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Secuela perfecta, Ace Attorney favorito y eso que los que lo eran antes ya parecían insuperables.

Siempre he leído que era uno de los mejores juegos de la saga, y por suerte cumplió esas expectativas. Todas los cabos suelos que dejaron en el primer juego se concluyeron perfectamente en este juego, siendo el ultimo capitulo uno de los mejores casos de toda la saga. Tiene grandes desarrollos de los personajes, con una gran conclusión y villano de turno.
Como negativo podría decir que no innovaron en las mecánicas (aunque no me molesta mientras matenga ese nivel de historia) y en la música muy poco en comparación al TGAA 1, pero siendo que tenga un gran nivel narrativo y por ser un juego con poco presupuesto se entiende y se perdona.
Conclusión como cualquier juego de Ace Attorney en mayor o menos calidad este es de los tres mejores juegos junto con el 3 e Investigations 2 que llegan al 10.

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It was based

Sholmes Whatsapp
Natsume: You should kill yourself NOW.
Van Zieks: You should kill yourself NOW.
Naruhodo: I NEED cock Sholmes
Tobias Gregson : You should kill yourself NOW.
Tatsugoro Kusabi: You should kill yourself NOW.
Can I borrow 50,000 yen

Not content with just being a huge factor in repopularizing detective literature and media in the 21st centry, Takumi Shu simply decided to also write one of the most satisfying stories in the history of the genre over the course of two games.

"Oh damn I've almost made it through this whole game without crying, I'm surprised"
And then they hit me back to back to back
This has the best ace attorney cast without it even being close man
case 5 (my favourite case in the series) > case 4 > case 3 > case 2 > case 1, but the thing is, they are literally ALL good, what a game

As of this writing, GAA2 is my favourite Ace Attorney game. Makes good on the plot threads that began in the first game and is non-stop great case after great case. I really hope we get to see another game in this franchise after AA7 finally releases.

Dije que le ponía 4 estrellas y media al primero para ponerle 5 a este, y aquí estoy preguntandome porqué no puedo ponerle 6.

Un climax increíble e insuperable que confirma que The Great Ace Attorney es el pináculo de la saga. La planificación de tramas a lo largo de estos dos juegos y la manera de hacerlas confluir durante la recta final de este segundo (que ocupa MEDIO JUEGO) es una cosa sin igual que voy a tardar un tiempo en poder procesar.

Qué feliz soy de haber recibido al fin dos juegos de mi saga favorita y que hayan sido mejores de todo lo que podría haber soñado. Nada superará esto este año para mí, no veo cómo sería posible. Ay, qué bien.

all my praises from the first game are carried over. love how all the cases are narratively linked. the new tracks are all superb, and it was great to spend more time with the cast, especially baron who is definitely my favorite prosecutor in the series now. wish the ending was handled better, since its a very poorly executed deus ex machina.

lo mismo que con el primero: estoy ENCANTADÍSIMO
mantiene todo lo que me gustaba y más del anterior
los tres últimos casos son una puta maravilla
si considero los dos juegos como uno, sería casi el mejor de la saga

My second favorite entry in the franchise. It has some absolutely incredible writing, as well as the most lovable cast of characters since the original trilogy. This game does everything right in every way for an Ace Attorney game, and is a must play title for any fan of the franchise.

Great Ace Attorney: Resolve is the second game in the Great Ace Attorney series and is basically a continuation of the first one. Gameplay is completely unchanged and the story concludes all plot threads unfinished on the first one. Pacing is much improved on this game and the cases are overall a lot more interesting. IMO, it's easily one of the best entries in the Ace Attorney series. Can't recommend it enough.

Note: I played the Switch port included in the Chronicles collection.


So ziemlich alles, was ich über den ersten Teil sagte, trifft auch hier wieder zu, vor allem das Setting und das Gameplay, das ist weiterhin unverändert.

