Reviews from

in the past

Currently the best fighting game out on the market

Everytime a new big fighting game comes out, I tell myself this is the time I'm gonna really get into it. KOF got kinda close, I was having more purposeful gameplay than I usually do, but in the end it didn't get me there. The 3v3 format is very hard for newcomers, feeling the pressure of learning 3 characters at once. Totally on me though, not the game.

I've played other KOF games in the past but this is the first one that I decided to actually learn and its absolutely fantastic. Terry is my dad.

Fun as hell, captures classic KOF but gives it a modern twist for most people to get into it, without alienating the older fanbase. PC Port is a little wonky but it's worth the price considering the amount of characters.

i would say it's the best release of a fighting game in years but at the time of this review the matchmaking is still broken

i guess we can't have shit

probably the perfect modern fighting game. besides pc matchmaking i have no complaints this game is literally perfect it’s honest to god perfect. new changes to max mode and ex out of max is so dope and this game is the best.

I don't want to label something I only played for a bit like this but.
This is probably the best fighting game ever made

SNK tried and being honest i believe they delivered. Some small stuff comes together to create a bigger issue and unfortunately SNK haven't addressed these issues almost one year after the release. Even so it still isn't nowhere as good as SamSho 2019.

The best released this year bar none. Haven't put that many hours into it since online play doesn't work very well on my platform of choice, but I sure wish I could. Gameplay is top notch, don't think I've played a KoF that feels smoother to play than this one. No real singleplayer content is a real shame, though.

Great fighting game, I dont play much fighting games and the reason why is because they feel miserable once you lose a couple times. For KoF XV this is not the case at all and even when losing I feel like I'm having fun which is nice

i really liked this and wish i had more time to put into a new fighting game. instead i will keep labbing fuc for some reason??

You wanna a high ceiling fighting game with great graphics, rollback netcode, large roster at LAUNCH, character variety and the absolute old school level of jank.

Then SNK put out the sor far best game of 2022


KOFXV is a lot of fun. It feels like it has what I tend to like about fighting games in it without compromising too much in the name of greater audience appeal. A lot of the characters are fun. The story mode gets you some pretty good character interactions and personal stories. Music is fantastic and the jukebox is very expansive as well.

About my only complaints is the PC Port sucks. The visuals are pretty inconsistent in their quality. Like some characters look great and then others just look bad or not that impressive at all. Also gotta say locking Geese behind DLC hurts SNK. Hurts me a lot. Probably the best new fighting game in the last few years though, good work SNK.

A solid addition to the franchise. The launch roster is a bit smaller than XIV's, which was a little disappointing, but DLC appears to be making up for that.

KOFXV is an amazing fighting game1 with an impeccable roster of unique fighters with badass super moves and Climax moves. The characters are vast and feature characters from the history of King of Fighters, as well as Art of Fighting and Fatal Fury. The models are high quality and very artistic in its style and design. The male characters look badass and muscular, while the females look badass, sexy, and cute. The story mode is a classic arcade style story, where you choose 3 members for a team (depending on which 3 are paired based on the roster is who's story you'll go through, with the most important being Isla and Shun'eis being the most important in terms of what happens. The game is a very japanese esk fighter but features a vast amount of diversity among the cast. The game is my second king of fighters and i have to say it was a very amazing and awesome experience. If you were a little unsure about this series of Fighting games, i absolutely recommend it. 😁❤️

Fun as fuck wish i could get into it

Will be better with Kim but overall pretty solid and fun KOF all things considered.

i main mai if you couldn't tell by now


pretty fun mechanics and a good challenge for your hands

They put Rugal back in, so I can satisfy my lizard brain with mashed out Genocide Cutters

I don't even care if I whiff it from fullscreen distance, I'm just going to do it again until you get hit by it

Jogo de luta do ano, não que tenha muita competição.

Pegou o XIV e consertou todos os erros, visualmente tá bem melhor, apesar de ainda parecer um bucado genérico ele rejeitou os efeitos realistas pra uma pegada mais cartunesca, o que é bem melhor que o 14. A direção visual é boa no geral, só que passa um ar meio genérico nas entrelinhas, mas ainda sim é um colírio pros olhos comparado com o seu antecessor. design dos personagens julgo dizer que é um dos melhores da série, adorei o redesign de varios personagens.

O elenco é INCRÍVEL, trouxeram muitos personagens que nunca viram a luz do dia em 3D, touxeram o time orochi de volta, Rugal, TROUXERAM O K9999 CARA. O K9999 VÉI, PRECISO FALAR OUTRA COISA? Digo de boca cheia que é o melhor elenco de KOF, e só vai aumentando.

O sound design é incrível, é o melhor da franquia, aquela nota GRAVE E PESADA de guitarra que toca toda vez que você ativa o clima é simplesmente fenomenal. Preciso nem falar da OST, que ainda está de pé como uma das melhores da franquia junto com 13 e o 14.

Refinaram até o talo as mecânicas ótimas porém falhas do XIV, EX não precisa estourar a barrinha isso já é um avanço drástico. Os combos tão bem mais simplificados, é bom pros new players, mas eu meio que a variedade de combo do 13, mas a do XV é ótima.

Tenho minhas reclamações com o sistema de barra (QUICK mode e MAX mode), a história merda que é essa saga, o netcode e matchmaking horrível, o preço das DLCs aqui no Brasil... mas meh, não desabona a qualidade total do jogo.

Meu 2° KOF favorito!


i was never great at the KOF games, but this game was a day one purchase for me (which is saying something; i barely buy games on day one). can't wait for cross platform online to be implemented.

Com certeza é meu Kof favorito em relação a jogabilidade, aqui eu sinto que consigo bater nos Kofeiros viciados de plantão.
O jogo ainda está precisando de um balanceamento, mas, após ele chegar,o jogo com certeza se tornara um dos melhores Kof's da historia! (E com Dlc's incríveis chegando!)