Reviews from

in the past

So many hours of shit and piss

It’s a great game with tons of replay ability, so you can’t ever go wrong with this one

This game has a ton of content.

Strongly dislike how the game just expects you to memorise the effects of its myriad items when these effects can vary wildly from incredibly powerful to run-endingly detrimental, and it's hard to parse what some effects even do in the first place. Also dislike how some builds feel near-unbeatable, whilst others are useless, and that it feels like such rng as to which you'll end up with.

I get that this was a key player in the roguelite genre becoming popular, but it has been significantly outperformed by later entries.

I can't know for certain, but if you told me this was my most played game of all time (Afterbirth included), I'd consider it plausible

I have played this game so much it is very good but fuck delirium

The amount of "screw you for picking this up" items is egregious.

One of the most solid rogue-likes out there.
With it's huge array of upgrades and multiple routes, it has a lot to offer.

'The Binding of Isaac' is one of my favourite games ever and it's something that I am continuously playing. I may take a few weeks or months off, but I always come back and it's been that way for a couple of years now.

Like all good roguelites, there's a false simplicity in this game. You start it up for the first time and you're thinking 'oh, this is basic' and the more you play the more you realise how jam packed it is with content. Somebody could easily get 100, 200 or more hours from this if they like it as much as I do.

There are times when you have some really shitty luck with items, but that's when the difficulty spikes up and that's something else I love about it. Most playthroughs are not similar, so it has a level of replayability that most games don't have.

I also want to give a shout out to the weight that's added to the game through it's religious themes and general presentation. It would be easy to say this game looks ugly at times, but the more I've played the more I have appreciated it's visual style, there's just a simplicity in every environment, enemy and item. Overall, it's just clean.

Price does play a part in a review of a game for me and this is priced at an absolute bargain at retail and a steal whenever it's on sale.

Constant, middling level of fun. It makes me want to zone out and play, but requires full focus.


One of my favorite games ever, endless replayability.

Fuck The Lost and Keeper though

The best Bible adaptation ever.

this is what video games are like in the dystopian au where newgrounds and deviantart controlled culture

my most played game ever and I have no want to have those hours returned

my absolute favorite Roguelike.

one of the best rouguelikes, but the base mechanics sometimes aren't interesting enough to make a weak run fun

It's good. One of the best roguelikes. The music by Ridiculon is so good. Really engaging gamplay. Most runs can be drastically different. Every DLCs add and change a lot of stuff. With Repentance coming soon, this 2014 has changed a lot since then.

One of the most enjoyable and addicting Rogue-Like games, packed with an unbelievable amount of content and mechanics that stops it from ever being repetitive. Its dark content and religious themes give it flair and significance which makes me come back to it again and again.

The gameplay is very fun and discovering combinations between the hundreds of different items kept me invested in the game for hundreds of hours. The story is weird and confusing and pretty much up to interpretation and to me, it’s a very queer story that is important to my personal life, because it helped me overcome christianity.

I played Rebirth for hours upon hours when it released, and it quickly became a point of connection between me and a girl I had feelings for. Lo and behold, we started playing together and racing each other and eventually became a couple. 6 years later, we still credit this game with bringing us together!

Sentimentality aside, this is the game I credit with my current obsession with indie titles, and roguelikes in particular. An upgrade on the Flash version in every way.

Awesome game, I'm really excited for the last and final DLC.

Update: this log is for all DLCs. Repentance is awesome. Isaac has too much content for me to actually ever come close to finishing the game, but it's a true classic.

Each DLC makes this game worse, also the original flash game had better music.