... aber die Story geht weiter. Und nun, ich könnte daraus jetzt eine Spoiler-Review machen, da mich dieser Teil aber dazu bewegte nach meinen derzeitigen "Star Wars Spiele"-Marathon die ganze Reihe in Videos zu reviewen und zu analysieren, belassen wir es hier lieber bei oberflächlichen Dingen.

Im Endeffekt werden alle Geheimnisse und alle offen gelassenen Fragen hier beantwortet, aka. resolved. (Boah, bin ich gut!)

Das resultiert, vor allem in den letzten zwei Fällen, zu wohl DER spektakulärsten Inszenierung in einem Ace Attorney, die es bis dato noch nicht wirklich gab'. Außerdem werden 2-3 Figuren, die man nicht wirklich beachtet, unfassbar interessante Charakterplots gegeben, die dann nochmal am Ende in einem unfassbar genialen Feuerwerk an Emotionen, Humor und Abschluss des Falles resultieren.

Neben der original Trilogie wohl eine Pflicht für jeden Menschen, der Visual Novels sich näher angucken will. Teil 1 ist aber Pflicht, alleine wegen der Geschichte, die hier weitergesponnen wird.

Es ist nur ein paar Tage her, dass ich dieses Spiel abschloß, aber es tut immer noch weh zu realisieren, dass ich wohl London nicht so schnell sehen werde. So sehr habe ich die Charaktere lieb gewonnen.

Tbh I didn't like the first game but resolve was a masterpiece and one of the best games ever made

Has some of the best characters and cases in all of Ace Attorney, IMO. Was amazed at how fresh this entire game felt, up until the end of the final trial. Not a single case in this one that isn't a banger.

The first half of the game was a little slow (although I'll be fair to the first case since its to ease you back into the game), but after that it really picks up. Even though the game was a little overhyped for me, I still really enjoyed it

I'm a crier. I cry at games a lot, and this was no exception. It's awash with all of the right kind of sentimentality, rife with mystery (ESPECIALLY considering the lingering questions at the end of GAA1), and full of exciting, fun little moments that the Ace Attorney series delivers with consistency.

The only reason I could possibly give this less than 5 stars is because of how heavily its plot devices and structure depend on having completed the first game - unlike the original AA trilogy, for example, this absolutely isn't one you should jump into without prior knowledge.

Well worth the many years of waiting, I couldn't have asked for anything better. Absolutely perfect Ace Attorney.

Achei melhor do que o Adventures, os casos são mais interessantes pricipalmente do caso 3 para frente.
Deram uma historia para o Van Zieks o que ajudou.
A trilha sonora é boa como sempre, Great Pursuit é HYPE.
Ainda acho que faltou o humor e descontração dos originais, mas com certeza é o melhor dessa era 3D e mostra que a franquia ainda tem potencial.

Spoilers for TGAA1

Consider this a review-in-progress since I'm only midway through Case 3, but the problems I have with this duology are only getting more muddled now and I feel like I need to get them out of the way right now before the game gets as good as everyone says it does by Case 4 and 5.

My main problem with TGAA1 was that, while it had a likeable cast of characters and a fun concept, it didn't really feel like it was interested in telling a cohesive story or wrapping things up. The best cases in the series and the best GAMES in the series are ones that cohesively and satisfyingly wrap up characters and their events in the courtroom: Think of the entirety of the first Ace Attorney and how Edgeworth is introduced, explored, and given closure by Case 4, or how Gavin and Phoenix get their stories properly told throughout Apollo Justice. TGAA1 lacks that almost entirely: Asogi goes away in a pathetically contrived way, and the only "closure" he gets is being alluded to in flashbacks, Susato...leaves because she has to without any relevance to her character, and nothing is ever really made of Barok van Zieks. The main villain of the game is set up with a mystery that, in the end, just has the characters shrug their arms and go "guess we'll explain that later!", and instead the final case in TGAA1 has to invent a wholly new villain with no real stake or connection to the main cast to really feel satisfying to take down. Gina almost feels like she exists to try and solve all of these issues on her own, butting heads with Case 5's villain and undergoing a degree of change over the Two cases she's featured in, but its too little and far too late.

