Reviews from

in the past

Os sistemas desse título são bem implementados, apesar de ser ruim jogar com o Wiimote sem o Pro Controller.

A seleção de lutadores conversa com um nicho específico de personagens de uma empresa não tão conhecida no ocidente de forma geral, o que o torna atraente mais pros fãs do que pro público geral. Seria legal se fosse reaproveitado com ports pra outras plataformas.

The control scheme for this is overly simplified due to the use of the wiimote and nunchuck. I wanted to like it, but I just couldn't get into it.

Es una ofensa que Nintendo ni capcom no hayan sacado un remasterd o un port de esto.

Finally, a game where I can beat the shit out of anime.
Thanks game.

i didnt understand the controls well but i had a lot of fun with the different anime robot guys

Doronjo and Morrigan were my lesbian awakening. Also introduced me to a bunch of weird old school anime I get confused looks for bringing up.

Melhor que a maioria dos jogos de luta.

this game's rad but it's trapped on the wii (liscenseing is hell)

Very fun fighter, probably the best fighting game on the Wii (not that it has much competition but still TvC is damn good and under appreciated). Balance isn't perfect but it's a lot of fun and there's some damn good music here too alongside all the fun characters from both sides!

Decidi revisitar esse jogo depois de 10 ANOS.


Esse jogo é incrível, é o melhor da série VS, sem discussão. Mecanicamente é um dos unicos tag battle que eu aprecio de coração. Visualmente é lindo e vibrante e a OST É🔥



Hakushon Daimo died so us Westerners could play.

A real anime legend RIP.

really good V.S. game. Don't know half of the roster but a lot of good character designs. also for the wii the graphics are pretty good. Without this game i wouldn't have known of megaman volnutt

Underrated as hell. Wish it got a port or a sequel but I'm glad that it even got localized to begin with. Frank West's voice in this is really campy and weird but I love it.

One of the most underrated games of all time. Amazing cast, gameplay and music. Capcom should try to make more VS games like this.

put my girl Saki into other games Capcom you fucking cowards


Probably my favorite capcom vs game mechanically. Don't care much for the tatsunoko characters but the capcom picks were really good. Shame the power stone guys didn't make the cut tho.

tekkaman blaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaade

Lady Swan needs more recognition!

Underrated af. Fun game, too bad it's stuck on the Wii of all consoles to put this game on.

Doomed to the Wii. Doomed to licensing.

Besides smash this is the fighting game I love the most

This game is better than it has any right to be. Seriously, why is this on the Wii? Why did this ever come stateside? Regardless, this game is just full of charm. The roster is so bizarre that it is hard to really find any fault in, the mechanics are solid, and there is plenty of content for a fighting game. Only real complaints are that they cut the animated arcade endings for this version in favor of still pictures which is a huge disappointment, and the online was laughably bad back when it was still a thing. Otherwise, a must have for any Wii/Vs. Capcom enthusiast, because I know that group has so much crossover.

Os controles são bem fáceis de entender e acho que o jogo entretém muito precisamente uma pessoa que acabou de descobrir o mundo dos jogos de luta. Os cenários são bem interessantes e os personagens, bem... só conheço os da Capcom, e não me lembro de em um todo ter achado algum personagem ruim de se jogar, como acontece em boa parte dos jogos de luta.

Esse jogo é bom, supera muito jogo de luta que eu já joguei no Wii. Mas devido aos controles muito fáceis de serem usados, eu acabei desistindo de jogar depois que eu fui conhecendo outros jogos do gênero.

Legit one of my fav fighting games ever. The only game that my wife kicks my ass in

i played this has a dumb child and cried when my friend told on me for not telling him how to play despite also not knowing and mindlessly button mashing