Reviews from

in the past

A bit better than United with addition of some of the side characters from Danny Phantom and Spongebob, but it didn't have much for Timmy. Jimmy is not even playable, which makes no sense if everyone is all in the same game together.

I beat this with my friend sizzle

There is a moment in this game where Patrick farts and the controller shakes for 12 seconds.
I wish I was joking.

i remember being given a ds with this game in it to play at a doctor's office before bloodwork or surgery or something idk

Surprisingly solid beat 'em up for fans of early 2000's Nick cartoons.

why the fuck is sandy and sam playable but not JIMMY FUCKIN NEUTRON. girl im heated

I enjoyed trying to fill the museum, can't say I ever figured out how.

Na época eu gostei, hoje em dia não tenho mais 8 anos

Wish I could have gotten the bonus costumes

Always kicked me back to the main menu when I got to the last level for some reason.

It thinks its more replayable than it is but props for trying

I played this as a kid so this game is nostalgic, but I acknowledge that it has quite a few flaws.

Sobremesa: 4/10
GBA: 7/10 (te amo Dan Vogt)

O primeiro jogo que zerei(provavelmente)

This really makes me realize most of my childhood games were nothing but either Bad Or Ok License Games

I have nothing but sheer hatred for this shitty series. Imagine you are a budding young gamer who gets to rent new games every week. Way of the Samurai, Final Fantasy, Gundam Encounters in Space, Silent Hill Origins... but you have to share your console with your siblings and this is the ONLY thing they want to play. Shitty generic nickelodeon beatem up over and over again. 0/10 please fuck off

Inoffensive platformer, nothing stands out and gameplay gets old fairly quickly.

A short fun platformer that however doesn't bring anything new to the table and is as barebone as it can get.

When I lost my DS I was upset I couldn’t play this anymore

Very easy and snore inducing generic licensed best em up PS2 era game. These were a dime a dozen and despite my nostalgia for it, it’s just bad.