Reviews from

in the past

More of the same, which is still a good thing in this case

In a way, this seems like an extended version of the 9-Volt segments in WarioWare, with short challenges of NES games. Found it pretty fun to play through, even if some of the games are not as fun to play through as the others. Sequel has a better selection of games, and I always wanted to see an NES Remix 3.


The sequel to the already amazing NES Remix was much better than the first one. Much more recognisable game lineup; Mario 3, Zelda 2, Kirby, Balloon Fight, Dr. Mario. More defined remixed levels like fighting Whispy Woods with Boos closing in, or Dr. Mario in grayscale reminiscing the Game Boy era. Such a good game.

Actually a pretty fun game. I had a blast with this (even though it’s just old Nintendo games but with the most random challenges).

I kinda wish they'd do more of these. Taking old-school games and giving you little challenges to complete is a pretty fun idea. There's another one called Retro Game Challenge that does pretty much the same thing, but with made-up games. I'd probably recommend that over this, as it feels more fleshed out, but this is still a good time, and it includes real nintendo games, so it has that going for it.

tbh i forgot this was a game

NES remix was pretty underwhelming for me but this one is better. Not only has the game selection been improved taking games from later in the NES's library but I also felt like there were more challenges that felt interesting and fun. Still gimmicky and mostly contains throwaway challenges but an improvement.

It's like NES Remix 1 but it's 2

I've played a handful of NES games. There was one in my house as a child, but I have very few memories before the 16-bit era, other than it being a Tetris machine and then playing Punch Out!! and Lifeforce at day care. Through the virtual console and NS online, I've save-stated my way though the top of the canon. I am glad I can experience the games, but obviously, the punishing game play and dearth of quality of life features, make a lot of them difficult to fully appreciate today. Therefore, the Remix games provide a valuable service; I'm able to experience the breadth of what Nintendo decided is worth presenting to contemporary audiences from the NES era. I can try 28 different games, have a fun--if occasionally frustrating--experience, know I like Wario's Woods and that I never have to open Clu Clu Land. I think the second entry has better games, but is no better or worse than the first, because they do such a good job remixing, or whatever, them. Lots of fun if you have the patience (or skill, maybe, I wouldn't know).

504/507 stars, rainbowing half-ish, can confidently say I will never unlock the final level.

My status:

(507 Rainbow Stars, January 28, 2016)

like the first one this game is great. i feel like its a little worse though as they chose a lot of the better nes games which can lead to some of the challenges being really dull like watching demos or just stomping on a single goomba. the remixes are sick though and they do a lot more of them where characters are plopped into games they don't belong in. a great title though and nintendo needs to do more of these

Always like these games. Really cool idea.