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in the past

The fact this game actually got localized is a miracle. This one has always had a very cult and illusive hype around it for very obvious reasons, and all I can and really want to say is that it truly lived up to those expectations. Ace Attorney has so many insanely great games, I don’t know how they do it, but if the second Great Ace Attorney is as good as this, I cannot wait.

pretty good game with tons of pacing problems that really drag it down a peg or two, being written with a sequel in mind and then not being a self conclusive story, with all the unresolved mysteries and plot twists that conveys, doesn’t help matters either

overall, a more pleasant experience than jfa

I'm so happy this game got localized. It's one of my favorites now in the series, love the setting, love the characters, and love the OST. Truly fantastic.

(For the rereleased version in the collection)

Honestly enjoyed this game a lot more than I thought I was going to. Such a fun adventure with an even more fun cast of characters and intriguing and creative plotlines. I was entertained the whole way through, except for a brief moment during the second case, but it was just that - brief. Some faster text speed/skipping options would've been nice too, but that's just nitpicking.

Really great game, definitely recommend. Excited to play the sequel

SO GOOD.. replaying it now because i only retained so much unfortunately

Se me ha hecho bastante cuesta arriba pero me ha molado por los personajes, la ambientación y la música. El final me ha gustado mucho. Este juego demuestra una vez más la calidad de la saga.

this game has the pacing of my essays when im trying to reach a word limit so i just find different ways to rewrite the same sentence over and over

Case 5 is pretty good and all the characters are great but holy shit what a slog

The worst gama in the series without any doubt
The one star is for herlock sholmes only

It took this game 4 fucking cases for it to feel like an actual ace attorney game. Not saying all the cases prior to that are bad, only the first 2 cases were shit. The rest are pretty top tier.

Holy moly, I can only imagine playing this game back when it first released and not knowing that a sequel was imminent, but...

For anyone who felt perhaps underwhelmed by the final stretch of the main Ace Attorney series (6 is a personal favorite of mine but I know the opinion is rare) The Great Ace Attorney: Adventures is a wonderful return to form.

Stellar writing and localization, punctuated by endearing characters and some very ominous mysteries that don't seem content occupying one game. This almost certainly leaves The Great Ace Attorney 2: Resolve on the table to see the entire story, well, resolve.

In awe at this strong culmination of all the lessons, understandings, and ways Takumi has grown in his writing and directing. That was my first thought when going through the first two cases, a sort of magical expertise in having perfected a lot of the mechanics of mystery and characterization, as well as how the themes developed to the end. And while he still hasn't 'quite' found his footing on pacing all of those just as perfectly, the way each case gave a fresh introduction of stuff we've all seen before, alongside characters that went through familiar but stronger arcs vs. the rest of AA, was enough to just seal the heavy tears I had during the ending suite.

To an extent I don't even need the sequel really, I feel like there were so many wonderful character mysteries and characterization all interwoven together. That interrogation of justice, defense, and honesty by Naruhodo, to what the law really means, and then a complete breakdown of how a disgusting flawed system of 'justice' ends up becoming a weapon used by the people hurt by it to their own ends, even the most vengeful ones. The profuse personality emanating from Sholmes, who quickly jumped to the top of my husband list, to the earnest dialogue given by Iris and the defendants. I think the part that nails that feeling most is that when the jury was first put in the player's face I felt like it was irritating, but by the final case I was jumping at my seat to the next summation and interrogation because Takumi just pulls out every drawer from the cabinet to give each one heart!!!

I do still welcome what the sequel will bring for me, but I think even on its own, this is the best journey I've had with the series as a whole and I'll not soon forget it.

Pretty cool game, I absolutely love the aesthetic and the characters and the soundtrack, my main overarching complaint is that the game tends to take decades to get to the point, in the final case especially there is like a 2-3 minute build up for every piece of evidence you present near the end which makes it feel like it takes ages for anything to get anywhere.

case 3 > case 5 > case 1 >>> case 2 >>> case 4
(I think case 2 is kinda mediocre and case 4 is bad)

Herlock Sholmes forever baby

pero cuantos calices tiene este señor

easy top 3 AA games, i think AA3 and AAI2 still beat it out but it will not shock me if its sequel cracks the top 1

A thoroughly charming game; breaking many franchise traditions while still evolving the series in both a narrative and gameplay perspective. Loved the music and all the new characters even if I would've preferred more time spent showing Ryunosuke's friendship with Sholmes but even then that's a stretch. Sholmes' deductions were a great addition to investigation sequences making them just as action packed as court segments. Each case has a purpose too unlike most Ace Attorneys and you can feel Ryunosuke and friends struggle through it all in such a believable way; not to mention the heaps and bounds of depth to the setting which makes the world feel so much more believable. One of the bests of the franchise for sure!

