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in the past

It took me a little while to remember how to play this game since I haven't played since December. Once I got back into the swing of things, I remembered why I liked this game so much.

This new story DLC doesn't add much new that wasn't already in the main game. There's one new enemy type with the Biorobot. These are fine. They are tougher than regular enemies and dispel electricity to prevent you from staying on top of them. The new melee weapon is the star. The Kinetic Hammer is much stronger than the Stun Baton. It allowed me to tear through regular enemies in a very satisfying way. It also has an area of effect attack to knock back groups of enemies to give me some space. The final boss fight is really good.

There isn't much of a story to this. It really only serves to fill in backstory for Dr. Mauhler and the shadowy cabal behind the UJC that Cole reported to. All of this is told through logs you find in the game. All of that was really good. The actual story of Jacob finding a way out of Black Iron isn't noteworthy outside of how it ends.

I enjoyed my time with this DLC because of the combat and lore. It is disappointing that it has me walking through the same type of environment as the main game. I wish there was more new to make this a more memorable experience.

The Callisto Protocol was a tragic misfire that fell well short of its potential. Tedious combat, a predictable story, and a frightening lack of scares all coalesced to form a lackluster debut from Striking Distance Studios. But like a patch, post-launch DLC is an opportunity to right wrongs and address criticism. (And there are plenty to choose from.) Final Transmission could have been the expansion to set things right for the fledgling horror title. Unfortunately, it suffers from the same problems as the base game and calcifies how fundamentally flawed The Callisto Protocol is.

Read the full review here:

The words I kept seeing in relation to this DLC from people were "IP Abandonment", and they couldn't be more apt.

It feels like the devs resented the game after the general reception, and decided to just put an end to it, but it's done in such a poor predictable way that it's laughable. A twist you can see coming a mile away because from second one nothing makes any sense and you're told to just ignore it. Even putting a sweet hammer in your hands and letting you pulp enemies can't save this mess.

While I was laughing at how crap the ending was, they tried to get a laugh out of me in the post-credits and I went stony-faced.

Plusy: brak
Minusy: zakończenie ukryte za DLC za $20, godzina rozgrywki, fatalne wykonanie

Liczyłem na dobre DLC na poziomie podstawki, a tu duży zawód. Finalna transmisja to totalne popłuczyny po podstawce wypchnięte na siłę bo trzeba było dać ludziom coś fabularnego do Season Passa. Mocny recykling pomieszczeń i nagrań postaci (jako wymówka zrobione, że to tylko w jego głowie się dzieje, wspomnienia i zwidy się mieszają pierdu pierdu), duży spam wrogami w ciasnych przestrzeniach, żeby jak najwięcej czasu z każdego centymetra wycisnąć, nowa broń ok, ale to w zasadzie tylko mocniejsza wersja pałki, z nowym wrogiem walka taka sama jak zawsze... No naprawdę nic ciekawego. :( Mogliby chociaż dać możliwość potem używania tego sprzętu w podstawce, ale nieee, 50 minut zabawy musi wystarczyć! (W tym wliczona ultrawkurwiająca walka z bossem, gdzie żeby było czuć "moc" młota musieli sprawić, że jakiekolwiek strzelanie zadaje 1/10 dotychczasowych obrażeń.) Aha, i przez pół gry miałem buga, że słyszałem tylko teksty Jacoba, ale odpowiedzi tego z kim gada przez radio zupełnie nie. Żenada. Jedynymi plusami tego dodatku jest to, że faktycznie kończy historię Jacoba bez żadnego teasowania kolejnej części, która wiadomo, że i tak nigdy by się nie ukazała.

nadou nadou nadou e morreu na praia...

tantas ideias legais, mas a execução.... meio paia

tente de novo

Its big flaw is that it really didn’t need to exist, there was nothing too new in the gameplay and the story didn’t add much. That said it was fine with gameplay probably marginally better than the base game.

Playtime: 3 Hours
Both the finale and the epilogue. The DLC "Final Transmission" makes the base game "The Callisto Protocol" feel as if the final three hours of the story have been cut out of the game. Nevertheless, I also enjoyed the DLC, because there are new enemies, a new important weapon and at least the beginnings of puzzles that I sorely missed in the main game. Only the balance is off, as the new weapon is far too strong. And the ending is, to put it mildly, a worn-out formula.

