Reviews from

in the past

It was fun. Main thing is it falls into bad 7th gen tropes of linear sections with no backtracking, despite the fact the game isn't built for it. You have the crimson head mechanics of burning corpses, yet this basically never comes into play because it's so linear. You can also set traps, sneak, and that would work much better in larger more complex levels that aren't linear. The weapon upgrading works pretty well, the balance was pretty good, the enemies were also good... just the level design hurts it. There's this big section in the middle, some underground complex I don't even remember what it was. That was the best part of the game barring the very early village part. Anyway, lots of poor scripted sequences and a nonsense story on top hurt this game. Only play if you really want an RE4 knockoff.

Juego bastante bueno sobre terror psicólogico y que pone tus peores pesadillas en pantalla.

The son of resident evil and silent hill

Liked this a lot. Good gameplay and atmosphere but very linear and had some really cheap kills. Compared to Dead Space, more variety but worse level design and storytelling. DS1>TEW>DS2.

I didn't play much more than maybe a couple hours; FoV made me wanna die, the film grain was horrid and overall I was disappointed and frustrated. Seeing the reviews makes me wanna give it another chance.

I never realized I was in such a minority of people who loved this game, but these reviews and ratings have shown me that.

Great combination of Silent Hill atmosphere and Resident Evil 4 gameplay.

Played through the game 3 times and had tons of fun with every playthrough. The story concept is pretty cool and while there isn't a whole lot of character writing Sebastian does have that 'cool' factor a protagonist should have. Ruvik, Juli and Joseph were cool characters too.

Level design was great and the game can be very punishing and I personally love how challenging it is and how you really need to learn strategies and conserve your ammo (Especially on the harder difficulties)

P.S. You don't know true pain until you attempt AKUMU mode. This is still my proudest platinum trophy.

This game is a jumble of questionable design choices. So much talent and effort put into the wrong places.

Impressive aesthetic but notoriously tough game lol
Also to fight the frustration if you play on Akumu, play the Benny Hill theme, trust me it helps a lot to laugh at some of your deaths XD

Shinji Mikami made a comedy game, and I'm not sure if that was intentional. Maybe somebody didn't get the memo. A lot of fun.

i've just read on twitter that the evil within is a "silent hill" without the themes (wanna kms...)
this gives me the idea that a lot of people who really dislike this game didn't even play it

Desde Resident Evil remake que no jugaba algo con recursos realmente limitados y atmósfera opresiva, un verdadero survival horror. Lamentablemente llega un punto en que aparecen enemigos con metralletas y como un shooter no funciona igual de bien. La historia tenía potencial, pero se ve afectada por sus personajes olvidables.

Me cago en diez esto si que es un survival horror bueno. Es una mezcla de RE con Silent Hill en el que de verdad te cagas por el culo cuando te faltan recursos. La historia esta tremenda y no sabes que coño pasa. Aun asi se nota que esta algo viejo y el gunplay falla mucho, pero aparte de eso, increible juegardo

i remain convinced this game will have its overdue reevaluation. the evil within (aka PSYCHO BREAK) is peak video game horror with just the right balance of jank and big budget bombast. silent hill with the grimy, glistening, bloodsoaked aesthetic of a SAW movie. resident evil 4, the last of us, and killer7 are other points of reference. it begins strangely enough, and it only continues to get stranger—very much a descent into things darker and more apocalyptic, always threatening to break the fourth wall with its apparent absurdity but always stopping just short of explicitly doing so. indeed, rather than ultimately push outward from its glass prison, the narrative draws inward, refracting upon itself, convincing us that what we see is really happening while its unreality compounds and entraps us. our uncertainty—sebastian's beleaguered mental state—is reflected in the instability of the environment, the suddenly and constantly wrenching contortion of the world around us: ruvik's world. ruvik, the mind exerting the most control over this layered simulacrum reality. not insignificantly, sebastian can only overcome the chaos by retreating further into the nightmare by way of a safe room entered via mirrors...

