part of a larger series. The lack of Kojima's creative presence is noticeably felt here. What originally would've been Metal Gear Solid: Rising, covering Raiden's entire development from MGS2 to MGS4, is replaced and overwritten with a story that's just utter nonsense. I wanna say this feels like an AI wrote it because it's Metal Gear and I enjoy being witty, but I think it's more damning to say it feels like Reddit wrote it instead. Like, some developer posted a thread on the MGS subreddit and asked people what their favorite funny moments of the games were and they used those replies to make the game. Remember when MGS2 said “meme” like a few times to explain the entire concept and how it relates to our shaping in understanding reality? Well, here we say it like a hundred times because people thought characters saying "meme" very seriously is funny. The only moment that felt like this vibed on the same wavelength as the mainline games was when a villain gives a whole preamble about how they’ll perform illegal experiments capturing third world orphans and get away with manufacturing child soldiers because first world countries, media, and politicians don’t care. Anything that almost resembles legible real-world commentary is just a lame retread of what was already tackled head-on in MGS2 and MGS4.

I could see someone justifying the schlocky absurdity of the game as fun badass fanservice but everything feels very tryhard rule-of-cool compared to even how Metal Gear already handles that kind of fanservice before. You think Raiden ripping off the leg of a Metal Gear and whacking it around like a piñata is the coolest thing ever? Motherfucker, he's done raw shit in MGS4 that makes that look like child's play by comparison. Like having his arms ripped off, being half alive, and fighting off a swarm of super soldier goons with a blade using his bare teeth. It's hype as hell because you actually give a shit about what's happening. I can't say the same for funny looking Senator MemeMan verbally vomiting vague war politics that once you strip away the comedic irony, the commentary remains basic and uninteresting. Much like Metal Gear Rising itself, it's all style with no substance.

Metal Gear Rising é um jogo foda, o combate de espadas é divertidíssimo, a história é curtinha mas muito boa e cheia de ação, e a trilha-sonora é só uma pedrada atrás da outra! As músicas se destacam principalmente nas boss-fights, que também são absurdas de boas e frenéticas.
Obrigatório para os fãs de jogos de ação e hack'n slash.

Obs: Está em promoção neste momento na Xbox Live
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