Un DLC corto, al principio sí causa ruido que esto sea un DLC, ya que es tipo "mochamos el final para que pagues por el equisde" pero ahora por cómo termina el DLC, se medio entiende porque es una cosa aparte, la verdad pues no está malo, a ver si hay secuela que lo dudo un chingo.

While I thought the base game was fine, I did not have a good time with this DLC.

The game gives the player a new melee weapon the use in combat, which has an area of effect attack that allows you to stun and knock-back enemies. However, there were many times when I used the AOE attack and it would not be registered, letting the enemy to continue with their attack and cause damage. Coupled that issue with the new “biobot” enemies, that do a lot of damage, made some combat encounters infuriating; it really highlighted the major weaknesses of the combat system.

The DLC had a few bugs crop up during my playthrough. Aside from the AOE hammer attack not being registered mentioned above, I had an issue where the game wouldn’t start properly, as I was stuck staring at a grey screen. The game also hard crashed on me too, which wasn’t that big of a deal because autosave is fairly frequent. I got the feeling that the DLC didn’t get time to be polished up.

I bought this DLC on a PlayStation Store sale and I don’t think it was worth it considering the lack of enjoyment I got from it. It doesn’t add anything interesting to the story; if anything, the revelation at the end left me rather annoyed.

A decisão de colocar o final verdadeiro do jogo em uma DLC paga (e nada barata, por sinal) é meio nojenta, principalmente levando em conta que ela é necessária para o 100%.

Felizmente o final da DLC é melhor que do jogo base. Mesmo que você não tenha gostado do final, não pode negar que ele é bem impactante e corajoso.

No fim eu gostei bastante do jogo. Ele é extremamente medíocre, mas está longe de ser ruim. Seu único pecado foi querer ser melhor que Dead Space.

A dlc trás mais puzzles para diversificar a gameplay. Também temos alguns inimigos novos e uma arma inédita que deixa a jogatina mais bacana, mas infelizmente ela só aparece na reta final e não da tempo de aproveitar tanto!

Pelo menos aqui temos um boss final mais digno do que no jogo original. Não diria que é um baita boss, mas é um bom progresso. Se tivessem outras batalhas assim durante a campanha base o jogo ficaria consideravelmente mais interessante.

E claro, os roteiristas tinham que colocar um plot twist aqui pra tentar encerrar essa história explodindo cabeças. Mas confesso que pelo menos pra mim foi... previsivel kkkkkk. Quando a história começou a pender para alucinações eu já calculei aonde isso iria parar!

Inclusive esses trechos pontuais aonde lutamos em meio as alucinações eu achei bem feito, é dificil esse tipo de ideia me ganhar em um jogo, então, ponto para os devs aqui.

Pra finalizar graças a deus o game ficou um pouco menos repetitivo, porém, como nem tudo são flores o protagonista continua desabando de lugares o tempo todo kkkkkkkkk. Deveria existir um video contando quantas vezes isso acontece nesse game todo. E outra coisa agora que ficou chato é a mulher nos comunicando toda hora para continuar lutando. Ficaram sem ideias para escrever dialogos diferentes?

Enfim, apesar dos pesares da pra brincar por 2 horas e meia com isso aí. Recomendo pra quem não for tão criterioso!

Although there is more puzzle variety and a new enemy type and weapon, the story took a very weird turn near the end, which should be in the base game.
The story also isn't that interesting anymore and the final boss battle is atrocious, it glitched for me like 3/4 times. The boss would get stuck inside a wall and I had to restart from the latest checkpoint.
The twist also felt like a "Got ya!" moment instead of an actually well done one.

The whole story of the DLC is predictable from the start. They basically left the game on a cliff hanger and used this DLC to finish it, which is utter bullshit.

Adds a new melee weapon (yay) that basically works like the old one. It also adds a new enemy type, but it's still extremely repetitive.

This DLC is kinda ass, they didn't change any of the issues the base game had. They said they "listened to fan feedback" and so added the new Kinetic Hammer weapon and sure it's more powerful than the Stun Baton but you only fight one enemy type with it for the most part which just comes down to the same combat as before. The bossfight is a bit better than the base game but that's not a hard thing to do. The DLC is also very short(2 hours-ish) and it's just an enemy spamfest really. Don't bother.