Saccharine, endearing and endlessly surprising. That kind of thing is par for Shu Takumi but this game really doubles down on what works about Ace Attorney and finds room for a great deal more sustained character work and sentimentality than the Ace Attorney games typically go for. The structure of the game leaves the first two cases feeling a bit too much like tutorials, and as a result the exciting parts of the game feel pretty backloaded, but when they kick in the game hits its stride.

There is a concerted (and applaudable!) attempt here to reckon with English racism and xenophobia but its simplicity and ham-handedness maybe starts to strain the limits of credulity towards the end, and the absence of any similar scrutiny towards the Empire of Japan left me wanting the game to deliver a more comprehensive politic, particularly as the latter part of the game leans hard into international intrigue and global relations. Clearly Takumi had these things firmly in mind, so here’s hoping that’s in the second one!

I sorta mourn this translation only coming on modern platforms, as this game is absolutely gorgeous and I wish it were possible to see these assets on that lovely 3DS display, but that’s obviously not the game’s fault. I’d say this ranks third among the Gyakutens Saiban, after 1) Apollo Justice and 2) Ace Attorney.

This is my favorite Ace Attorney game I've played so far, quite easily! I adore the cast, setting and how well the game weaves its story! Also, as a lesbian, if a girl had the personality and mannerisms of Herlock Sholmes, I would crush on her hard lol

The brand new cast, while overall not as charming as the one from the phoenix wright series, is a welcome breath of fresh air and certain characters like Holmes go toe to toe with the best from the OG series while the side characters continue to be consistently entertaining. The presentation is absolutely stellar. The animations are top notch as per usual with the rest of the series but the brand new deductions are a step above the rest and look fantastic. The jury system is a welcome, if a tad repetitive, addition and it's bizarre the jury doesn't come up more often in this series. The jury members can be a little one-note sometimes and there are quite a few later on that talk about nonsense without stating their actual verdict/reasoning so you have to press them when they should be on-topic in the first place. The music as well is great as usual but I thought the cornered theme was relatively weak. Naruhodo is very similar to Phoenix in a lot of ways but thankfully feels different enough most likely due to the recurring culture divide throughout the story. I appreciate the differentiating of cases by having a couple that were just trials and one that was just an investigation (substantially boosted by the deductions) but overall I felt the mysteries were comparatively weak and I faced a LOT of situations where I figured out a trick and had to wait a long while before they were brought up but that is pretty common for the series. As a final note it is annoying that there are some plotlines left unfinished such as the hounds of baskerville and the morse code message, particularly given how long it took to just get the first game translated, but overall it's not a big detriment or anything.

Qué alegría de juego.

Ya solo volver a tener una nueva entrega de mi saga favorita bastaba para hacerme feliz, y además resulta que es de los mejores juegos de la misma. Es el regreso de Takumi a la saga por todo lo grande (y que conste que a mí me gustan mucho el 5 y el 6, pero se nota que tienen un estilo diferente al suyo), y lo da todo. Experimenta como nunca con la estructura de los casos (ni uno malo) y con las expectativas de los fans, sin nunca perder su excelente nivel de escritura habitual.

Hubiera sido una verdadera tragedia que esto se quedase en Japón, porque en muchos sentidos es la entrega más avanzada de la saga hasta el momento. Está lleno de nuevas ideas (¡las deducciones! ¡múltiples testigos! ¡el jurado!), y todas funcionan y se exprimen al máximo. Y además es una cumbre técnica para la franquicia, capaz de pararse a mostrar cosas en pantalla que hubieran sido imposible en cualquiera de los otros juegos. Una fantasía.

Y por si fuera poco, Takumi sale totalmente airoso de la apuesta de ambientarlo en otra era. No solo le permite explorar temáticas muy novedosas y más serias de lo habitual (el racismo anti-japonés por parte de los británicos en este juego, uf), si no que demuestra su talento para crear personajes memorables. Es el primer juego de la saga en el que absolutamente todos los personajes son nuevos, y funciona a la perfección. Son todos tan interesantes como los de la saga principal, e incluso cuando cumplen roles similares a personajes de aquella quedan muy diferenciados y no se sienten como copias sin alma. La recta final del juego me ha tocado la patata de una forma totalmente Ace Attorney pero exclusivamente a base de personajes que desconocía hasta hace 3 semanas, y eso es de aplaudir.

