Reviews from

in the past

one of the best gunplay you ever gonna play but there's nothing else in this game

I'd give this a 4 if my save file didn't break 🤔🤔🤔

Horrid story, empty open world and a really bad glitch stopping you from completing the final mission and having to restart, but it is saved by very fun gameplay

The game is mindless fun and I would compare it to something like borderlands. It's gunplay is satisfying and the movement is pretty good as well. Combat upgrades and vehicle upgrades warrant for more exploration which leads to you finding cool dungeons and bosses.

On the other hand, the story is lackluster and almost non existent. It can also get quite repetitive at times. Finally, the open world is a bit barren. There are definitely a lot of things to do and there are vehicles to drive but it could be a lot better. If you want to play a brutal shooter, play Doom. If you want to play an open world shooter, this definitely rivals the competition. I understand the negative reviews and I would immensely recommend getting it on offer like I did however this is a pretty good game as a whole.


Crashed 7 times in the intro area then refused to launch.
I've since gotten it to work on a different computer and it is boring game that exemplifies the worst aspects of open world games.

It's a dystopian open-world Action-RPG. Not much else to say. Probably the most 3/5 star game there is.

Rage was all the…well, rage back in the day on PC. It featured “super textures” and fantastic gunplay that hadn’t been seen since Doom II or Quake 3 and various other claims from id Software. Upon release, it was a lifeless husk of bugs and glitches, and the only thing that was actually any good was the enemies and shooting itself. The open-world was wasted and devoid of life and forget about the story as it was hardly there at all. Fast forward a decade later and we get Rage 2 developed by Avalanche Software known for the Just Cause series. What did we get? Well, a game that’s playing catch up as this should have been the game the first wasn’t. If this released 10 years ago it would have been a smash hit, but today it feels dated and well, still lifeless.

You play as The Ranger named Walker. There’s something about The Authority trying to wipe out humanity and a General Cross is the big bad guy. There are three major players who have main missions for you to ultimately bring about Project Dagger which is to eliminate the machines and genetic monsters roaming the Earth. Yeah, it’s very paper-thin and the story still barely exists. Some of the main missions have slightly entertaining scripted events, but that’s about it. The voice acting is solid, but the characters are one dimensional and don’t grow or mature, and you literally have no reason to care for any of them ever.

That brings us to the actual meat of the game and that’s the shooting. Yes, Rage 2 feels and plays really well. The shooting is satisfying, bombastic, and there’s a wonderful arsenal of weapons to find and unlock as well as abilities. Yes, I said to find. The weapons aren’t just handed to you. You have to find the intel on where they are, explore the world, and find the Arks that contain these weapons. It’s a neat idea and rather satisfying once you find them, but I played 75% of the game with just the assault rifle and shotgun. That’s not a good thing either. There was no urgency to get new weapons until I finally tired of the same two and I needed more weapons for harder enemies. Each area has a level from 1-10 and this is based on how much armor enemies have, or their faction, and boss health bars.

Once you do start shooting around the game is a blast. Each weapon has an alt-fire mode such as the shotgun having an air blast that knocks enemies off their feet. The Fire Revolver has ammo that sticks and then you can snap your fingers and blow them up. The rocket launcher will lock on to enemies and then the pulse cannon has a manual cooldown mode. I never got all the weapons to be honest. There just wasn’t any need to, but what I did get was pretty cool. Even the BFG 9000 was an absolute blast to use but rarely needed. You have abilities that are also supposed to be found, but I honestly rarely ever used them as the weapons were enough. I had a shield, dash, and push but that was it. Some abilities are passive, but the Overdrive ability is the most useful. This unlocks a third alt-fire for each weapon but you aren’t invincible or anything like that. You just do more damage. For projectiles, you get wing sticks which is honestly completely useless despite being a staple weapon in the first game and grenades. You also get three injectables for health, overdrive, and to recharge your abilities faster. Once you die you get a defibrillation quick time event to gain some health back one time until the next death. So, with all of this combined, there is a decent amount of stuff in the core shooting mechanic. It’s solid, but it’s sad you don’t get the weapons in a different manner that makes them meaningful or makes you want them.

