Reviews from

in the past

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Starfox Assault is a game of shooting bad guys with lasers pew pew pew! I kind of love it. It's simple, poppy, and I love how 2005 it is, despite all of its problems coming from it being made in 2005. I really like the textures on the environments, and the sound effects are pretty good too.

Okay, here's what's wrong with Starfox: Assault. It's pretty poorly written in the macro and the micro, as well as poorly translated. The game's story has the structure of a poppy space-opera, complete with dramatic moments and lines which are said earlier in the game coming up later at key points and characters dying heroically and stuff. StarFox Assault is pretty bad at building up concepts and drama. For example, the line in question, Wolf O'Donnel says "when the time comes, just act" and shit, that line doesn't particularly have anything to do with the finale, when the line comes back. There is also a moment when Peppy becomes sentimental and tells the crew how much he loves them, before dramatically sacrificing himself for the team five minutes later. It's like, "uh, okay, I guess." Maybe if the game showed the ship getting infected during the mission and Peppy trying to hide it? Also, the main antagonist of the game, the aparoid menace, is discovered to use the memories of its victims to try to fool its prey into giving themselves up willingly, but in gameplay, the aparoids are simply monsters who shoot at you. Even fighting the final boss, illusions aren't used either in dialogue or gameplay to try and fool the player or anything like that. Instead, Krystal simply says "keep fighting! The queen is afraid of us!" a dozen times. The hivemind theme isn't used very well and could have been swapped out with any old character trait, and the game would have functioned the same way. That is to say, it's disappointing to take the half-step to introduce the illusory aspect but not capitalize on it. I do like that the aparoids look like robot-bugs, though, and the kaleidoscope final boss setting, even if it makes me unable to see when and where precious powerups are being dropped. When I say that this game is poorly written in the micro, I'm referring to individual lines of dialogue in gameplay taking too long to say. By the time a character finishes telling the player that they have a bogey on their tail or that an enemy has locked on to their ship, I will have already taken care of the problem, but the character will finish their line unless interrupted by another line. Dialogue like this should be spoken in as few words as possible to match the fast pace of the scenario! Additionally, when you're fighting bosses, sometimes their lines will take a really long time to say, too, which makes it harder for those lines to enhance the drama of the scene. Instead of complete, long sentences, boss characters should have simply grunted, screamed, or used two-to-three word phrases, like General Pepper does sometimes! The last thing about the dialogue being poor is simply the performance of the voice actors. They definitely sound like they're reading their lines for the first or second time and likely don't know the context of the scene those lines take place in. A lot of phrases are spoken in an inflection which would make sense in a void but not in the context of the scene. It's very Sonic Adventure 1 in that sense.

Honestly, though, despite being clunky and awful, I think the third-person-shooter footsoldier segments were charming! I dislike that certain enemies are only vulnerable to charge shots or rockets, which I don't want to spend precious ammo on, even though, in retrospect, I had plenty of ammo for them, and they are what the rocket launcher was for. I think I shouldn't even have an infinite-ammo blaster which kills everything handily-but-slowly. I understand that the blaster is a fallback for players who run out of ammo, but the blaster's sheer effectiveness and the presence of enemies only vulnerable to charge shots invalidates the ammo system and makes me use the least fun weapon the entire time. Instead, certain enemies should have been weak to the machine gun or a grenade, which, honestly, some enemies could be weak to a grenade. I only played through the game once.

Star Fox Assault has the most fun arwing segments in the entire series, simply because it has the processing power (read: draw distance) to render it lovingly. Of course, 64's chunky, polygonal lasers look great, but the ships were a little lower-poly than ideal, and 64 was very poorly lit overall. Assault's ships and blasters are poppy and fun, and the ship controls as smoothly as ever. Assault even fixes all-range mode segments to not be not garbage, because you can actually use your brakes and kill things without circling back a thousand times. I wish they could have made escaping enemy fire more interesting, though. Every time an enemy mook got on my tail, all I had to do, and the only thing I could do, was press down on the c-stick to to a circle move, and then the enemy was in front of me, and I shoot them. It's a boring non-decision and takes a long time to do.

Star Fox: Assault also has the best mission in the game, in which Wolf saves Fox's life, Fox rides on Wolf's ship wing, and provides him with cover fire, as he takes them on a pleasure cruise around the city and whispers sweet nothings into Fox's ear. They are gay for each other. They are boyfriends.

Overall, Star Fox: Assault was a fun game, in which I shot my blaster at a lot of guys and blew them up, and I like Star Fox. But, man, weird how this series never quite hit a home run and then petered out. Maybe 64 3D...?

Té alguns problemes de control i la durada és massa curta però en general bon joc

the only big problem with starfox assault is that it was developed before RE4 pretty much perfected third person shooter controls so of course assault's ground controls feel pretty jank

still a good time despite that and the short campaign. honestly i wish the later starfox games had this mix of ground and air gameplay instead of trying to endlessly remake starfox64.

