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in the past

The story on this one is not bad at all, some real fun story arcs on this one but no spoilers from me.

Good battle animations with more detail than past games, makes use of more motion, backgrounds, pilot scenes. Story is fairly well told. Character profiles and an archive of referenced events during conversations. Pilot ace unlock and unit bonuses when it has been upgraded enough help make pilots feel more unique, which is good for certain series where there are characters with very similar units. Bonta Kun stage is great. Some good music, but it gets repetitive for the length. First print had DLC promo code gives you a new scenario and two characters earlier and has them involved in the plot which would have expired if I had gotten it a few weeks later, so that sucks for people that buy the game now or later. Too easy, and I didn't even make use of the new system that lets you teach pilots any skills or rank up any abilities if you spend a new type of currency. Some translation errors, dialogue obviously given to the wrong person on screen, referring to skills by different names in unlock windows, referring to women as men a few times, a missing word every now and then, etc (not bad for the amount of text in these game though and for a more limited South Asian release). Game also really hates screenshots and videos, having a huge logo on the side of pictures and disabling the PS4 share feature entirely a few levels in.

These games aren't for somebody looking for a hardcore difficult strategy rpg. It's purely for eye candy with the attacks and different mechs. It's also part visual novel, story leaves much to be desired but can be skipped.

La prueba viviente que los rpg no deben ser historias complejas

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Game suffers from having the second universe you go to have half its series not matter, but the third universe is way better and where the game really shines. It also Would’ve been better if they changed the roster, like you’re telling me you’re gonna have the main OG final boss be beat by the power of love and not have g gundam, after war x, or macross?

tldr: it's aight
Only knew 3 of the properties featured which honestly made me enjoy the story a lot less since most character development can be summed up as truncated versions of their character arcs from their respective shows. There are also frequent loredumps about how concepts from different shows interesect and honestly my small brain couldn't handle discussions of how Getter Rays affected the the world of Evangelion or how Super-Robots were popular before the mass produced mobile suits for long periods of time. If this crossover fanfic type stuff sounds interesting, it's probably up your alley. I'll say that I did enjoy the original characters the game introduces and feel interested to check some of these shows out.
As for the gameplay, it's an alternate universe Fire Emblem where every character is in an offensive class with a 1-4 range. Your units are honestly really overpowered and you can snowball extremely easily. The real source of difficulty comes from the objective-based difficulty system. Early on, they're easy to complete but some of the later ones might require retrying the maps multiple times (which I did not).
It does run a bit too long.There's 50+ maps and the story has alternate paths you can take and a few secrets (check out a guide to get them) so to really see it all, you'd have to get a second or third playthrough going.
Personally, I did like playing through this but was also rushing to get it over with towards the end. It'd probably be a 3.5 but by the end I was kinda able to follow the plot again and starting enjoying it more.

Watching Super Attack compilations from this on YouTube was my first exposure to this series. I started from being an Evangelion fan when I first saw this game to now being a fan of at least half the series in here. It's got a great theme of each series trying to evade their respective apocalyptic events and humanity's willpower to persevere through hardship. Also Mazinger Zero is one of the coolest mechs of all time.

Alcune serie incluse sono top e sono belli i due "nuovi" mazinger
Come al solito animazioni incredibili e altrettanto lo sono le musiche

That one scene with Ange, Hilda, Tusk and Setsuna lives rent free in my mind

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Classic late game SRW fatigue hit, don't particulary care to see the finales of Yamato and Trailblazer since I don't like these works normally, and certainly not under Banprestio's optimism. Unicorn was decently enjoyable, far less saccharine than the OVA, and the inclusion of Jerid's and Kamille's character arcs to the storyline was great. Can't comment much on Ange since I didn't take the route splits, but Banpresto's knack for world-building seems to have rationalized Ange's world for better and for worse. For better because the lore of Cross Ange is now connected with a lot of the metaphysical/cosmic lore of Getter and Mazinger, which plays to the inherent strength of SRW as a cross-over series. For worse because this connection makes this dimension/time-hopping sci-fi epic even more convoluted and takes away from the inherent goofiness and stupidity that is the point of Cross Ange. The Full Metal Panic plot was quite good, even as someone who is slightly familiar with the product, the narrative was akin to a decent 80-90's shojo in all the best ways. Nadesico was Nadesico, didn't seem to really shake up the formula in a great way; same deal with Brave Express, though admittedly I stopped before the Black Noir reveal. Can't comment much on the Mazinger/Getter plotline since apparently the finale takes them to a whole nother level. Not a bad game at all, and is a good step forward after Banpresto has enveloped themselves in the Z series for the past decade or so, but nothing that is really outstanding.

Es el mejor de la trilogía de VTX pero sigue sin superar clasicos como Alpha o W
Sigue siendo bueno tho, lo pondría por encima de otros juegos de la saga incluso teniendo la inclusión de Cross Ange


The best VXT30 game. Treats some series poorly (Eva) but overall a good crossover game.

Gameplay: Good
Story: Great
Controls: Great
Graphics: Good
Length: Great

This is my first SRW game and I played as the female protagonist.

It was neat to see how they wove together a bunch of very different series into a single universe, which was actually 3 universes but whatever, the point still stands. I loved seeing all the attack animations, especially for the ν Gundam, that was probably my favourite unit.

I liked the OC characters of the protagonist and Nine, they have a fun dynamic. However I do have some problems with the story. The story can be very unfocused with the bouncing between universes, and I was getting sick of the splitting the group up points in the story because it forced to use units I don't care at all about. By the end it felt like enemies were getting shoehorned in to make the game longer.

I feel like I would have gotten more out of this if I watched some of the more relevant series. I've never watched Space Battleship Yamato, the Nadesico movie, Gundam Unicorn, and Full Metal Panic. With the latter two, whenever they were the focus, I would only pay half attention to what was happening because they are things I want to watch.

As the game went on I found a lot of the maps to be annoying. Maps can be needlessly long and have conditions that have you stuck using a unit that you haven't levelled that causes a game over if they die. At least let me know the conditions before the starting the mission so I can at least mitigate the issue. Enemies can have effect that reduce the amount of damage they take or stop it all together and boy do they not make that clear at all. I can't imagine playing this game on higher difficulties, it has to be a fun vampire.

Ok, so having played 30 and W before this, I will say that I was expecting it to be a bit of a smooth ride for me with more that I liked but I am happy to say that my expectations we exceeded. Tons of familiar characters in different forms, a lot of units that I liked to used, some new anime for me to watch. It even kicked me down a few times, which I was not expecting. This was also probably my favorite story of the three SRW games I've played so far.

Overall, very fun and would recommend giving a try if you can get your hands on it