Reviews from

in the past

It's Mario Maker on the Switch, I have no regrets.

Swung by my family's house to borrow my brother's switch and today I played a level where you get into a Clown Car that can spit fire and - get this - if you ingest a Fire Flower, it gets TRIPLE FIREBALLS. That's cool shit and stuff I want to see in the Ultimate Mario 3D Platformer RPG Adventure that I am speaking into existence.

Then Bowser Jr. shows up in his own fireball Clown Car with Koopa Shells and your task is to murder him. But, it really seems like canonically the Bowser breed of Koopa can survive falling into lava, because surely I will see Bowser Jr. again. It's just still somewhat discomforting to witness him being dipped in lava so casually.

can't even make a fortnite level

Man it is absolutely fun to create levels and design them. I made a very challenging yet enjoyable level called Temple Run 2. I had to play it 9 times before I could upload it because even I found it hard! But it's still fun to play others levels. Some levels are unique (someone actually made an entire movie theater with a movie in it) and it keeps the game interesting. Not to manage the campaign is also fun.

My initial review was: If I gave literal INFINITE MARIO anything less than a perfect score, what kind of a video gamer would I be? Haven't messed around with the level editor, but the story level offerings makes me really want to.

Now, a few months later, I’m second-guessing my perfect assessment. It’s true—infinite Mario deserves 5 stars—however, Nintendo has made finding good levels extremely difficult (something I’ve become frustrated by more and more) so for that I’ve got to dock it. Still fantastic in almost every regard of its construction, but the online component is just too flimsy to ignore.

Something like this could always be better, but this is worth the price for its story mode alone. The level creator could be made a LOT more intuitive and useful. Imagine how amazing Mario Maker would be if it didn't start on the Wii U!

we drove my friend crazy by constantly re-entering a room that restarts the rainbow ride theme

This is one of my all time favorite games!! Wish there were more updates though

A game I have liked to watch more than I liked to play. Still, the creativity of level creators never fail to make me smile.

Was great but got old fast, and it didn't help the game had irregular DLC

At worst, a collection of 120 good Mario levels. At best, an infinite number of good Mario levels.

Went in with good intentions and plans for amazing levels but instead spent hours replaying friends' stages for faster times. And that was still wonderful.

I like gaming, this brought a new definition of gaming 10/10

Functionally it's fine, but there was just something about the timing of me picking this game up where I realized I just wasn't having fun with it. Like, it's not a terrible game, but I guess the uniqueness of the first game just didn't translate well for a sequel. Also the fact that there wasn't a stylus for making stages, like who the fuck wants to smudge their fingers on the screen or use imprecise controls to make a level?

Exactly what you think it is. World Maker boosts this game to what it always should have been.

I can recommend this game on the basic that it offers a functionally infinite amount of 2D Mario levels. Unfortunately, people don't know how to make 2D Mario levels so most of them suck.

Has a pretty neat little single player and some strong creation tools. Definitely worth picking up if you care for Mario at all.

I'm uh... I'm almost thinking this is my favorite Mario game now.

Glad this game exists but without online it gets meh

caí na lorota do villani
good game tho

Well, you know what you're in for when you get this game. The story mode does its job, no doubt about it, though there a few things in it that you can't use yourself, which seems stupid.

I enjoy making levels; I enjoy looking at other people's creations; and I love mastering the Ninji Speedruns. Couldn't ask for much more from this game based on my experience with it.

It's Mario Maker with even more ways to build. Sadly, I guess the novelty wore off since the first one. The Wii U Game Pad was perfect for level creation, so as someone who wasn't super into making levels, the new Switch editor kinda deterred me from wanting to use it. I did find that the quality of the levels online was better than when I played the original Mario Maker. The world creation update got me back into it again, so that's always nice. Overall, solid game, but if you played the first one you pretty much got the Mario Maker experience.

Better game than the first game. Lack of costumes, but understandable, there is a bunch of third-parties involved to make that a reality again. Netcode is still peer-2-peer, basically means, the fastest (or rather the slowest) player dictates the game speed, and it can be REALLY slow at times. Finally slopes!

The removal of the unique costumes in Super Mario Bros. style was the largest crime against humanity ever. Also didn't really provide that much over the first

People thinking they're crazy for making you jump on thwomps

i cant fucking build levels but god this game is good

Back in 2015, when the original game got released on the Wii U, I remember being so excited for this game. As a long time fan of the Mario franchise and kid with an overactive imagination, I was thrilled to play that game. It is definitely my most played Wii U game to date. Then when the Switch came around and rumors of this game began to spring up, I just was not as thrilled. Once the announcement for this game came, I just did not feel anything. I was more excited about Tetris 99 which was revealed in the same Nintendo Direct. With all that being said, I still love this game.

As a kid though, I would not have been as happy with this game. Not because of the concept, but more so because of the building aspect. It's impossible to build anything whether you're on the TV or in handheld mode. This definitely could have been remedied with some AR pointer controls which really would make the building process a whole lot better. But there is so much more content to build with. Buttons, switches, slopes, platforms, and bosses, there is so much more to this game than was ever on the Wii U title.

From the perspective of an adult who really has less time to make endless Mario levels and would more prefer to just hop on and play some Mario levels when I'm bored, this game drastically improves upon the original. Levels are actually way better due to the higher skill level for making levels, it's easier to sort by what you want so you don't just end up playing what's on the hot page half the time. Clear conditions make the unique level design come to life and the story mode makes me wish that Nintendo would just give us another unique 2D Mario game.

However, for now, this game will do, as updates and patches came out it left the game in a much more playable state with much better content but if you bought this game on launch with the shoddy online, I am so sorry. If anyone wants to know what the Mario Maker experience was like on the Wii U, get them this game but I will always prefer the original, even if I end up scoring that one lower.

Great deal of fun, both to play and make levels.
If you're able to weed out the trash there's some great levels in there.

People are so creative at creating levels. I don't make anything, only consoome. Doesn't deserve $60 but it's made by Nintendo so what do you expect