Pigma balls

Okay but seriously, why do a lot of people dislike this game? The standard Star Fox aerial action is epic as hell and the scope is bigger than ever, especially combined with the brilliant orchestral soundtrack. And the land missions, while jank, are still quite fun.

If every future Star Fox game was derived from this the series would be stable I promise!
Fully orchestrated OST (which is impressive for a Gamecube game) and it's a solid sequel to Adventures.

the best star fox game after 64

i feel like this game is criminally underrated, and a lot of people tend to forget about this gem, i miss this game a butt ton

This game was alright, but I don't didn't really do much for me.

There is no way I can play this without comparing it with Star Fox 64, a game I played to death. Although Assault's Multiplayer is no doubt superior, the main story (campaign) is very underwhelming. It feels barebones in a lot of moments, and the pacing is not right.
Again, this may be because I'm used to the pacing and cohesion of the N64 title, but for me, its not a great game.


God I wish this is the formula the series went with. Open field levels on various planets, more classic style gameplay in space between the planet levels. So good.

As a long time fan of the Star Fox series, I have been trying to find a copy of this game to play. I finally acquired one and it lived up to my expectations. This is on par with 64 for the best in the series. The story was pretty solid for a Starfox game. I loved how the game changed between on foot and Arwing missions. The on foot portions all felt unique and were a nice change of pace for the series. If I could change one thing, I’d add more classic arwing style levels. The multiplayer is an absolute blast as well! Just overall incredible.

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body horror pigma gave me nightmares as a kid but otherwise decent game. the multiplayer was a high point

Honestly way better than I remember it being.

Never played a single second of the "actual game" but a good 60-70% of my most cherished childhood memories were in the dumb ass multiplayer mode of this game so it gets 4 stars

Pretty AUGH neat AUGH game AUGH and I had a lot of fun flying around and with some AUGH of the grounded AUGH shooting segments, just a shame AUGH about the controls and AUGH camera on the ground. The actual Star Fox gameplay is great and the game is underrated.

I'd give it a 3.75/5 if that existed but it doesn't so let's go with AUGH/5.

Campaign is decent, but the m u l t i p l a y e r is where it is at.

The peak of the Star Fox franchise (yes, undoubtedly over 64), with ideas that for some reason have never been expanded upon. Star Fox Assault offers the most variety in gameplay, characters, and concepts of the series. While these are not perfect by any means, they combine to create the franchise's most diverse and engaging experience that is a great game on its own. I would love to see the ground combat modernized and revamped in a new Star Fox game, and honestly have no idea why Zero just completely forgot about it, but sadly I'm not sure if we'll ever see another Star Fox game again, at least anytime soon. Assault overall is the most 'worth playing' Star Fox game today, with gameplay ideas that do not deserve to be abandoned as they did.

this game isn't even that good but for some reason i fucking adore this video game.

The campaign isn't terrible but Multiplayer alone justifies giving this a 4

Multiplayer was where this one really slapped cheeks but it was solid overall

It's imperfect, but it's definitely a hidden gem. The couch co-op was outstanding, I remember there being some very fun maps. Was very cool to have a multiplayer game where you could do combat on foot, in spaceships, and in ground vehicles, all on the same map.

I've said Star Fox 64 is the only good Star Fox game.

This one is ok.

They were so SO close to nailing this one. The only Star Fox game to feel like an actual follow-up to 64, I love the space opera vibe, the orchestral music is amazing, even the story is actually kinda good for what it is. And the few arwing stages, while not as good as 64, come close to being.

But why did they have to make nearly every level an on-foot mission? On their own they're not terrible, but why are they over 70% of the damn game? And why are the objectives the same every time? Don't even get me started on those boring lengthy turret-style sections...

The worst kind of disappointment- one with so much potential.

Missions on the ground are pretty fun. Good variety in enemies and guns and controls feel pretty tight.

Voice acting and model design is pretty good for what you would expect for a game from this era, especially Peppy's. Compare this game to Star Fox Adventures and the comparison is even more amazing.

Gameplay variance is pretty good. This game has the two types of arwing fights from Star Fox 64, plus pilot missions, landmaster missions, and arwing "wing" segments. Might be missing one or two but it's fun how much things were switched up.

Arwing battlefield fights are ass because there will always be some enemy right behind you. Do a loop and kill them? Guess what, there's another one behind you already.

Switching guns at the end of a mission is tedious because you have to cycle through several guns trying to find the one you want, all while the fight is going on around you.

Arwing "wing" segments were a cool idea, but I feel like they could have been modified to be a bit more fun. You only have control over where you aim and whether or not you're shooting. With the amount of enemies coming at you in all directions and having your gun overheat pretty often, it often felt like you would take unavoidable damage (maybe I'm just bad idk).