Reviews from

in the past

About as good as the first but for completely different reasons. Gameplay is more carefully considered and less free-form. Story is surprisingly well-presented.
Gimmick levels offer more variety than the first game but also drag on for too long. I never want to go emerald-hunting again for as long as I live.

insert peter griffin family guy meme "i am not fond of chao garden"

why does metal sonic suck in the battle mode BUT OTHER THEN THAT ITS STILL THE FUCKING GOOAAAATTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!

O jogo é muito bom e me marcou muito, mas, eu acho que algumas decisões de level design são meio questionáveis, algumas coisas envelheceram mal tipo a câmera que as vezes faz eu querer me matar, alguns bugs chatos e a gameplay do eggman e tails é muito chata puta que pariu

"haha sonic bad" I get the saying is overused to death and back, but SA2 has to be one of my least favorite games I've looked back on now that I'm an adult. This game to me when I was a kid was about sonic and the chao garden. This game is 1/3 a fun game and the other 2/3's is some of the most boring bs I've ever been subjected to, tails and knuckles stages are legitimately so boring and annoying.

sonic and shadow's stages are insanely fun, i love them!! the mech stages are pretty fun too. it's a shame i hate the treasure hunting stages so much. i love this game but it's overrated tbh.

My opinion may be biased as this is a game I none stopped played growing up on the Nintendo Gamecube and STILL have the game for it. I have many memories of raising chaos and playing City Escape repeatedly and over again. I’m glad I can play it on PC too!

I think we can all agree that the game isn’t perfect and has many audio and visual bugs, which occur pretty often throughout the game. Some bugs are different per platform; for example, if you play as Knuckles in the Chao Garden and walk slowly, your leg will rotate weirdly, which you couldn’t see in the original Gamecube game.

BUT I love the replayability of the game and always have; that’s why I spent YEARS playing it and hours playing it on Steam. What helps a lot is the music is excellent, and the Chao Garden is a feature that is so great that I’m confused they haven’t done it in any other game! In the Chao Garden, you raise chaos HOWEVER you want, and it will have different outcomes. It’s incredible how complex yet straightforward this mechanic of the game is. It makes you want to experiment and explore different method outcomes—Chao’s appearance changes with how you treat it. For example, constantly petting a Chao with Sonic will make it more of a Hero Chao. Giving it Speed Animals and Chaos Drives will allow it to evolve into a Hero Speed Type Chao. It doesn’t stop there, as you can then change the course and start feeding it Power Animals and Power Chaos Drives, and it will become a Hero, Speed and Power Chao!

Multiplayer is pretty Meh and not that great as it is pretty basic.

I love how each character has their unique playstyle when playing their levels, from speed levels with Sonic and Shadow to Shooter levels with Eggman and Tails.

I recommend that the PC version is learning how to modify the game with Mods that you can find online. It makes the game even more enjoyable, such as new areas or playable characters on different levels.

the music in this game is incredible (specifically the rouge and knuckles tracks), and the story is absolutely hilarious

Eu amo o primeiro mas o 2 melhora vários aspectos da gameplay e acaba sendo um jogo bem mais focado e com uma jogabilidade mais refinada no geral!

Aside from the jank of the treasure hunting levels, this game exemplified everything a modern sonic game SHOULD have been.

i never get bored of this game except sometimes the mech levels tails shoulda been like sa1
shadow is hello kitty for men

I fucking love this game. Nostalgia or not, it's just a really good game overall. Minus half a star for the Mech levels being kinda bullshit at times though, especially Eternal Engine.

(Played on both PS3 and PC)
Peak Sonic because eggman pisses on the moon

Gameplay: Really Good
Music: Amazing!
Replayable? Yes
Streamed? No

Extra Notes? Not the best Sonic Game but a REALLY good one.

To jogando com uns mods visuais que restauram coisas do Dreamcast e arrumam problemas do port merda pra pc, além do deadzone fix e o retranslated hints feitos pelo Sanglish.

Terminei Hero Story e acabou sendo melhor do que eu lembrava, por mais que as Boss Fights sejam mais chatas que o Chaos 4 do SA1, que as Mech Stages tenham um controle pior que a campanha do Gamma, e que a Treasure Hunt seja, em geral, cansativa, eu real me diverti com a campanha do Sonic.

Acabei de terminar a Dark Story, e puta que pariu, o jogo já começa com Mech Stage sendo infinitamente melhor que os Mech Stages do Tails. O Eggman realmente jantou bem nesse jogo. Na real, o mesmo da pra dizer sobre as fases do Shadow e da Rouge, ambos receberam um level design mais divertidos que o Sonic e Knux respectivamente!
Em geral, a Dark Story foi BEM MAIS DIVERTIDA que a Hero Story, foda-se.

Bom, finalmente terminei a Last Story, e ignorando os erros de tradução do jogo e etc, ela fecha muito bem o jogo. Cannon's Core é uma fase muito boa que junta o main cast da melhor forma possivel, e finaliza com o Shadow metendo o pau no Biolizard.
O boss final verdadeiro, o Finalhazard, é real uma das melhores boss fights finais da franquia.

Porra, o jogo é melhor do que eu lembrava, mas os mods tbm arrumam os problemas dessa versão do jogo.