En fin, ya diré más cuando me pase el segundo, pero qué suerte poder jugar a esto, cómo lo he disfrutado.

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the first thing i need to talk about is brevity, and the cruel, cruel lack of it in many circumstances. the game opens with a strong, meaty first case that dares to blow out any other series starting trial thus far--and succeeds. the great ace attorney then follows this up with a second case that is completely investigation--no trial--and does so with a lack of respect to player's time as it drags things out as far as it can with walls and walls of, frankly, not very funny text. compare and contrast the mountains of dialogue one has to sift through just to examine, say, a clock versus the first investigation of phoenix wright: ace attorney in which objects may give you... one line, two maximum. it's this rampant time wasting that really unfortunately stains the first half of the game--but! it does pick up, at least.

more complaints. the writing gets tipsy and attempts to walk a tightrope between cartoonish goofy and actually sickening cheese. what this means is that much of the dialogue is light hearted but never actually funny, though this much isn't offensive or anything. it's really just bad when you get a bunch of overly sappy lines thrown at you towards the end that land with complete cloying emptiness. it also means sherlock holmes and his goblin assistant fail to really nail much of their attempts at humor. it also also means the eye rolling dramatic moves from your law partner towards the end are aggravating. i could go on.

but this is a four stars review. that's because at great ace attorney's heart lies some incredibly iron tight trials with incredibly delightful twists and turns that always feel natural and logical. especially logical--my favorite aspect of the game is how many lines of reasoning the developers account for, in that you could reasonably assume a theory and piece of evidence for the WRONG testimony, and so they have bonus dialogue to account for it and steer you in the right direction. it's a validating feeling. i'm also memorized by the jury, that which makes the world of ace attorney feel more lively and connected--it's nice to see familiar faces. there's a little jury summation system where you have to pit jurors against each other and i honestly love it. oh, the multi wit dialogue system is cool, too, to a degree--i don't really like having to press every statement JUST in case there's going to be an "outburst", but i simultaneously love how they play with the system in the very last case.

one more massive bit of praise: case 4. case 4 is easily the best "middle" case of ace attorney history, hands down. why? it's desperate. it's shockingly desperate. the case revolves around what should be open and shut, and your attempts to defend the alleged perpetrator come off as even further cementing him as the killer. it's the one time in this series' history where i genuinely felt backed up against a wall, grasping at anything and everything i could think to get my client off.

on one last note, i find it very disappointing that the protagonist is yet another phoenix wright/apollo justice. it seems this series can only think to write one specific type of main character, and it's seriously getting limp.

Loved the new mechanics, but the pacing of the game was starting to drive me crazy.

As individual cases, Great Ace Attorney Adventures doesn't really top any of the better cases from each game, but what it does do is give us a solid, consistent experience throughout. From start to finish, each case is important to the story, the mechanics of the game, and character growth. Each case not only builds on one another, but are also connected in some way or fashion, and in that respect, this makes GAA Adventures one of the best in the series.

Naruhodo is a charming individual from start to finish, and while he looks rather plain compared to the rest of the cast, the animation and dialogue make him stand out just as much as the people he interacts with. Kazuma is a wonderful mentor figure, and loyal friend to Naruhodo. Susato is a wonderful woman and sidekick that really proves to be far more enjoyable due to a lot of her quirks and will power to overcome her interactions with others. Iris, while not interacted with as much, is still a sweet child, and a joy to be around while she is on screen. And of course, Herlock Sholmes rounds out the rest of the cast by being a blow harder with motives that seem perplexing yet helpful. Along the way, additional cast and world building established through out various interactions helps not only match the original game's case of characters, but are stronger for them.

Topping everything off, GAA benefits from the 3DS/Switches hardware by providing quality animations through out while also using various angles and movements that would simply be too hard for sprites. Overall GAA proves that 3D modeling of these characters helps bring them more to life, and really does help the game stand out as one of the best Ace Attorney experiences out there, and one that can absolutely be played without any knowledge of the previous games.

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A very solid entry in the series. It feels quite different from other entries in terms of pacing and tone, which was refreshing. The cases were very entertaining, tho I was a bit disappointed with the lack of big breakdowns and less "gotcha" moments where you catch "the true killer." It was still a great ride from start to finish though. Now to see if the sequel is as amazing as everyone says...

Achei o prosecutor bem genérico.
Na maioria dos casos não tem aquela empolgação de desmascarar o assassino.
Quase nada de humor.

God FUCKING dammit Naruhodo where the FUCK are we?