Reviews from

in the past

I had lots of fun with all 126 Nintendo-created levels of Story Mode, even though the “story” is super shallow. But I guess that’s on par with Mario games.

I personally don’t care much about the 3D-style levels, but the 2D ones are fantastic. It felt like playing a new version of SM1, SM3, and World.

Didn’t have that much fun with the online part. Super lacking feature-wise. Endless Challenge mode was the best part of online for me, but it can still yield trashy creations.

Overall a great way to go revisit classic Mario.

Mario Maker but again. Its fun but I miss amiibo costumes and continuous updates.

Hours and Hours and Hours of fun. It's amazing to see what the community can do with the tools provided, and the game allows you to create pretty robust levels built around the best platforming physics of all time. I love this series, and that nintendo has passed off the reigns to the fans to create the levels they want, and find myself going back to this game constantly. I do wish some of the search features/online ui was better, but Nintendo is bad at making online user friendly. it would be so easy to fix!

If you want to enjoy this game at it's best you have to get the online subscription, because playing levels made by other players and being able to make your own it's why this game is so good.

The lack of two simultaneous screens hinders this one quite a bit, still enjoyable though.

Es raro porque Mario es una fórmula muy concreta, y que algo como esto exista, donde los usuarios crean cosas como cirtuitos de Mario Kart en scroll 2D, me entusiasma a la vez que me rechina a la hora de ponerme a jugarlo. Puedo pasarme horas jugando a cosas mediocres y pensar.... "para esto me juego a un Mario normal", aunque de vez en cuanto te encuentras con algo realmente bueno.

Como concepto de juego de crear y compartir, me parece el juego más puro es este formato desde el primer Little Big Planet. No intenta nada más que ser un espacio simpático y divertido para fans.

Fun, robust tools for making Mario levels. Lacked the popularity of the first game but the big story mode and wide array of items, enemies and such make up for it. The interface can be a little finnicky but after a little getting used to is perfectly fine. This game continues Nintendo's series of sound design home-runs, picking and using objects in Maker Mode is so pleasant.

Had a few odd downgrades from the first, but after all the updates has become the definitive 2D Mario game.

I beat Story mode so im going off of that.

Its good! im trash as 2d platforming now though. Dunno what happened there, but besides that. Story mode was funny and is a good brush up on the, what feels like hundreds of different mario mechanics across all 5 game styles that you kinda forget about because theyre all kinda random and game dependent and not explained when you found them in the first game 30 years ago. You dont know why the leaf gives you a cape or how use it, you just figure shit out. Or why a bell makes you a cat. or why any of the dumb cat asthetic from 3d world exisits. im losing the plot i think.

anyway, I greatly dislike the lack of Amiibo/mystery costumes, as that was my favorite part of making courses, so i havent messed with that much. From that standpoint im not real into the whole genre of ‘create your own game’ that things like Maker and Minecraft present (though i keep buying them like a dumbshit) and this game provides what feels like an overwhelming amount of tools to make levels also keeping me away. The courses Ive played that other people make have been fun though.

so playing=fun, making=gimme back my Waddle Dee costume Miyamoto

Bonus points for making Luigi, blue Toad, and Toadette playable.

Super Mario Maker 2 scratches my creative itch better than any game I've played before. I find myself wishing at times that there were more tools available for level creation, but I can't be upset by what's on offer here.

The 100+ levels in story mode, with their different themes and gimmicks and objectives, already provide a fun 2D Mario experience. While it may verrrry bare in terms of plot, the little things like hidden characters with extra jobs help give it personality. Plus it gives an important role to coins again, something which in most Mario games are ignorable collectibles that seem to just be there since they’ve been a staple since the start.

But then there’s the meat of the game. Making levels, playing user created levels, playing versus, playing co-op, playing speed runs. There’s literally endless fun to be had.

Wish it was easier to search for levels that weren't gimmicky, speedruns, or kaizo.

It's an endless tap of inspired, classic mario levels if you look for them.

I feel like it has to get five stars by default.

An infinite mario game. Nuff said

Adds on a lot to the first game but lacks a lot of the personality.

Any time a game requires you to make the fun, I'm immediately turned off. The original Mario Maker did nothing for me but I gave this a shot and I liked the story mode a lot.

Vaya maravilla de juego y de modo historia. Tenía miedo que se quedase corto si no te daba la vena creativa, pero para nada.

La colección de niveles del modo historia es de lo más original que ha hecho Nintendo con un Mario 2D en años.

For a game that only improved on the first, it just didn't catch me the same way.

Didn’t get into this one for whatever reason. It felt less unique and fun than the first, really the removal of costumes ruined it for me and limited the creativity of levels

nsmb is a mario game
the story mode of smm2? that's a MARIO GAME
never afraid to experiment and challenge, and giving you endless freedom to pick and choose what levels to tackle - over 100 premade courses in all
and that's just a fraction of its content.

Pretty fun but I'm not big on making levels.