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Continued the same path that Saints Row 3 took in diverging from the franchise, but went bananas with it and the resulting game is a total chaotic mess that can be fun at times and at plenty of other times unfunny, annoying, confusing, or way over-the-top. It can feel pretty fun to run around and destroy everything, but it totally lacks any substance, even though the writing is very self-aware. Though I do love the included DLC that lets you summon Ashly, Anthony, and Papa Burch from "Hey Ash Whatcha Playin?".

this game is so absurdly dumb i love it #fuckzinyak

good game, garbage remaster

there was NO REASON for deep silver to push this one for the og owners of the game, other than pushing the epic games online bloatware on people,i mean, you can't even revert to the game you bought for (yes i know with steam console shenanigans it's possible, but at this point pirating the game is easier), so good luck trying to beat a single mission in this remaster without game randomly disconnecting, causing you to redo the mission over and over again, fuck

Very boring. Cringey tryhard humor. Feels very similar to Saints Row 3.

eu até gostava do jogo mas fui jogar de novo recentemente e percebi que ele eh ruim, :/

Fully embracing the wacky, its chaotic nature is fun in the beginning, but it eventually loses its charm over time.

I can't even begin to fathom any sort of "story" element inside of this game. You literally cannot predict what happens next and any sort of continuity that the other SR games had is completely obliterated and thrown out the window, With that said this game is absolutely amazing.

I remember playing this game when it first came out on PS4 and enjoying the wacky comedy and uniqueness of the game. Before that the only saints row game I had played was Saints Row 2, which I loved playing. The reason I have ranked this 3.5 stars is due to its lack of replayability. A lot of open world games allow for hours of endless fun, but SR4 lacks in that. After completing the main story you're left with a decent amount of activities to complete but even if you set out for all challenges as I did, you're left with about 10 hours of nothing to do until the 40 hour mark. That includes after the DLC. The game is fun but the platinum takes a lot of idling, so plan to watch a few movies or series in the background, or have another console at the ready, with the controller walking your character in one direction.

I'm coming out of the closet on this one, I actually really liked this game and 100% it

Most underrated game ever maybe?

A major step down in quality, the whole thing feels more like Saints Row 3.5, the super powers while fun completely ruin the flow of the game, there is literally no point in ever using a car once you unlock the powers and the humour just didn't land as well for me this time round.

An absolutely awesome addition to the Saints Row series. Originally, this was meant to be a DLC for Saints Row The Third, but they decided it was big enough to be it's own game and I totally agree. This took me so long to complete and I had a lot of fun doing all the extra stuff and the DLC to this game was a lot of fun too. Especially the Christmas stuff...even though I am trying NOT to think about Christmas considering it's only bloody October, lol.

I'd highly recommend this game for any fan of Saints Row and I love seeing the return of a few fan-favourite characters :)

Edit: Looking back, the game is a lot of fun, though there are some story issues that I won't mention for spoiler reasons, but it is a little bit of an issue. That said, the whole going full super-powered and kind of insane matrix-level stuff is certainly a lot of fun and I found myself spending MANY hours with this game, though anything in regards to driving is often easily ignored since why bother driving anywhere when you can run super fast and knock aside vehicles whilst doing this? Same in regards to the jumping, flying and gliding. That's no real reason to use vehicles at all unless you want to be a completionist or use a military vehicle with guns and such on board.

A lot more solid than I remembered. While a lot of the character writing and humor is dated, it has more spirit than The Third, which felt like warmed over memes from 2009.

this is the best crackdown game ever made

Yes it may have put the nail in the coffin for the franchise, but at least it's fun.

ah yes my favorite genre of video game, superpower and dildo swords

It's like Saints Row 3 but with superpowers. The dialogue is cringey but I played without audio most of the time. It can be fun to turn your brain off and mess around. But in reality, it's really repetitive. The game even does the meta thing where it's telling you that missions are just fluff to extend the game length. The side missions are literally just completing the overworld minigames 90% of the time. Pick up for free or on a deep sale.

Man, this game is just so much fun. Even if I don't think all the humor lands, and some missions are a bore, overall this is just such a fun game to play.

If this is what it takes to get Independence Day'd, then make me a US president.

Just dumb fun, co-op is pretty good.

Good for a week of mindless fun and a few good chuckles. I'd venture to say the last good Saints Row game made.

