Reviews from

in the past

To be honest, I miss the old PE. This would have the same appeal as older versions of JE; it's more simple, and sometimes there's funny bugs.

Not bad, but sucks dick compared to the java version.

vanilla minecraft but the controls aren't good

Started this completely on a whim, expected to stop playing after an hour or so, but stayed for much longer than that & reminded myself of why this game is so special, and oh so fun.

got any games on ya phone

Yine güzel anılar ama bilgisayar kadar zevkli değil.

lmao they say this game was developed by some guy named "Notch?"

everyone knows it was Hatsune Miku, author of Harry Potter that created Minecraft.

All jokes aside I think old Pocket Edition was unbelievably cursed but I also liked some of the things about it. I'm gonna miss the days when you could summon a giant, ugly tower of Netherrack in the middle of someone's build and ruin their day.

Does anyone remember the "its a pig" seed? No, just me? ok

Kids... don't do this to yourselves. Play on consol if you have to, but not this.

I loved playing this version of Minecraft for the longest times and I still love to play it as much as I love to play Java edition. I honestly have had no problems with the controls of this version and highly prefer them to the console versions.

where it all started for so many and for me. great game

Wasn’t good until it became bedrock edition.

>Touch controls
Other than that, fine for the go

i remember this used to be an exclusive to the sony Xperia and i begged my mom to let me have one. smart move mom.

Played this version a ton with the bros, good times.

Bem limitado por ser de celular, mas ainda bom.

Um pouco melhor que a versão de ps3.

Played this back in the day, it was so cursed.

I hated the controls but it's pretty nostalgic tbh. Nether reactors ftw!

Minecraft but worse in almost every way and it controls as well as fire in a distillery, as in it doesn't

Поджог дерево, потом потерял всё.

EPICO, isso quando não bugava as skins ou não dava pra entrar no mundo dos amigos

A versão que me introduziu ao jogo, ai ai, saudades mas tenho que admitir... É HORRÍVEL KSKSKSKSKSKSKSK
A sensibilidade é muito ruim e não é tão dinâmico igual a versão de PC e os controles são até piores que a versão de consoles (E olha que os controles da versão de consoles eram bem duvidosos). Desculpa gente mas Minecraft pra celular é muito ruim kkkkk


Minecraft só que mobile, ótimo port