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Another Kof and its fun as hell like the rest. The auto combo system i am not a fan of at all. Why do they all need to come from jabs boggles me. You can have simplified options for bad players but why have them all linked to jab is silly. The prices on the dlc is also insane. Still a good 2D fighter tho but not one up to the standards of strive.

I love king of fighters i think the roster is really cool and fun and I rlly enjoy picking three characters for my ass kicking entrouge. I think this one is kinda weird with its reasoning for some of the characters being back but otherwise its the best looking a 3d kof has ever looked in my opinion
i wish street fighter 4 looked like this lol
ALSO B JENET IS BACK!! cant wait for snk to vault her again for another decade but.. atleast shes here! my favorite character purely bc i think her kit is so fun and something abt a pirate lady is intriguing to me.

Id probably either like or dislike this game a lot more if i was aware of more than like 12% of the overarching plot in king of fighters

final thoughts: beating motherfuckers with your high heels will never not be gnarly

downloading shingo dlc here comes a special boy !!
Throwing this on again as I am a born sucker who needs to at least try Shingo in this game. He still rules, his VA still rules, I think his new outfit looks good, I'm glad you can still whiff cancel cr.D, I wish his proximity unblockable was still a DP motion and was also still a proximity unblockable instead of a command grab, I wish he still checked GameFAQs during his final bankai. About what I expected. Welcome back, kiddo!
Anyway, the game: one of my major problems with it reared back up when I watched the Shingo trailer and was able to guess what the EX version of all his moves would do before I saw it. I've spoken about it previously, but there's just no surprises in this - it's a combo game, but to me it seems like there are very fixed routes you have to go down to Do the Big Combo and you're not really able to stray from them (also had this problem with XIV). XIII was a combo game too, but was more freeform, more experimental, more interesting - due in no small part to you being able to produce some real bullshit. I think games like this have to have a sufficient amount of truly stupid nonsense in them to be worth a damn. Look at Marvel 3! Any time I watch that game nowadays there's a solid chance that I'll see something I've never seen before, and I think that could probably happen in KOFXIII, and I think there's almost no chance of it happening in KOFXV. The whole thing just feels sterile to me, missing some vital spark. It doesn't help that it looks ugly to mine eyes, that there's something wholly unsatisfying about the animations, that character proportions are often freaky and alien (check out Ryo's Tetsuo Hara head to body ratio, and take a good look at Vanessa's fingers, it's fucked). The new characters do nothing for me, they didn't bring back Mian, the fucking weasels actually want you to pay extra for Kim. I dunno man, I just don't like this one. It's trite to say but 98 is better, so why would I waste the time? Let's play 98. If you haven't played 98, I really recommend playing 98, it's very cool and looks great and has a dope roster and is full of personality and dumb shit like the unblockable fireball glitch (love that one). Also the international subtitle is "The Slugfest", which is just so awesome. Try it!

Bom jogo, melhor que o XIV em vários aspectos. Agora no quesito história, é muito fraco. Na questão gráfico e gameplay é bom

¿Es Rugal el hijo de puta más duro de toda la ficción? Un ensayo

I had never played an SNK game before this and at first it took some getting used to but I really like how it plays now. I also just love the characters. They're super diverse and just feel nice to play and improve with

No se si sea mi internet pero tarde como 5 minutos en tener una match y me patearon el trasero en 10 segundos 0/10

Seriously though, es un KOF, por algo me gusta, ta chido

Faz tempo que não jogo bastante um KOF, o último da série que dediquei várias horas foi o XI. Essa edição é um jogo de luta bem técnico, tem um cast vasto e variado, uma boa trilha sonora e um chefe final ridiculamente apelão, características comuns da série.

O estilo visual tem seus altos e baixos, alguns personagens e cenários ficaram melhores do que outros. Eu queria que o modo história fosse melhor explorado, é muito focado em personagens mais recentes dos quais não sou muito fã.