Debe ser la mejor sátira metavideojueguil sobre la fantasía de poder. Parte de algo muy continuista con respecto a su predecesor, pero gradualmente altera la experiencia hasta convertirse en algo completamente superior.

This review contains spoilers

An example of a series taking an idea too far but... is it actually fun?

Saints row 4 is a direct sequel to saints row the 3rd and takes concepts from the 3rd games dlcs and takes it to a full-on game. Sr4 was originally supposed to be a big expansion for 3 and well... It feels like one too.

Gameplay: Saints Row 4 is an open world action adventure GTA style shooter game. This time around you are in a simulation of Steelport from SR3 and have superpowers, you also fight aliens too... yeah, idk who thought this was the direction to take Saints row. Yes, it’s absolutely no longer a GTA Clone (and honestly why even bother having the option to drive cars in this game since you have superpowers and can run faster than any car in the game.) Basically, you can run super-fast, jump super high, run up buildings and even glide/fly. You have different elemental superpowers you can use, and each mission revolves around saving others from different simulations while you return to yours to slowly take over the simulation. You can leave the simulation at will and some missions take place in the real world and involve you fighting aliens. Now a lot of longtime fans hate this game because it, at its core is not a Saints row game and I completely agree with those people... however, Saints row 4 is fun, badass, actually has missions that call back to previous Saints row games and so many pop culture references, I think I counted at least 40 different movies, video games and shows from pop culture along with pay tribute to the original saints rows and bring back a bunch of classic characters. There are some awesome cameos as well, like Kieth David who plays your vice president... oh yeah did I forget to mention you are president in this game?... yeah, it's a wild game but it's honestly a well-balanced and fun game to play. If you love any of the other Saints row games, I can see why you'd hate this one but also love it because it's very self-aware of what the franchise has become. The customization is still great, the weapons and vehicles are all great. The map unfortunately is still the almost exact same Steelport and I gotta say I hate Steelport. I do think this game should have absolutely taken place in a simulation of Stillwater at the very least but whatever, I guess. As fun as it is this game, like the others before it, also crashes a lot. All of the DLC is fun but stupid at the same time. They have this Santa DlC where you are in Christmas land fighting evil Santa's and ...delivering presents... then they have the enter the dominatrix DLC which is a wacky knock off of the matrix but also like a blue ray directors cut thing and kinda states the whole story is just a movie anyways (which if you liked the older games better might help you sleep at night thinking none of 3 and 4s events are real). I will say all the wacky guns and skins you get from the DLC and even in the base game are cool as hell and fun to use. There were secret weapons and vehicles hidden too but like I mentioned vehicles are kinda pointless for the most part.

Graphics, music and voice acting: So graphically this game looks exactly the same as SR3 to me and that's another unfortunate thing. The music in this game is just as fun as Saints row 3 and 2s and this time you can actually just listen to it whenever you want and don't have to be in a car. SR4 also has an absolutely banger cast of some returning characters and some new. It's a funny self-aware clinginess that I actually really enjoyed. The voices for your character are the same with the addition of the special voice being a self-aware Nolan North which is a lot of fun to use.

Story/ some spoilers: oh boy, reading this story without context you’d probably not think this is a Saints row game. So basically, Saints Row 4s story is about your character becoming president after stopping a nuke from hitting the USA and suddenly getting attacked by aliens. The aliens throw everyone in a simulation, and you basically have to escape, save your friends and stop the alien leader Zinyac. I won't spoil much more about the story in this game because I do think the creators actually gave a damn about it this time around. Saints Row 4 is fun, and the story is a great adventure. As I mentioned earlier, I have seen a theory out there that SR3 and 4 are just movies in their universe and I can Definitely vibe with this theory. If not, then Saints row 4 is basically the Resident evil 6 of this franchise. It sticks out like a sore thumb and feels out of place, but the gameplay works. As great as it is and as fun as it is it just isn't saints row but I cannot lie to you and tell you it’s a bad game or even that the story is bad. The story actually does pay a lot of respect to the older games with some nice fan service, so it's hard to criticize a game like this for doing something different that works. I feel like my biggest issue with this game aside from it crashing a lot is the damn map. Steelport isn't fun and man it's EXACTLY the same but with spaceships. Do I think this should have been a "non-canon dead rising 2 off the record" type of game? Yes, but it is great fun especially if you like old movies and play a lot of games, you'll love the references here but if you are a classic saints row guy you might hate this, if you love saints row 3 or games with superpowers then you'll love this game.