It looks somehow artificial and forced, although it formally adds new mechanics, it also kills the remnants of survival-horror, but it has a good plot twist in the final, albeit a stereotyped one

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>protagonist gets mutilated to the point of being just a torso
>gets crushed by falling debris
You can feel the developers seething at how much people hated their game.

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The fact that you cannot upgrade the hammer, after losing your mele weapon, and yet retain the perks you had already...just insane.

I mean, I have to admit that it was a step in the right direction, some parts felt a bit more like how a survival-horror should, but let's face it, it's too little, too late... At least the protagonist gets a proper ending, so that's something.

The DLC basically fills what the main game lacks. Actual horror elements, puzzles, better final boss and better ending. I wish they could've added these elements into the main game but it's too late...

Essa dlc é meio "sei lá", algumas coisas são melhores, outras não. O jogo tenta te jogar vários inimigos tentando aumentar a tensão, mas é só frustrante, pq o sistema que eles fizeram não é bom para confrontar mais de um inimigo.

É legal ver uma conclusão para o Jacob, mas não quer dizer que é uma história incrível. Teve só um tipo de inimigo novo, que se comporta igual aos do jogo base, então ele e nada seriam a mesma coisa.

Vale a pena pra quem achou o jogo base legalzinho, mas não vai mudar sua vida, nem deve mudar sua opinião sobre o jogo como um todo

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O que dizer sobre essa DLC? Eu já tinha achado super desnecessário eles mostrarem que o Jacob “sobreviveu” lá no fim da campanha principal (Acho que o jogo tinha que acabar com ele se sacrificando pra Dani conseguir fugir, e não mostrar mais o que aconteceu com ele), então já me decepcionou muito eles terem deixado esse péssimo cliffhanger no fim da campanha. Porém, ao entender o propósito da DLC, eu achei que ela até se encaixa no contexto. Jacob ficou quase morto depois de lutar com aquela horda no final e a Doutora salva ele pra enviar o resto dos dados através das memórias dele pra Dani, porém, apesar de ser até que interessante, a DLC não precisava existir. Ela não acrescenta nada a campanha, e eles meio que só fizeram ela porque inventaram de meter aquela merda de cliffhanger no final da campanha e tinham que justificar aquilo de alguma forma. Podiam cortar toda a gameplay da DLC, deixar só a cutscene final, e deixar como pós créditos do jogo base que seria muito melhor. Tecnicamente, a DLC tem alguns inimigos e armas novos, mas nada que sustente pagar 80 reais pra jogar uma conclusão desnecessária de 2 horas.
E o pior de tudo, eles ainda metem uma PIADINHA TOTALMENTE WTF QUE QUEBRA TODO O CLIMA depois do final da DLC.

Gostei do final, foi bem corajoso e inteligente, mas teria causado mais impacto se a história fosse melhor.

Le cauchemar de Jacob se poursuit dans un DLC où l’horreur physique laisse place à l’horreur psychologique. Essentiel à l’histoire « Final Transmission » offre plusieurs moments incroyables et une nouvelle leçon de mise en scène aux futurs titres du genre. Ce dernier chapitre propose la véritable conclusion à notre protagoniste mais aussi à un autre personnage très important… Plutôt rapide à terminer ce dernier se paie tout même le luxe d’avoir un meilleur boss de fin que le jeu de base. On découvre également une nouvelle arme permettant de déchaîner avec plaisir toute notre rage sur les infectés. On retiendra aussi une fin inattendue et culottée ! Si vous avez aimé l’aventure originale il convient de plonger dans ce nouveau bain de sang.

Same thing as the original game but fills the cliffhanger from the original ending, takes about 3-5 hours to complete the dlc.

its above average 2-3 hr long dlc, more of the base game gameplay-wise, the ending was kind of cool, but a bit scummy that they cliffhanger the main game ending to get more money, and end up not enhancing the story in any meaning full way.

Gotta be one of the most tragic endings ive seen....i didnt even know that the whole expansion was a hallucination until i saw the ending explanation :(.............its probably impossible at this point but id me haapy if we could wish to explore jacobs arc even more

that final boss fight is possibly the worst designed level i've ever played in a video game.

I really enjoyed the game leaning more into hallucinations, even though the story itself does not add much.

There are some new, but very easy puzzles.

New enemies and especially the last boss are extremely frustrating - who the hell thought it would be a great idea to add an electric discharge attack when Jacob's movement and fighting animations are as slow as a turtle; or last boss's ground slam that most of the time is unavoidable.