So with that out of the way, I was told that I shouldn't treat TGAA1 as its own game, and rather as the first half of the whole: that TGAA2 would be the game to start giving things proper closure, proper stakes and proper character growth. I have to say that, with two cases under my belt, I'm really not impressed. Despite this being the first Ace Attorney game that is deliberately tied to a number of cliffhangers left in the last one, it still feels the need to include a boring and mostly pointless Tutorial case, which is then weirdly followed by a filler case that justifies its existence by...being connected to the filler case in the first game, which means that "neither of them are technically filler".

In my mind the filler cases in the series always had some sort of point. In the first and second games, their outlandish nature and convoluted setups felt far above that of the cases before them: It was a gradual stepping-up to teach the player that "yes, cases will get this involved", whilst being wrapped in a sillier bow to still keep the intensity saved for the last case. In Apollo Justice and Dual Destinies, they introduce the Prosecutors among other important characters and tend to play pretty well into the themes of the games to the point where you could argue they aren't filler cases. But Case 4 in TGAA1 achieves nothing: All the important players in the game are introduced in Case 3, a non-filler case that is the best in the game by a country mile, and its one of the most simple and easy to figure out cases in the entire series. And this same issue of lacking a point is still applying to Case 1 and 2 in TGAA2: There's no point in showing us what Susato is off doing if it has no relevance to the things that so desperately need to be fleshed out from game 1, and there's no point in giving us another roundabout with Natsume if its not going to flesh out any sort of gameplay wrinkles in doing so.

I am enjoying Case 3 immensely so far: Important characters are back, elements from the first game are finally being touched on (though, why is Gregson back in the force...?), and it finally feels like the story is being picked back up. But thats just my point: Why do I have to play 1/3rd of the whole game just to get to the game this sequel should have been from the start?

I'm really hopeful this series ties itself up satisfyingly with these last three cases, but the decision to split them up and structure them in this way was nothing short of an absolute mess for their pacing and narrative flow. If they're meant to be seperate games with seperate stories, then TGAA1 is an absolute failure, but if they're meant to be one cohesive story, then the beginning of TGAA2 has no excuse for being as terrible as it is.

This might be my new favorite ace attorney game. It's either this one or Trials and Tribulations There are no bad cases, or even mediocre cases in this game. The story is so much more intense than the first game. The lack of as much of a tutorial as the first, so it gets moving much quicker than the first. I love the overarching story of both of these games, and this game provides most of the climax. One thing I noticed about this Ace Attorney sequel compared to others is that they reused a lot of the music. I was originally really disappointed, but eventually found out that there was just as much new music as the first one. They gave nearly every character their own theme song, which is a small touch that adds a lot to the characterization. I could not be more hyped for a third game taking place in Japan, since we didn't get much of Japan in the first 2 games. All in all, one of the best games I've ever played.

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The big conclusion to The Great Ace Attorney. While the villain was painfully obvious from his introduction in the first game, the part that really stuck with me was this exchange:
Stronghart: You have nothing against me. I have done nothing!
Naruhodo: That's right, you've done nothing. All you did was replace one dark underbelly with another!

But the real masterpiece was the third case, that's one of the best in the series. The finale is absolutely an excellent, finale that's only slowed down by one too many Gant callbacks.

Needless to say it's an improvement over the first game and one of the series peaks for sure. There isn't even a case I can call bad here which is rare for an AA game!

My other main criticism is what happened to Ryutaro? He was such a cool and dashing lawyer and you never see him again after the first case. Seriously what gives?

See my Great Ace Attorney 1 review, as these games are best played one after another.

I love cases 1, 2, and 3 and the setup for case 4 destroyed me, but case 5 (really just a finale for 4) left me wanting. I wish they'd gotten their funding for a full trilogy, because I think they could've made it work.
You-know-who returning was a little too much for me, even if I loved to see them again at first. I wish that character hadn't changed so much for seemingly no reason.