Overall, it's a fun but very different experience from the other games and it's definitely not for everyone but I have to give credit where it's due.

Olvidé por completo que eventualmente me lo pasé. Soy más fan de la tercera entrega, el boss final es mediocre pero el juego es muy entretenido, es un GTA con superpoderes, no tiene más.

Saints Row IV Re-Elected - 9/10

tl;dr: E se GTA fosse criado por devs sob influência de LSD?

Mais uma franquia na qual entro na vuadora com os dois pé direto no último título (a anterior sendo Assassin's Creed). E finalmente um descanso de jogos da Ubisoft também. Saints Row IV é um jogo que já havia jogado um pouco no PC há anos atrás e sempre achei divertido mas nunca me motivei o suficiente para terminá-lo. Bom, acabei e valeu muito a pena.

A ideia do jogo parece que foi enfiar o máximo de aberrações sem sentido que puderem com uma premissa que justifica isso tudo (mundo virtual criado por aliens e sonhos, logo, tudo é possível). E realmente, aumentaram o nível de tosquisses no último e, por incrível que pareça, é um dos motivos do jogo ser bom. Apesar de um monte de besteira aleatória, muita coisa é bem trabalhada a ponto de, pelo menos, se ter uma boa piada ou sátira por trás ou, até então, levar o plot da história adiante. Sobre a história, além dela seguir eventos dos jogos anteriores e ainda se manter legal para quem não a conhece, eu só posso deixar meu mano Away resumir ela aqui sem spoiler:

Seu personagem é altamente customizável. Desde aparência física, voz (incluindo a voz de Nolan North) e roupas. A variedade aqui é muito boa, eu gosto do construtor de personagem desse jogo. E então você é lançado num mundo aberto (após umas missõezinhas iniciais como presidente dos EUA) que não é muito grande (não sei se era pra época) e nem muito variado, mas, como eu já disse, combina com a premissa do jogo.

A gameplay é fluída e variada. Por incrível que pareça, acabei gostando dos tiroteios nesse jogo apesar de parecer um pouco datado. Mas gunplay é uma pequena parte, afinal, temos super poderes! Super velocidade, super pulo, uma planagem que chega a ser quase um vôo que consome stamina e... ? Pera... Onde foi que eu já vi isso??? (dica: GOTY 2017). Enfim. Lança energia com a mão, mete pisão no chão pra dar dano em área, põe fogo em tudo e todos à sua volta, etc. É muita coisinha diferente pra brincar sem contar as diferentes armas com efeitos diversos como criar buraco negro, explodir a cabeça dos inimigos, matá-los de tanto dançar... E os veículos que também possui tanques, naves, motos... Ah. Vou enfiar reticências nesse parágrafo inteiro se for pra ficar falando tudo que tem. É divertido. Confia. Só mais uma coisa: tudo pode ser jogado em coop online, o que aumenta mais ainda a diversão.

A trilha sonora desse jogo é genial. As músicas originais são legais, talvez um pouco repetitivas mas não me incomodou. O destaque está em momentos da história que metem um Aerosmith ou um "What is Love" do nada. Não sei como conseguiram direitos pra isso mas deu muito certo.

Saints Row IV tem um gráfico decente, ainda mais para seu ano de lançamento original (2013). Pela bagunça intencional que é o jogo, até os glitches propositais são bem legais. Os não propositais também, que acontecem direto, rs.

Infelizmente, esse jogo só conta com uma tradução PT-BR não oficial para os jogadores de PC e no PS4 estamos presos com o inglês mesmo. Então fica difícil de recomendar mas, tirando isso, é um jogo rápido que vai servir pra divertir. Principalmente para aliviar a cabeça depois de jogar algum jogo mais "sério".

DLC: Enter The Dominatrix
Como se eles não precisassem de mais motivos pra enfiar bizarrices, aqui está. Resumão: a IA do mundo virtual fica louca, se personifica como uma Dominatrix e você tem 4 a 5 missões a mais para fazer em cima desse tema. Divertido que nem o resto do jogo.

DLC: How the Saints Save Christmas
Sabe aquele filme de natal que sempre tem o heroi salvando o natal de alguma maneira? Isso deu mais um motivo pra essa galera criar mais coisa aleatória com a temática de Natal. Também é muito bom na medida do possível.