Reviews from

in the past

Childhood game for me. Nearly flawless game in my eyes.

Loved the campaign and multiplayer options!

The best Starfox game. I can walk on the ground and fly. WHO THOUGHT OF THAT?!?!

the aparoids invasion was so scary but they were nothing against my unshakeable mental fortitude that gave me more dedication to defeat the on foot levels than parents have to raise their children

When you get to pilot an Arwing the game is as good as Starfox 64. Every level were you are on foot just brings the game down so much.

I really want to rank this higher but it's just really bad lol.

Played on Silver difficulty.

Cool story, great music, great visuals, much better characterization than Adventures, but still a massive step behind the Nintendo 64 classic when it comes to Gameplay and Replayability, and the 4 different, wildly inconsistent types of gameplay styles makes playing this title effectively feel like more effort than it's worth. I can see this being great on mouse and keyboard, but unfortunately, you're stuck with the gamecube controller, making this title range from decent to frustratingly annoying.

Les phases en vaisseau et les boss sont mythiques mais les phases au sol mieux vaut ne pas en parler.


Jesus, this game is fucking bleak. Like half the named characters in this universe die and by the end "they come back" but no they fucking died. I dig this game for being something different, both in story and gameplay. I wish there was a better balance of the two styles, but it's still pretty good.

This game deserves a second chance. It got done dirty despite having a more interesting threat, advance the gameplay and story and the music is legit makes the better each time I play it. Also Star Wolf theme is so perfect

The best Starfox game.
Starfox fans don't deserve good games.

This felt like a true Star Fox game after having dealt with the previous game set on the dinosaur planet, but it still works it's way in and we have Krystal onboard the ship.

The gameplay is a lot of fun with the third-person combat along with jumping on and off the space ship when having a combat on the planets or other location that you need to get out for a bit.

The story is really interesting as it starts with a battle against the remnants of Andross' followers led by Oikanny before the appearance of an ancient enemy that, much like the Borg, are intent on absorbing and evolving as it spreads along the universe. A danger to all involved and even bring in once-enemies onto your side.

However, the problem is that your allies aren't programmed too well so in certain cases, you have to do everything at once because the AI can't be trusted to fight off the enemies.

Gameplay + Stream

...I think this was is in a different wheelhouse.

A good wheelhouse, though! I liked it a lot.

I remember being kinda freaked out by the whole alien menace in this game. Parasites, right? Action felt tight. Multiplayer was a bit weak.

This game is so fun and it still holds up. The on-foot and flying sections are awesome. The story is good by Star Fox standards -- I realize this is not a high bar -- and the enemies are genuinely unsettling. (That one part? You know that one part, with that one guy? Eughhgghghgh.) Sometimes the combat's a little annoying but hey, nobody's perfect. If you somehow missed this one you should give it a go.

I hate the singleplayer for this game, but I had to do it all to unlock levels for multiplayer. My mind corroded with every passing second. Hate.

Amazing multiplayer and really fun singleplayer gameplay, very quick.

Better then I remember it being, the true and only sequel to Star Fox 64, wonderful fast paced dog fighting space battles, the on ground missions are mostly fun even if a lil repetitive. The worst parts were probably hanging off of the sides of your crews ships to escape, and also man your entire team is a lil too reliant on Fox for help. But Star Fox Assault has held up as yet another underrated greatest hits GameCube banger.

Land missions really aren't bad, i mean they are wonky as hell but not really bad, I want to play as the cool characters on the ground, rest of the gameplay no one complains about

anyway its cool to see the universe actually progress and get a new antag and have the old one just be dead, old characters come back and fox and wolf have their rivals to lovers storyline, pigma gets a bigger antagonistic role which is nice since he is a personal antagonist to fox and peppy, so its cool to see things and not just do the same thing as the previous games, also new team star fox is cool.

I want to love this game but it just doesn't hold a candle to 64. Still has some great moments and very fun battle mode.

Really solid Star Fox game with some fun multiplayer to boot

I did not like this one as much as the n64 one. Even though when I was a kid, I thought it was cool that you could run around and blast aliens with gun.

One of my favorite games growing up. One of my favorite games to play with my Dad as a kid and all around a great game that had so much more potential. Never completed it as a kid and going for the gold medals is not really fun.

A game that's difficult to play when you have carpal tunnel! I really enjoyed it. Short, sweet, and full of impressive mechanical design.

Good arcadey fun, though it's short and the ground segments suffer from some wonky controls.

9/10. What an Amazing, underrated, gem of a game, and easily the best of the Star Fox series.

The excellent combat of the Arwing, Landmaster and Wingman sections, and the... decent combat on-foot makes for an all-round great time, with a bit of a time, the somewhat unusual controls become more than manageable even for that last section.

In addition, the worldbuilding, character-work, and stakes provided by this game blow all of the repeated Andross War storylines out of the water several times over, as you fight to stop an insidious hivemind known as the Aparoids from consuming the entire Galaxy. Andross's dark charisma might've been enjoyable, but the soulless, cold, and mostly mute Aparoids provide an eldritch-level threat that I rarely get from a video game.

Only minor issues I have are how the Wolfen managed to follow Star Fox into the Aparoid planet even after the shields closed, a decent chunk of the music is just remixed Star Fox 64 tunes (though the original tracks in this game are absolutely incredible) and I do kind of wish they had committed to killing off Pepper and Peppy.

In the end, this is, in my opinion the best on-rails shooter, the best Star Fox game, the best GameCube game, and the best game with a toad always getting shot at.

If you have a GameCube I would highly recommend giving it a go.

It's neat but it's still got that classic star fox game problem of not really being a star fox game