Reviews from

in the past

divertido com amigos, sozinho é sem sal

It's fun for a bit, but a bit hard to get into

Played with my gf, very funny but burns out quickly because of how difficult it becomes

fun, especially when you are watching friend struggle with an assortment burnt patties.

Amazing co-op game that will make you hate the person you are playing with. Quite fun; however some of the stages are just so difficult to get 3 stars in you can't help but to hate the person you are working with. Inspite of this, the actual design is just so genius and fun to play with anyone from a gamer to non-gamer.

Cute and fun coop game to play with a couple of friends. It feels like one giant Mario Party mini game where you help another and probably... most likely end up sabotaging another for that one tiny extra giggle.

Fun! The last boss is very annoying. Shame it ends with that.

4th time beating this game now and it's still awesome. Highly recommend for anyone that has people to play this in couch co-op.

jogo pra jogar com a namorada

Fun but too hard for my little baby coordenation

I played this game on the Nintendo switch. The game is fun with friends and not so much by yourself.

o caos em forma de jogo, muito bom

Overcooked is a fun time. The micromanaging of the games various dishes and level gimmicks is a blast with a couple of friends on the couch. The variety of levels on display is fantastic and leads to every level being a new challenge even if what you are doing has only changed due to the environment. There are levels on ice, on moving trucks on pirate ships and much more that make every second of the game a blast. If you can get a crew together overcooked is party game bliss, but be warned friendships could be at risk

very fun with a group of friends, some of those complex levels hurt my head and get me overwhelmed, the tickets keep coming and we don’t have any paddies on the stove! We need onions! Lettuce! Tomato!! and no one’s even washing the dishes! what a chaotic fun game.

The Onion King is just like me but I'm divorced

I think I need to play this with friends to get more fun, but even than it just doesn’t look that interesting. Definitely a game made to be played with a group of friends and have the fun bounce off of each other.

Wild and extremely fun as a group

Sempre que a gente se reúne na casa de alguém jogamos esse jogo. E nunca perde a graça

I honestly don't have any major complaints with Overcooked; the core formula works extremely well in that you have to prepare and optimize the preparation of ingredients as best as you can to achieve the highest score, with plenty of obstacles that scale up as you progress through the levels. The presentation could be improved though, the graphics are basic 3D cartoon models with nothing too distinct in its artstyle, and I can't really recall any tracks from the soundtrack. I think there's a story too, but I don't recall much concerning the overall scope of the narrative? If I really had to nitpick, I wish that there were a way to pass ingredients directly to teammates without having to plop down ingredients on the countertop first, and sometimes the dashing could be a little imprecise and get my character stuck on the ledge when trying to dash between the truck gaps. I'm definitely looking forward to trying out Overcooked 2 when I'm planning a meet up with friends in a few months.

Vaya risas pero que locura. 10 minutos después de terminar de jugar seguía en tensión. Ayuda.

Full Review + Trophy Review and Tips Below

Overcooked is the perfect party game and it is impossible to not get hooked on this simple yet challenging 2-4 person cooking challenge. The premise is simple, you will get orders at the top of the screen and you will be tasked to cut, cook, combine, clean dishes, put out fires and deliver meals in a quick and efficient manner. it's a balancing act of managing your time and coordinating duties with your fellow chefs to get all orders our without a hitch. The catch? Each level is expertly designed to make this a nightmare.

From areas separating and moving to ice and lava, one moment you are on cutting duty, the next your on cleaning duty. The ability to adapt and communicate with your team is the key for success. The game is hilarious and fun, you'll be screaming at each other as you rush through the level to try and keep everything form falling apart. I highly recommend this game as you will find the hours pass by in equal parts amusement and frustration.

Difficulty: 4/10
Time: Skill dependent. Approx. 10 hours
Trophy Guide: Not needed
Trophy List Score: 5/10 (can't be higher, no platinum)

No Platinum!! This is the one huge downside to this list as the rest consist of just beating every area and getting 3 starts on every level. This is extremely difficult to do solo but with 2 players is a fun trophy list to knock out.

- Really only one, play the full level once and then plan it out with your partner for the second run to maximize your efficiency and attain 3 stars. Don't feel bad about having to restart often if you have a poor start.

Finished co-op with a friend. Utter chaos

it's emberassing how mad i got at this

nem com 4 pessoas jogando ao mesmo tempo eu não consegui zerar isso, o caos em forma de jogo de cozinhar