Reviews from

in the past

Pretty good roguelike, but for my money, I'll take ETG over it easily. I appreciate the character/playstyle variety here, and runs go quick enough to where you're not as butthurt when you lose. I really don't like how quick you die in this game, probably my main hangup with it.

Almost definitely my favourite roguelite. I'm 50 odd hours into it and have still never finished a single run

pain in the ass but it gets fun when you get somewhat good at it

it's like Gungeon but with less guns and less dungeons. So nothing like Gungeon.

I have like a million hours in this game lol Crystal is the GOAT

This game has pleased my peepee poopoo brain for 4 years.

Gill-bearing aquatic specimen possesses adept innate capacity of rotating around own lateral axis with simultaneous spatial translation for purposes of swift evasive maneuvers in hazardous post-apocalyptic wasteland ravaged by trigger-happy foes of only marginally natural origin

I killed the throne once and immediately died, but it was in early access so I was using a character that I'm too bad at the game to unlock, so that's where my journey ends. I really like this game though, and I loved following its development in early access. It felt like the gold standard for usage of the early access platform.

this game is ridiculous. these kinds of infinite, randomly generated indie games have been hugely important to me for a long time and this is one that i just missed, for some reason or another. thanks to unreal, i got it for free, and oh my god im so happy i did.

this game scratched an itch ive had for a very long time. binding of isaac will always be one of my favorites, but with Rebirth and especially Afterbirth, rounds just kept getting longer and longer and items got less inventive and rooms got significantly worse (especially with those shitty spawners) but nuclear throne takes it right back to basics.

snappy, ten minute rounds full of pulse-pounding action with extremely satisfying visuals and sound design makes this feel like bliss. after playing ruiner, i feel like i just died and went to a heaven where shit actually responds to my inputs. everything about this game is quick, and snappy, and precise.

and i love it. it brings me back to a simpler time, when indie games were starting to get really big and spelunky and BoI are takin' the world by storm. playing nuclear throne feels like wrapping up in a warm blanket i forgot about. its probably a bad sign that my comfort zone is hyper-violent indie games about dying repeatedly.

seriously one of the greatest roguelikes ever please play it

Fun little roguelike. Maybe a bit too adrenaline-pumping for my tastes, requires a lot of focus.

just everybody dead and my nuclear throne

A decent roguelite twin-stick bullet hell shooter let down by a nauseating 30fps lock and difficulty curve that just feels a bit more punishing and intense than I'd like for a game that demands such precise twitch reactions. Maybe I'd get used to it if it ran at 60fps, though, but come on. It's an obnoxious oversight for such a fast, frantic game. I know making a game is unbelievably hard work, and I know Game Maker makes it a ridiculous pain to convert a game to a new framerate, but it strikes me as a lack of care and polish, especially when dedicated developers like Heart Machine showed that it's possible--and entirely worth it--to make the conversion with Hyper Light Drifter. Anyway, as far as action roguelites go, I'd sooner play another one anyway, framerate be damned.

edit: apparently this got fixed a couple years back. I'll probably try it again someday

Nuclear Throne is Vlambeer in its element - a fast, crunchy projectile-saturated shoot 'em up roguelike. Unlike many roguelikes, it's not really focused on "builds" - there are upgrades, yes, but these upgrades are rather rudimentary things like "move faster" or "have more max health". The simplicity works well for the game, though, since the focus is meant to be on the combat itself. There's a lot of weapons in the game, most of which are pretty fun to use, especially when paired with certain characters' special abilities and late-game Ultra Mutations. The ability to loop through the game after reaching the titular Nuclear Throne adds a fun amount of replayability to the whole thing, especially since it only takes a handful of minutes to get there. All in all, this is a very solid title.

This is the only game I didn't play as a kid that I have over 500 hours in. It's not even a constant, sometimes I just boot up the game and can't stop playing it for multiple weeks. This game is just a dopamine rush of constant action and insanity, on top of being an infinitely replayable arcadey roguelike. Can't recommend it enough, just make sure you play it on PC. Mainly for better controls (and that it's really easy to run), but also because I highly recommend trying out Nuclear Throne Together, a mod that allows for easy online co-op and genuinely some of the best mod support I've ever seen for a game.

Infinitely replayable twinstick shooter. Unfinished, marred by poorly-implemented multiplayer and very swingy difficulty.

Pretty fun, one of those games you can put many hours into.

loud, fast, shaky, and fun, but i think i prefer gungeon's format more

game really doesn't let you see most of it before you bash your head into it for dozens of hours, but it's worth it. super streamlined w/e kind of game it is, stylish, confident, elegant in its apparent simplicity.

This game is amazing. It's very addictive and the gunplay is super fun. The game flows really well and it very rarely slows down. It's worth getting at full price