Reviews from

in the past

Lembro das tardes jogado no sofá escavando cada bloco possível de terra desse jogo.

Un jueguico semi Metroidvania con una estética muy guay que funciona como un tiro por un ciclo adictivo (excavar/encontrar /comprar cosas para excavar mejor/repetir) .

No creía que fuera a ser mucho lo mio y me lo he ventilado en 3 días.

Steamworld Dig is a charming platformer with a delightful art style. It has a unique gameplay loop where you dig to create your own path between areas. As you progress, you are constantly given more mechanics to not only make traversal easier but enable you to access new regions. The pacing takes a dip towards the middle and the stellar final boss highlighted how the game could’ve done with more bosses throughout, but this is still an innovative platformer well worth a look.

A metroid vania where you shape the world by exploring it is genius, I think I've played it like 5 times, its great, if a little simple and the sequel is much better

Metroidvania but Terraria and also addictive as all shit. Trounced by the sequel in every way.

Simple go underground and upgrade items to move forward.

i am a dwarf and i'm digging a hole

Pretty short but fun game, if you enjoy the genre. I played it in one sitting and don't regret any single minute!

Short and pretty fun but nothing particularly Interesting or memorable

Steamworld Dig, as the name implies, is a game that mostly centers around digging, although it also features light combat and platforming elements. It's a fun game but I got a little bit tired of it by the end.

decently fun mini resource collection game worth buying on sale

A short game reminiscent of some flash game I played as a kid on Miniclip. Digging and getting treasure is really fun. None of the characters are memorable and the story is only there as a way to explain why you are digging. The final boss fight is cool but odd considering how little of a focus the game had on combat of any kind, although the way it builds up is really fun and engaging. The game was really short so I don't know if I'd recommend the price point, in part because I don't remember how much it was when I bought it like 7 years ago.

A really charming, laid-back, and easy to get into platformer-type adventure. It’s got a fun gameplay loop and a good foundation. I’m sure the sequel is even better.

Steamworld is underrated imo.

replay. Still pretty good and it was cheap

Mientras que los controles y el diseño que pide prestar atención al escenario están bastante bien logrados, el ritmo es algo apresurado y el sistema de mejoras comprables se sintió similar al de un Clicker donde menos se vuelve más constantemente (al menos este tiene un final a diferencia de esos).

takes the appeal of minecraft's mining and goes to town with it, always have a great time with it

this is basically terraria's cave exploring if you made it into a metroidvania, and I fucking love terraria.

My favorite indie from the 3DS period - it feels a bit bland in retrospect now that 2 is out and far superior, but the western robot theme feels so fresh and creative, and the sense of progression and level design keeps the game interesting throughout its shorter campaign length. Insanely replayable though

It's fine, the sequel is better in every way.

Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapapico

Bought this game today for quite cheap in a bundle, though I finished it years ago in my 3ds. Its been long enough that I didn't feel bad about replaying. A short and sweet experience, took me about 4 hours to finish. Its a cool twist for a metroidvania, instead of a pre crafted level, you're given a pile of dirt and told to dig. So you do, making tunnels to go down and reach your objectives, but having to keep in mind to make them somewhat easily traversable, as you're going to be coming back and forth. Still, it really ends up not mattering that much because by the end of the game you have a lot of mobility and also teleporters, which are fairly cheap to buy, and can stick them anywhere to go to the town and back. Combat is barely a thing, with a very limited amount of enemies barely capable of moving from side to side, they rarely pose a threat if you're careful with your tunnels. I don't remember absolutely anything from the soundtrack, but it probably was generic spaghetti western songs, you most definitely know the one, and the visuals are not bad, it has a colorful artstyle, with my only complaint in that area being that the bloom looked weirdly terrible for me, so I had to turn it off. I think it was a bug. This game is not bad, but honestly very unremarkable. I've heard the sequel gets better, I should check that out at some point.

I played the sequel first, and this feels kinda clunky in comparison, but it's still a pretty good metroidvania, I just didn't like it as much as Dig 2.

A very slow-paced and relaxing game.
Usually not my cup of tea but the world, characters and simple mechanics are really enjoyable.

the jump sucks ass tho

After completing Celeste I thought I’d follow it up with Steam World Dig. To be honest, I remember playing a bit of it a year ago or so but bounced of it. With my new found love in Celeste, surely I’d be able to connect with other platformers too, right?

I was honestly hoping for a stronger gameplay loop. The way the game limits your progress is by limited resource space which gets kind of boring when you have to return from exploration each time it’s filled. It isn’t an inherently bad mechanic, but it happens so often that it’s gets old pretty quickly.

I wasn’t overly impressed by the world either. A large part of this game is clearly the exploration but it didn’t grab me at all.

My quest for other enjoyable platformers continues.

Its a fun game that can be beat in about 3 hours also there is a mega thicc robot in it

A solid if somewhat limited introduction to the series that is surpassed in every category by its excellent sequel.