Não vou nem fodendo fazer 100% (por agora), pegar todos os Rank A e tankar o Chao Garden por completo. Talvez algum dia eu revisite esse mesmo save igual eu pretendo fazer com o SA1, mas eu não to muito afim de fazer isso agora.

Sonic and Shadow levels are really fun but being forced to play as Tails/Eggman is just horrible. Knuckles/Rouge stages are fine though a bit repetitive

This review is strictly for the PC Version and the changes it enables, view the gamecube version for a more extensive review.

Mods fix the game quite a bit. Better audio mixing in game and in cutscenes, better control in some places, and a better emerald radar. Turns the game from a good to a great one.

Of course its good its adventure fuckin 2

still a fun game! but i think it pales in comparison to sonic adventure 1. i feel like a lot of this game is weaker and lacks a significant charm that SA1 has over SA2. i still love both of these games, and SA2:B has the most fleshed out chao garden, but if you want a good sonic game i would hesitate to recommend sonic adventure 2

El mejor juego del erizo azul por infinidad de razones. Realizando un port bastante sorprendente y añadiendo unas características multijugador insuperables, Sonic Adventure 2 Battle es un título que no debe faltar en la colección de todo videojugador que se respete. Su jugabilidad, su gran cantidad de opciones y modalidades de juego, sus gráficas, su música e inclusive su historia (que es algo genérica pero lo suficientemente contundente) hacen de la segunda aventura de Sonic uno de los mejores juegos de la industria. Un clásico indiscutible al que será muy difícil superar, ya que sin lugar a dudas se ha convertido en el Ocarina of Time de la franquicia del erizo más veloz del planeta. Se recomienda mucho, incluso para aquellos que le vieron en el olvidado Dreamcast de Sega, ya que encontrarán muchas características novedosas y otras tantas que llamarán a la nostalgia. En PC disfruta de una mejor calidad gráfica como es de esperarse y algunas características como la capacidad de enlazar la GBA no están disponibles, pero ambas versiones valen la pena, y mucho.

Total Score: 7.11

• Ingenuity: 8
• Visuals: 5
• Sound: 10
• Replay value: 6
• Gameplay: 7
• Plot: 7
• Characters: 7
• Polished: 6
• Enjoyment: 8

I don't think it's the masterpiece that everyone makes it out to be, but I still think Sonic Adventure 2 is a good game. Good variety of gameplay with an intriguing story, lots of replay value and possibly the cheesiest 2000s soundtrack I have heard (and I mean that in a good way.) The camera often works against you and I found a good handful of stages to be a slog or irritating, but as a whole I think this is a fun game. Oh, and the chao garden is easily one of the best parts of this game.

potential great sequel held back by it's baffling gameplay changes like spindash and emerald tracker, chao garden great though

One of my all time favorite childhood games, love the music and characters. Unfortunatley this game has aged badly like many early 3D games from the late 90's & early 2000's. Momentum during many of the speed & mech levels is constantly killed by the archaic camera system & janky collision detection with environments, and they somehow made the treasure hunt levels even worse with a gimped radar compared to the first game. The best levels are still a lot of fun to play in stage select but the story mode overall is a one & done for me. Battle mode & chao garden are also great additons that made for a lot of memories growing up with siblings & cousins. Overall still a very fun game but that story mode can be very rough at many points.

I've made no secret of my feelings toward Sonic Adventure 2. In a word: complicated. I've played the game a TON since my childhood, and I've officially beaten it twice. I've enjoyed my time with it, and it's a game where my bias makes me want to give it a higher score than a 6/10. But this is a game that just has so much dated jank to it that it's hard to go much higher. I know it's a game that brings me a lot of joy and nostalgia, but if I'm trying to be at least a little objective here, it's kinda rough.

Copied from my review of the base game:
Played the Steam version on my Steam account at a friend's (possibly with some mods for the game my friend had installed).

It's ok I guess. It's not terrible but nothing that good either. My aforementioned friend really likes this game, but I wasn't the biggest fan. Seems to be a game you had to grow up with to really appreciate.

With all that said, I've heard other versions of this game are better and the Steam version isn't the best.

Knocked off a rating point as I don't see why this is DLC.

Sometimes manages to outshine its predecessor but oftentimes not. The presentation is a step up but I think the levels themselves rely too much on gimmicks and linearity that ends up hindering the experience. Sonic and co. have had their controls tuned, they feel slightly less floaty now which I'm not personally a big fan of but it's not a big deal and I'm probably the only person in the world who cares anyway.

The mech sections are okay. Most of the time they're over with pretty quickly and are fun enough. I sadly can't say the same for the emerald hunting sections. It's beyond beating a dead horse by now but seriously... only allowing one emerald piece to be detected at a time? It's such an awful way to pad, especially in the later levels where you could end up in the same area for 10+ minutes. I also remembered while writing this that there are also 2 (two) vehicle sections in the game which I found genuinely fun, if a bit too easy.

The Sonic/Shadow sections are good for the most part. I really enjoyed Final Rush and it's probably my favourite level of the game, just pure fun from start to end. I think Shadow's stages as a whole aren't as good, but Sky Rail was a highlight for me.

Also a lot less PC-specific shenanigans this time around which is nice. I've read many people having framerate problems thanks to the game not respecting their refresh rate, but luckily I had no such issue.