replaying this to prepare myself for finally giving the evil within 2 a try. seems most would say otherwise, but i consider it to be one of the peak game experiences of the 2010s.

what if RE4 was made in the 7th gen and sucked ass

The Evil Within is a solid third-person shooter with a few good horror elements, but it feels that it lacks much of the charm of Shinji Mikami's usual flair with games. Having played this years after the original release, however, I can definitely say that The Evil Within is definitely worth your time. The gameplay in most cases is really enjoyable with very few noticable issues running on current gen hardware. Alongside that the games unique pool of weapons makes it stand out. If you were coming to find the next magnum opus of horror games keep looking, but if you want a cheap B-movie experience of a game, I say pick it up.

I never played this game but I owned it so it's in my collection anyways. So what?

Pretty solid survival horror game. The boss battles are good but in some cases were maybe a little too challenging or the way to approach and defeat them just wasn’t made very obvious, meaning some parts were very frustrating and I even had to look up walkthroughs a couple times, something I don’t like to have to do unless it’s for collectibles. Overall I did still enjoy the game, but I don’t know if I’d ever play it again.

I have tried to play this three times now and just can't get past the first few chapters. Everything about this screams that I should love it but I can't stand so much of it. I don't like the controls, I don't like any of the characters, I don't like the upgrade system and so many things just make it fail to click. Hopefully the sequel is as better as everyone says but for right now I'm 'Happy Without' 'The Evil Within.'

...sorry I'll see myself out.

yeah it's an RE4 clone... and it's fucking awesome!!!

An ugly dead Frankenstein that barely moves, a sad Mikami's Greatest Hits, a cocktail made out of what he thought were their best ideas, mixed in a terrible uninspired way.

No surprise that on the beautiful documentary that Archipielago made of him ( he openly acknowledges what a coward he was with this project, holding back, looking at the past, instead of moving forward.

Still, the atmosphere it's great and some parts kind of work... I even finished it and I still don`t know why. I guess it touched some kind of addict part of my brain.

Bad Mikami, BAD.

Excelente estética y un gameplay sólido, bastante desafiante de a momentos, pero todos los desafíos que se plantean son superables si el jugador es cauteloso y atento (salvo contadas excepciones). La historia es sorpresivamente interesante, se nota las ganas de contar algo. Tanto el protagonista como nosotros somos sumergidos en este mundo de pesadillas psicodélico, sin absolutamente idea de lo que de verdad está pasando; esto ayuda en el sentimiento de horror y meternos aún más en el papel del detective, y hace que descifrar el rompecabezas que es la trama de este juego, sea una tarea sumamente satisfactoria. Esta narrativa atípica en los triple AAA que posee The Evil Whitin es uno de sus mayores aciertos. Es casi imposible desenredar la lógica de la aventura al principio, somos nosotros los jugadores quienes tenemos la tarea de darle ese sentido

Una de las mayores quejas que hubo durante la salida de este juego fueron sus controles y mecánicas, quejas con las que no puedo estar más en desacuerdo, ya que fallan en entender el propósito con el que fueron implementadas por los desarrolladores:

The evil Whitin abraza el género de horror y el de acción, y lejos de querer negarlos o mantenerlos distantes de si, Shinji Mikami y su equipo los abrazan, los unen de manera genuinamente cohesiva (aunque no exenta de algunos fallos). Sebastian Castellanos es un hombre ya entrando a sus 40, se puede sentir un poco tosco, no puede correr por largos periodos de tiempo y debe pararse para apuntar; además de esto, la munición que podemos cargar es sumamente limitada (en vez de tener un vortex sin fondo donde podemos guardarla toda). Esto, lejos de ser un aspecto negativo, está intrínsecamente relacionado con los propósitos narrativos y jugables de los desarrolladores, puesto que buscan poner al jugador en una situación de "debilidad" o "vulnerabilidad" que le hagan entender que cada movimiento, bala y cerillo cuentan (porque si, los enemigos reviven), el detective no es una máquina de matar sobrenatural (como si lo son protagonistas de otros juegos que fracasan en transmitirnos estos sentimientos) hay que ser meticulosos y cautelosos. Estas fueron decisiones deliberadas del equipo para sumergirnos en el nerviosismo de su ambiente de horror, después de todo, nos encontramos en un mundo incierto y onírico, que busquen hacernos sentirnos cómodos no tendría ningún sentido.