Once you’re ready to drive around the Wasteland there’s not much to do outside of small little side missions. These are all basically the same with different names. You essentially kill everything in each outpost and there are things to find inside them. Containers with cash or filtrite which is used for upgrades, datapads, and Ark chests which hold upgrades for mods and vehicles. These are peppered all throughout the game and honestly make up a bulk of the playtime. If you only did the main story it would be over in about 10 hours. The issue is that after completing maybe 60-70% of the other stuff in the world I stopped caring. You just run in and shoot everything, collect stuff, and move on to the next one. There’s no incentive to do this once you’ve fully upgraded everything. You need cash to buy ammo, mods, etc from shops, but filtrite is used for weapon and ability upgrades and that is taken from enemies. The only really interesting side missions were the Mutant Crusher nests. These are giant bosses, but they are all the same. In fact, every boss in the game is the same. Just blast it to death or blast it until it’s vulnerable and then blast it some more. It’s very one-note with the action and the game heavily relies on it rather than using the action in smart and inventive ways.

I also had no incentive to acquire all the vehicles in the game as what’s the point? Your main vehicle, the Phoenix, is just fine as it has a gatling gun and homing missiles and it does the job. Some vehicles are just for fun such as a giant monster truck, and a hovercraft, but honestly there’s not much out in the world. There are a few towns but these are all static and lifeless. No interesting characters as NPCs repeat often and the dialog is uninteresting. There’s just no reason to care about anything in this game and most players won’t stick around long enough past the main story. It just grows incredibly repetitive and you just go on autopilot driving from one side mission to another just checking them off of your map. One question mark to the next and blasting everything and then doing it again for 50+ hours. Again, the shooting is solid, but you can only do it in this fashion for so long. It works in games like Doom because it makes the world around it adjust to the constant shooting. I honestly wish Rage 2 was a linear story-driven shooter and then it would have worked really well. Rage just doesn’t do open-world right. That was the major flaw in the first game as it was a pointless open world devoid of anything. Shooting caravans every so often doesn’t justify an open world. It’s also way too big for its own good. It can take over half an hour just to drive from one side to the other. It’s part of the reason why it took me an entire year and a half to finish this game. It’s daunting and feels like a chore rather than something I can’t wait to see like The Elder Scrolls or Fallout which have interesting open worlds stuffed full of lore and interesting things.

So, we just get a boring empty and lifeless world with static towns and blast everything to death with a paper-thin story, uninteresting characters, and weapons that are hidden and locked away with no incentive to go get them except out of sheer boredom. That’s not good. Despite all of this though, the game is fairly entertaining for a good 30 or so hours until you explore most of the map, finish the story, and I was just done. There’s a good core here that Rage 3 should keep and ditch the open-world entirely. I liked the enemy design, the graphics are phenomenal and look amazing, but this isn’t it guys. The series still needs a lot of work and fine-tuning to become a top-notch FPS.

Boring far cry formula, very forgettable story and repetitive gameplay. The only good thing about rage 2 is the gunplay.

Gave it a shot and couldn't get into it.
Gameplay felt like every game before it and if I want a crazy shooter like that I'll grab Borderlands, so I at least get some unique content out of it.

A disaster, but at least the 3 or 4 guns in it were fun to use.

Would have been WAY better if it was more linear. It sounds weird to say, but there was way too much nothing.

The most tragic thing about Rage 2 is that it has one of the most satisfying first person shooter combat systems of any game I've ever played.

Nothing felt worse than the downer after having cleared an enemy checkpoint euphorically and realizing that I had to drive to the next shooting arena for multiple minutes without anything remotely interesting happening in between those moments.

