Reviews from

in the past



Lets build a competitive sports title in the genre with the worst movement options imaginable

Its chaos thats rarely fun

World and designs are neat I guess

Lol pero sin Chat. Eso lo hace mejor porque es menos tóxico.

Very average game, pretty fun, definitely has meta characters. Sure it might be more balanced in the future but I got what I wanted out of it, a weekend with the boys!

this is the closest ill ever get to associating with league and that's okay :)

genuinely tho im surprised i like this as much as i do since its slow to start, but getting used to everything and i........... like it :) findoing out the dev team was ex riot explains so fucking much lmao

i fucking hate football games

É legal mas tem cara que enjoa rápido

I like beating the living shit out of people with the default girl and making Dubu cartoonishly large, what can I say?

Omega Strikers is a F2P Sports game and can be described as a 3v3 air hockey game with abilities.

The main objective of the game is to outsmart your rivals and score a certain amount of points to win the match. The amount of points to score differs from gamemode. Before scoring a point, there are some parts of the arena where the ball must hit first, after doing that, the gate which defends the goal opens and makes the opponents more vulnerable. At the beginning of each match, you choose your character with certain abilities. Each character's ability adds variety to each game. Before the match, after choosing your character, you also choose a buff, adding an additional bonus to the role you play. There are two roles, two forward players and one goalie. Choosing the right character for each role can be crucial to the outcome of the match.
Apart from abilities, you have different arenas, which differs by only the parts which must be hit before the goal become defenceless. Apart from that, you only have three gamemodes.
There are not many obligatory microtransactions for a F2P game to be honest, which is good, mostly fashion items, but the important thing are the characters, who can be bought with currency earned by simply playing the game.

Szkoda, że mało graczy, gameplay gituwa

played it with a bunch of friends, interesting

Solid game, really enjoyable although nothing super special

Rating: 7.6/10 - Pretty Good

Despite the overall weak character design and lack of content, this game managed to grab me with good gameplay. It can get repetitive after some time and I can already see that the player is expected to grind for levels for a while before being able to get enough money to buy more than a few heroes, but a steady stream of content can fix that.

Starts off a bit slow, but real good fun when you start learning the ins and outs of the game. (also when you actually unlock the characters you want to play as)

It's hockey but your character has moba-like skills that hit the puck and your opponents, and you can kill each other via ringouts. Bad games usually end fast because of snowballing and the long ones are always intense as hell.
The new awakening system means that the matches are extremely varied even if they start with the same set of characters because your performance affects which awakenings you can pick which affects your future performance and so on.
I would give it a 5/5 but some characters are toxic af and devolve the game if their user has at least double-digits IQ (somewhat rare occurrence in such players), and I don't think they'll be reworking or deleting them any time soon. That said, when you're put in a lobby with people of similar skill levels it's some of the must fun I've had in years.

If people let this game die I'll take it as proof that doing game design is a waste of time in multiplayer games.

As of 5/18/23 the online seems barely functional with half of the 6 games I played randomly ending in a lag spike that booted me out. Since I can play other MP games on this game WIFI and have no issues I assume this has something to do with how the game handles premature leaving. From what little I played the gameplay was slow and not compelling enough to justify such a crap shoot.

Mario Strikers Supercharged for League fans

jovem tem derrame ao abrir um jogo no computador que tem interface de mobile

I haven't had this much fun with a competitive multiplayer game in actual years. Holy shit man, I love this game so much.

They have a few rough edges here and there that need a bit of smoothing, but I can tell the developers genuinely want this game to be as great as it could possibly be, so I do feel very hopeful for the future of it. It's fun, unique, feels very good to play and improve at, and has a good group of people behind it, what more could you want?

we do the scoring of goals, perhaps.

Too much going on - sassy cat girl

Całkiem fun gierka o mega ładnej stylistyce. Nie wciągnęła mnie na dłużej, ale może kiedyś do niej wrócę.

MOBA air hockey is neat but I hate how WASD and controller controls feel so idk. this game's community is based solely around rule 34 of the women getting ass blasted and nothing else. Kind of a floperino if you ask me.

This shit is actually fun as fuck idc what anybody says

also Byte Breakers are my goats