Reviews from

in the past

A standout title in the R&C series.

The best RnC game post og trilogy! It's a good time!

The Future games had the stupidest fucking plots. Thank god the slow ass gameplay compared to the earlier games saved them.

Who needs crack when you've got A Crack in Time?

The best ratchet game, for it is the only ratchet game to have a crack (haha like an ass crack funny)

Every weapon in this game needed three times the ammo.

This is the best Ratch and Clank game hands down. Everything in this is just amazing, The combat is smooth and fantastic, the space ship hubs are reminiscent of the Gummie ship parts in KH but this time their actually good, the Clank levels are really fun with their time manipulating puzzles, and that story is pretty good; it's not fantastic like everything else in the game but you know what it's still pretty good.

As of right now this is now my favorite Ratchet and Clank game. Now I wait for Rift Apart.

(1 year later) OOOOOOFFFFFFF

The best Ratchet & Clank game from the Future series. The gameplay from Ratchet's side is more exploration and gunplay while Clank's side is more puzzle based. If you love 3D platformers with more emphasis on blowing sh*t up, you'll love this.

Both the humor and the drama seem to work slightly better here than in the other Future games. Flying around the galaxy map and exploring the moons works pretty well for side content, but if the game were much longer it would probably get old fast. Good set of guns.

Like another game I played on my PS3, this one I also have a lot of nostalgia towards, but out of all the Ratchet & Clank games I've played, this is certainly my favourite.
Not only do they end the original Future trilogy on a great note, but the plot is also one of the best-constructed ones in the entire series, with great stakes and interesting characters.
The gameplay is divided between 3 styles: Ratchet, with the same gameplay style he had in Quest for Booty, with more weapons, both old and new; Clank, using his new Chronoscepter to solve puzzles and beat up enemies; and the Aphelion exploration, where you go around in each of the game's sectors, going on Moons to get goodies, facing off against other spaceships and get to new planets.
While the game's soundtrack isn't really that catchy, it does provide an atmosphere fitting of each planet, and to compensate, the Radio's music tracks are really good to jam out while you're travelling in space.
Not only that, but the game is probably one of the best looking game on the PS3, with some incredible environments to see and travel through.
Overall, I love this game, it provides great action and platforming, an interesting plot and a good amount of content to make players wanna come back to it.

A very good Ratchet & Clank entry!

A Crack in Time is ultimately what the Ratchet and Clank series has led up to. It combines everything that made Ratchet and Clank right, and adds space exploration and time solving puzzles to help improve on what was already a great formula into something even better. The music is perhaps the best its ever been, the game looks wonderful, the characters will still have you laughing, and it can even be a bit emotional. A Crack in Time is truly the defining experience for the Ratchet and Clank series.

The absolute best and peak Ratchet & Clank of the PS3 games.
Space Exploration is some of the best shit ever and I LOVE the radio music.

En una parte en que debía infiltrarme entre varios lacayos del Dr. Nefarius y el Capitán Qwark, sin querer lancé una bola del Marchitrón en mitad de una sala. No sabía que funcionaba con personajes no hostiles y me pilló por sorpresa que todos se pusieran a bailar. Es posiblemente la vez que más me he reído en un single player. Si eso no es motivo para recomendar tamaño bicharraco de juego, ¡yo ya no sé cómo funciona este loco mundo en el que me ha tocado vivir!

"A Crack in Time" is easily the strongest entry to the Future saga. Ratchet's design looks better, the cinematics are gorgeous and don't have any audio lags like ToD and QfB, the narrative is solid, and the gameplay is fantastic.
This game felt more like the "classic" RaC I grew up with. There was a lot to do, the worlds were diverse and interesting, the voice acting was great, and the gladiator arena challenges were fun and rewarding. The ship sections were improved and felt like a nice "open-world" addition to space travel, and the little moons you landed on had clever puzzles and were great for farming bolts and XP.
Speaking of XP, the weapons leveling system in this game was done very well. Each one could max out at V5, and the Constructo weapons' mod slots were fun to mess around with. In NG+, they could reach up to V10. The arsenal itself is very strong. Only a couple weapons felt like they never got any use. The RYNO V, as the ultimate weapon, is disappointing at first, but gets better as you level it up.
The music I'd say was the weakest part of the game, but it still holds up pretty well, carrying a recognizable leitmotif throughout.
Clank sections were amazingly good. The time puzzles were some of my favorite puzzles to solve in any RaC game to date. Very clever and creative.
The narrative was great. Characters had motivations from the get-go, the voice acting was superb, each character had their own arcs that wrapped up nicely in the end, and there was even a twist for the final boss. More dramatic and emotional than other RaC games, but definitely more epic and grand in scale.
All in all, it prompted two complete playthroughs from me, back-to-back, so I guess you could say I enjoyed it!

got playstation whatever to play this on my ps4, but you don't get to download the game but instead stream it or some shit so it plays like absolute dogs shit and makes me want to die

somewhere around here i just stopped giving a shit about this series

Hands down the best Ratchet game, great story, great gameplay, Azimuth is raw!

The stuff about Ratchet and the Lombaxes is really great but Clank's story is pretty weak. The gameplay is insanely good though.

solid and neatly packaged in a boring way, lacks any suprices. it's a product.

the weapons lack any depth of mecanics, they just kill everything with a lame joke trying to appeal to stupid kids

"El universo tiene un gran sentido del humor. El truco esta en saber encajar sus bromas."

Começa muito bom mas fica repetitivo bem rápido. Also não sei como mas eles conseguiram fazer OS DOIS personagens serem dois "escolhidos" de duas tramas completamente diferentes mesmo eles sendo caras normais nos outros jogos.
still 100% it tho lmao

I thought Tools of Destruction was pretty good, but this is on a whole other level. There's way more to do, the gameplay is less linear, and there are so many new mechanics that are a joy to use. The visuals are fantastic too, it's all just so expressive. I'm glad I came back to this one after years since I last played it, at least now I know it's just as good as it was then.

Wish I had finished this one, was a solid release in the franchise, always a fun romp.

This was my first Ratchet and Clank game and let me say this is how you peak a franchise with solid gameplay and a writing that I bothered to pay attention to since it pulled me in

I do not understand the hype. I love R&C, but ACiT bores me. Lame planets, cliché chosen one nonsense, weak weapon selection, too much emphasis on puzzles. I'm not going to lie and say it's not fun, because it is, but it's my least favorite in the series aside from 2016.

Peak Ratchet & Clank, this game is exceptional and well worth picking up. You don’t even need to play the previous Future games to pick this up because they are largely separate.

Definitely the best a Ratchet and Clank game has felt to play. It's a whole lot better balanced than Tools of Destruction was, and the hover boots are a great addition. The ship exploration is fun and simple, and while it's not a sharp looking game it's got a great art style.

The only place where it still really falls short is the writing, which is again filled with badly aged 2000s video game humor. The melodrama is more enjoyable though, even if its plot blatantly contradicts itself.