Reviews from

in the past

Isso falha em tudo o que uma visual novel tenta ser, VAI PRA PUTA QUE PARIU.

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Dropped after the second rape scene. I like horror, but that's not horror, that's just gross.

tons of gore/sex scenes I couldn't care for in the slightest but the plot was okay and the soundtrack absolutely slaps

Quick horror game, about 5 hours to complete, pretty Fun, I really like these gory games, If you like them as well I highly recommend this one

em extrema necessidade de uma namorada lovecraftina RN .

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se o Fuminori fosse da tuga ele não ia precisar de ter ficado todo maluco da lareca para querer pinar a aberração cosmica menor de idade

Quite a disturbing masterpiece of writing.
Very well written/10.

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Ok, so how the fuck do I even talk about this? How the fuck do I even rate this?

Apparently there's two versions of this game. Boy am I glad I played the censored one cuz Jesus Fucking Christ, even that version walks a very, very fine line between showing some really needlessly grotesque stuff and it definitely stumbles over that line a few times. And looking, as objectively as one can at a piece of media, this game succeeds in its goals with flying colors. It's viscerally uncomfortable. That's what it was going for, and it did it. But I can't help but feel like some of it could have been handled with a bit more tact? Maybe?

Within this game are depictions of rape (multiple times), pedophilia (it's a pretty persistent theme), sex slavery (right after the extreme disfigurement of said character forced into sex slavery), and that's just the most potent bits that stick out in my mind. I'm not saying heavy topics can't be breached in a piece of media, but the biggest red flag to me is that some of these descriptions include accompanying illustrations! Some of which are decently sexualized! Like, talk about a lack of tact! And this is the censored version!! What the fuck!??!

You really don't need to go to these lengths to make an unsettling piece of media. You've already got voice lines of characters crying out in pain and fear, you've already got the writing, you've already got the heavy industrial music, do you really need to draw the rape scene too? And again, this is the "toned down" version, I fear what kinds of shit is in the uncensored one (probably plenty of stuff that adds you to an FBI database even worse than the one I'm probably already on for playing this)!

Despite all of this, most of the worst stuff takes up only maybe 10-20% of this game's runtime, and the rest is, uh, actually pretty good? The music is great at accentuating plot beats, and the perspective shifts are a great way to ground the narrative in some semblance of "reality", and to contrast the viewpoint you get from Fuminori (whom the story clearly understands to be a terrible person). As the game goes on further, you get less and less scenes from Fuminori's perspective which I can honestly only see as a positive. Once Yoh is... imprisoned? Raped? Disfigured? All of the above? After that, the narrative all but forsakes Fuminori, and Koji becomes more or less the main character, which I think is probably the best move one could do after including what is probably one of the most distasteful scenes in the whole game. But it's still reasonable to ask why that scene needed a CG (and was presumably worse in the original version).

I guess if you wanted to make a story where characters get raped and murdered and disfigured and the MC cannibalizes them with his child girlfriend whom he has sex with (erm actually she isn't a child she's an eldritch abomination with superhuman intelligence i dont care she looks like a child), this is certainly a way to do it... but I can't help but think it would be better if it was a bit more reserved in its execution. It's got multiple high moments, but the low moments sting and really throw into question how much of this was thought out past a vague "dude, wouldn't it be fucked up if X happened?"

I'm compromising on a 7/10 right now but no score I give this feels right. If the game handled its racier scenes with a bit more tact I could honestly rationalize it being an 8 in my mind, but in its current state I can't help but question its goals (is the 'point' of this game just to show you something "fucked up" and nothing else?) which makes me wanna bring it down a lot. I don't know, I'll have to sit on it for a bit, but even with how high I'm rating it I still probably wouldn't recommend it to someone unless you've really steeled your resolve.

Foi a primeira VN que eu joguei e não sei bem o que pensar, foi um sentimento bem comparável com o que alguns mangas do gênero Eroguro passaram-me, mas não o suficiente para me cativar tanto quanto.

friend of mine kept trying to get me to play this for a really long time, eventually i caved and played the first five minutes or so before putting it away. i barely remember the game but she got arrested for child porn a year later so three stars

It was a completely alright game that keeps you engaged throughout but fails to stand out either as a horror or as a love story.
I dont regret playing it but I do wish it was something more.

(There is a SFW version on Steam)

For a game that came out in 2003, this hasn’t aged bad all (minus the art) and the music is phenomenal. The writing is decent for what it is and the main relationship between saya and fuminori is nice for what it is as well. It’s not for everyone especially the amount of heavy subject material this vn covers without any real thought or care put into it, but alas, i still enjoyed it even if for the music alone and saya being an endearing character

please dont stick your penis into cosmic flesh monsters

some good ost but it was mid

this is like the only gen urobuchi thing I've put to my eyeballs so far that I don't Completely Hate For Reasons. It's a short horror VN with some absolutely messed up gruesome subject matter. It's definitely very edgy and not for everyone. The soundtrack is pretty great.

Very cool setting, atmosphere and characters. I just wish the plot was a bit harder to predict.

not giving it 1/10 only because the OST is good

i'm surprised i finished it

almost finished it but it crashed while doing the second ending
hard to think the same person would write madoka magica and psycho pass years later

slightly inconsistent story cause man's got meat vision but he can still read

Very original apart from the child porn, story gets pretty bad later on though.

thanks urobuchi why does it say blu-ray player are u serious can u cctually play this on blu-ray