Apesar de estar longe do seu auge nos anos 90, KOF XV é um jogo de luta profundo e divertido. Pode ser o ponto de partida que irá recolocar a série nos eixos de uma vez.

i would highly recommend every FG fan to get into KOF and this is honestly an easy to get into entry. fun as fuck and looks sleek as hell

Assez technique et difficile a comprendre au premier abord pour un Jeu de combat japonais mais tout est pardonné grace a la jiggles physique et design des personnage feminin

It's good to see moves from past games returning, it's really a shame that KOF 13 sacrificed so much graphics that only works with less than half the roster. But this game fixes a lot of my issues with 13 and 14. It's still upsetting that Ralf and Ryo are still pretty awful, give us their old movesets!

a game for good boys and girls :)

Première fois que je touche vraiment à un KOF (j'avais essayé le XIV mais le online était déjà vide) et... je n'aime pas du tout le feeling des affrontements. Trop aériens, le neutral est particulier... et graphiquement c'est vraiment pas top. Pour couronner le tout, j'avais du mal à trouver des matchs online malgré le rollback.

Super foda, história deixa a desejar, mas gameplay é muito boa não é uma doença pra aprender a jogar que nem o 13 e ao mesmo tempo lembra muito o 98 que é o mais pé no chão da saga.

Game is so fun but the online doesn't work

Wild more people were talking about this than Street Fighter in places other than South America.

This game is cool but have you ever heard of this one guy his name is Rock Howard

After the banger that XIV was, I'm kind of let down with this one a little since it feels like they took one step forward but a couple of steps back

First of all, the roster. What the hell, only 2 newcomers? Seriously? Why is the slogan "Shatter all expectations" when the entire roaster is probably one of the most predicable in the series? Ok, K9999 coming back is unexpected, I'll give them that. That's it. The DLC characters are fan favorites, so no surprises (so far)

Second, the gameplay. I didn't have any issues with how XIV played, so most of these changes are okay but not really necessary imo, but you gotta differentiate the entry somehow. Shatter Strike is fine, that's really it.
It's still a KOF game, so it's fun as heck. EX moves outside of MAX mode gives the game an easier way to combo, making it also more fun to just making up links and routes on the go. MAX mode itself it's easier too (maybe EX moves have become way too common, but that's nothing a future patch can't tweak)

My only actual negative critique with the game is the online modes. Rollback is a nice addition, sure, but not only is kind of hard to get an stable match (between friends from my country I still get random rollback spikes for no reason) but also the actual lobby system in this game is a big downgrade from 14. No simultaneous matches? No free typing in chat? No small groups divided in the type of match that you want to play? And you have to close the lobby if you want to edit anything major... Why?
Also, the matchmaking is still broken. And crossplay is coming to the game, so if they don't fix that, it's gonna be a bigger problem.

You can tell this game was affected by the global pandemic and it shows. Otherwise it's a pretty solid fighting game, tho they played it way too safe for my liking. I'm interested in seeing it evolving however.

matchmaking is so bad and I guess 1 saudi prince's money isn't enough to fix it?

Fun entry in the KOF series. Pretty much has all the fan favorite characters, though few in new faces, so I guess those looking for fresh characters probably would be disappointed with the roster. The game looks significantly better than KOF 14, with everyone looking great in the unreal engine. In terms of gameplay, it feels just as great as KOF always does. I am by no means competitively intimate with the mechanics, but I can still stay the game plays quite well. My only minor gripe is the fact that you have to play through the game a billion times to unlock all the music. As for the online experience, I can't say I have had much luck with that considering I play on Xbox and online lobbies are a ghost town. Apparently crossplay is going to be added sometime in the future, so hopefully I will be able to play more when that happens.

This was a game i really wanted to get into for a long time and finally got to sink my teeth into it. I think this game is slightly difficult to learn and mastering it is a huge commitment. But the intricacies of it's system as a 3 character fighter and meter management between them creates levels of strategy that i really enjoy. It also has a very dynamic and fast neutral that lets people who can really adapt on the fly shine brightly which i dig a lot.

