Reviews from

in the past

oh hey look its the other other best Mother game

Darker in tone than Earthbound. Excellent and a bit understated. Episodic like Live A Live probably due to the involvement of Nobuyuki Inoue.

well my my my... if it isn't "the big dog"

A beautiful game. A game that doesn't have life-like graphics, a crazy battle system or a fantastical setting but achieves so much more in the end with story and characters.

got my hands on a bootleg copy en español to play through it again when I was in Spain. I spent many semi-lonely nights reexperiencing this masterpiece! perfect writing, perfect visuals, perfect music, perfect battles.... yup much love to itoi

It is just one of the best games of all time. If you didn't play it, go for it. It has interesting characters, a simple but powerful and emotion-filled plot, RPG mechanics that are delightful, a cute and twisted visual style, a pacing that is never boring, a world filled with lots of crazy enemies and situations... it is just incredible. It is just a masterpiece. But, beware, you WILL cry.

Masterpiece RPG, so much care put into this game that you wouldn't even notice at first, and amazing story that made me feel every emotion possible

really really fucking good buut the pacing can get pretty sketchy later on and its probably 5 or 10 hours longer than it needed to be. but for me a 10/10 doesnt mean its flawless just that its like one of my favorites of all time and aside from those stupid minor nitpicks yes this game is definitely like one of the best experiences ive had with a game like ever

Mother 3 is a game I need to play again. It's a game that I have many opinions on, not all of them positive, but I think it warrants a second look at some point before I truly know what I think of it.

I will say however, I think the obsessive desire that fans have to localize it may end up being to the game's detriment. Don't get me wrong, I want it to come over just as much as everyone else, but I think the community too often thinks of this game as the illusive foreign masterpiece without really talking about a lot of what the game itself does right and/or wrong. I'll be honest, I like Earthbound more, and I think that if we ever do get it officially one day, its reception might not be what it is today. That's a bit speculative on my part though, and I do think that the game does a lot of things right.

But again, one day I will give this game another shot, and I really REALLY hope that it grabs me on the second go.

a mostly fun jrpg with a very disappointing plot. peaks during the first chapter and has varying highs and lows from then on

Shigesato Itoi's ending to the Mother series leaves off on its strongest messages to take home. I'm of a family of brothers and sisters, but most importantly I have a twin brother of my own. That made the story around Lucas and Claus that much stronger and poignant to me, not to discredit that the writing in general isn't already incredible.

From the slow corruption of Tazmily village as it conforms into a capitalist society that comes with less pros than it does take away familial strengths and bonds within the community, to the surrealist hero's journey of the seven needles, Mother 3 fantastically paces itself out and keeps the core message of family ever so strung through the whole thing.

The characters, while not so much riveting examples of three dimensional characterization, each found their way into my heart as I played through. This is a game where, though it has its lows, had a profound effect on my life for a very long time. Even when you dig to its core, to where you find that it's simple in scope and works off of a fine tightrope of emotional beats, I still think it's a shining example of video games I've ever played. I can hum most of the soundtrack to this day.

The combat may not be riveting, it taking up a huge percentage of the time playing the game and just barely good enough thanks to some great boss design, some solid enemy encounters, and the cohesive rhythm system. But still, I never lost my engagement for a single moment. I was gripped until the credits rolled and the game came up and told me that it wants the very best of my life as I did the characters at the end. And I think, I wish everyone here the best too, and that maybe if these words find you that you also play Mother 3. (10/10)

Hey! They made a sequel to EarthBound! It's very different and does its own thing, but damn is it still good. If you haven't played this, you probably should.

A game of terror, loss, and hate. In the face of all oblivion, we must love.

Better paced than its predecessors and all the more delightful for it. Still cruelly separated from perfection by exactly one mediocre battle system.

I laughed! I cried! I laughed and cried!

I ain't crying, you're crying.

An absolute masterpiece. So gripping, so funny, so heartbreaking. One of the greatest JRPG's ever released, just a shame we can't get it officially yet. Please make time for this game, it's worth all of it and more.

This game wishes it were anywhere near as deep and poignant as it thinks it is. The gameplay is mostly just fetch quests too.

Masterpiece. One of the best RPGs out there and one of the only games that made me feel something with it's story.

might be one of the best games ever made idk...

earthbound with an actual plot and characters worth caring about lol

doing a lets play with my pal Jackson; it is simply incredible for this reason

literally everything about this game is perfect