The humor was also pretty hit or miss and some bosses were plainly just not fun to fight against.

I'm a sucker for anything post-apocalyptic, and this didn't even come close to doing it for me. Honestly, it feels like they wanted to make a big sci-fi space adventure but were stuck with an apocalyptic IP. It feels hollow more than anything, and the feeble attempts at personality got on my nerves immediately. There is more to good art design than just making things colorful, and there's more to tone than just having everyone quip like Joss Whedon characters.

Perdi meu tempo com esse jogo. Menu confuso, histĂłria chata.

wait for the npc to stop talking to you so the door will open and you can play the game then wait for the npc to stop talking to you so the elevator will stop and you can play the game then wait for the npc to stop talking to you so the switch will be pressable and you can play the game then drive across the empty megatexture desert from indistinguishable poi #1 to indistinguishing poi #2 so you can wait for the npc to stop talking to you so you ca---wow, yeah, just like all my favorite id shooters. world and narrative are inexplicably inspired by the oeuvre of one anthony burch. has the best sounding shotgun since doom 2 but to what end?

oh this game FOR SURE made me rage. twice.

Gameplay is great, but it feels like it might've been way better as a more linear game.

Weird bad and not funny, why this game exists anyway?

Um mundo bonito (fiz várias fotinhas), mecânicas de tiro boas, porém com muitas atividades repetitivas e história desinteressante (abaixo da média até de outros FPS). Potencial desperdiçado!

Si todo estuviese al nivel del gunplay estaríamos hablando de un juego imprescindible, como no es así tenemos un fantástico juego de disparos en primera persona con montones de elementos insulsos añadidos que realmente dudo que sumen algo al total, más bien no restan.

Hey, at least it isn't as boring and bland as the first Rage....

An unwanted sequel to an already mediocre shooter, one of the more baffling AAA releases of recent years. The original Rage was as bland in its gameplay as its desert brown color palette but at least it was somewhat focused and fairly inoffensive compared to this. Rage 2 seemed like such a desperate concept since the initial reveal, from the "how do you do, fellow kids" level Twitter antics to the Andrew W.K. promo at E3 I just kept rolling my eyes at it all. That same lame, in-your-face attitude comes through in the game's writing as well - it's like a rotten mix of Borderlands and Mad Max. Pretty asinine stuff.

So, the narrative blows and the tone is off but surely the gameplay is where Rage 2 shines then? Well, yes and no. The gunplay can feel really good if everything goes just right in an explosive shootout but more often than not you'll just end up bumbling around, waiting for your ability cooldowns to recharge while an armored enemy in front of you refuses to die from the third shotgun blast. There's a bizarre feel of half-baked design lingering around a lot of the game, not so much just a lack of polish in one department. The open world does not add much, if you've played a Far Cry game after 2012, or Avalanche's bona fide Mad Max game... Mad Max, you've seen what Rage 2 has to offer as well. At least there's some variety in the different regions of the wasteland. Driving feels solid but it's not much more than a means to get from point A to point B. Vehicular combat on the other hand feels really cumbersome and it sucks that you can't repair most of the vehicles on the road.

This is at its best a serviceable podcast game, I couldn't even entertain the thought of actually paying attention to the plot or worse yet: reading the data pads. Imagine reading the data pads in Rage 2. Now that's insane!! Will never ever return to this one, thank you Xbox Game Pass.

Very mid, didnt like it, the optimization is very bad

Why did everyone dislike this game? Apart from the short campaign and the stunningly hideous cover art I had no complaints with it. Playing this game was like experiencing a Mad Max movie--every time I played, I felt like I was going through a highlight reel. Don't listen to the haters. This is one of the most fun games I've ever played. I would recommend picking it up on sale, as the campaign is rather short.

It offered 12 hours of good shooter game play and 12 hours of monotonous traversal of an empty wasteland. Better games out there.

Super fun but not perfect. Satisfying guns and vehicle stuff. Pleasantly surprised.