Mientras que, por otro lado, los elementos de acción y nuestro "empoderamiento" vienen de la mano de dos elementos, uno más difuso que el otro: la progresión con las mejoras (para la que el gel juega un factor importante) y otro es uno de los elementos pilares de la experiencia, que no está implícito o mencionado dentro del juego, sino que más bien surgen de la dinámica y respuestas del jugador con el sistema, hablamos de la "información y aprendizaje". La información, no solo nos ayuda a ir armando y entendiendo el rompecabezas disperso que es la historia, sino que además nos ayuda a entender la naturaleza de este mundo y a sobreponernos a sus obstáculos a medida que crecemos, nos volvemos más fuertes, entendemos, avanzamos y mejoramos, es decir, vamos "aprendemos del sistema y nos volvemos más agudos para sobrevivir"; de aquí viene el empoderamiento que se sobrepone a la indefensión que el juego genera. Todo esto siempre contenido por las cadenas que los diseñadores ponen apropósito a través de las decisiones de diseño y mecánicas para que la acción nunca se sobreponga demasiado al horror.

Obviamente, no todo es perfecto, en pro de todo lo antes mencionando, algunos enemigos te puedan hacer insta kill de manera injusta, al igual que algunas trampas mal intencionadas y poco anticipadas.

Pese a todo esto, es un juego de terror sólido y es una pena que Mikami no haya querido seguir con esta IP con tanto potencial. La atmosfera y diseño de este juego realmente son geniales. TEW se salió del estándar que se tenía en aquella época de los AAA, quiso sacar a los jugadores de su zona de confort, despojarlos de su comodidad, hacerlos sentir vulnerables y ofrecerles una experiencia de acción y horror NUEVA, diferente a lo que siempre ofrece la industria con lo preconcepción de AAA que se tiene. Para bien o para mal, lo logro, y eso se notó en su recepción inicial. Es bueno saber que cada vez más gente aprecia este gran título.

Just didn't click at all, clunky and irritating. I've got a headache, maybe that didn't help.

Evil Within is the perfect blend of Resident Evil's combat and mechanics with Silent Hill's horrific monster design and psychological thematic.

Oppressive atmosphere and intense, stressful encounters are what characterizes this game. I do have an issue though, and it's that at some points in the story there are some ludicrous difficulty spikes that kill the pacing completely, and some encounters are cheap as hell, sending waves of enemies after you in a closed environment, or worse, enemies with guns.

Controls and stealth mechanics may be kind of clunky and unresponsive at times, but issues aside this turned out to be a very pleasant and engaging survival-horror experience.

Olhando the evil within de fora se dá a impressão de um excelente survival horror com uma história e ambientação interessantes e macabros, coisa que não é. A única coisa que de fato é feita de forma exemplar é a ambientação e direção de arte, que realmente são incríveis e macabras, mas o resto é amarrotado de problemas que atrapalham em muito a experiência final.

After giving the game three playthroughs (2 on PS4 and 1 on PC) I can firmly say I enjoy it

For all of its story issues and combat issues (stamina meter sucks ass) I can say the very smooth gunplay and charm of it all makes Evil Within a pretty entertaining game that I would recommend to any Mikami fan (not the PS4 version though it sucks)

Got this game on release, believe I've picked it up and put it down 5 different times, just becoming bored out of my mind each time. Seems like exactly my jam from the outside, but impossible to sit through.

El castellanos soy yo pero literal después de fumarme un verde niño