Great game and glad that SNK is back at it again.

A very good modern entry of the KOF series with an updated engine that makes XIV look even more of a joke. Graphics are crisp and colorful and have that passing-the-test-of-time feel and look that will keep benefiting this game. Gameplay and overall controls and fighting mechanics are very solid.

I can't speak for the online components such as netcode and matchmaking since I'm an old school fighting game gamer that prefers to play single player story and/or arcade modes. Story mode in this game is whack but serviceable. I really enjoyed the endings I got so far with pre-established teams.

Been months since I’ve really posted much about a fighting game, got in a bit of a mood for it recently again so here I am.
My last review was a fairly negative look at KOF XIII which I really didn’t want to do, but I found the game very uninteresting and one of my least favorite entries in the series, Unsurprisingly not too long after that I sorta fell off from playing fighting games for a bit, with a single arcade run of KOF XV and random playthroughs of KOF 98-02 when having anime on as background noise really being all I messed with after that. However, I had the urge to play some fighters as of recently and I thought it would be fair to give this game a try again. Not that I disliked it, in fact I remember enjoying it initially, but pulling out the PS4 was a hassle and I still don’t have PS Plus so playing online was a no-go. But after doing some more arcade runs and trying other characters I thought I’d write something really quick because I actually really like this game.
The presentation is pretty solid, menus are clean, character models are a big step over XIV, animations look nice, the usual. The game in general is just popping with color which I couldn’t say about XIII and I love the flourishes and hit sparks to your moves in this one. While still not near in quality to the presentational masterpiece that is KOF 2000 for me, I think modern SNK did a pretty decent job here.
Now I might come off as hypocritical here because of my hot takes on KOF XIII but I really enjoy how this one plays. It has a lot of the standard gameplay systems like previous entries, but it’s combined with a very solid roster and game feel. I noticed it was very easy to get a combo going by just trying random combinations, and I’m sure it would drive a professional crazy but I find this a good thing for newer players. You still have to actually try, of course, but there’s some of that good ol’ SNK clunk to this one that makes the game a proper tribute to the classics in my opinion. Experimentation is rewarded by the player going “now wouldn’t it be crazy if I could combo THAT” then actually trying that and pulling it off, which just gives a great reward for creative players. I’m fairly on the primitive side when it comes to making up combos in fighting games, but KOF is one series where my brain is constantly thinking up random shit I could forge together especially in the older games, and I had a similar vibe here too.
The roster is very dream match like despite being canon (although there are lore reasons for this all happening ofc) and seems to have less emphasis on original characters than what I’ve seen of XIV. This time it’s more about refining some old favorites but now in 3D (but not in whatever the hell Maximum Impact was… lol), which I’m fine with. Maybe it’s a really cynical move on the developers’ part but eh. Even so, the new characters are cool too, although Isla was the only one I’m familiar with, one of the coolest KOF character designs in a while for me. Returning characters are pretty similar to what they’ve been before, but I really like the new character designs, even one of the flat out worst designs in the franchise, Sylvie Paula Paula, is getting one for the DLC and no joke she actually looks GREAT. I don’t find this game soulless or corporate or whatever despite everything inside me feeling like I should, because there definitely is a clear amount of effort put here, I dunno. Mainly rambling at this point.
But overall this is a good entry in the series and I’m glad it exists. I’m not terribly fond of modern fighting games… and maybe the only reason I loved this one was because it feels like an older one… but I am willing to try more of these new fighting games. See you in Street Fighter 6 everybody! This is also a great game for beginners. If you’re one of those kids playing your Guilty Gear Strives or whatever this could possibly be entirely for you, just know there still is a fairly high skill ceiling here, but I find the skill floor very welcoming for fighting game newbies. Or I could be entirely wrong here.
I’ll be writing about another fighting game possibly pretty soon so… stay tuned for that.

Incredible stylistically, but I will never understand this game. Or its story. Shun'ei is really cool, though.