Reviews from

in the past

Best advertisement I’ve ever played

The way we can use lighting now is nucking futs.

En puros gráficos es un motor brutal, es bastante impresionante el nivel de realismo que alcanza. A nivel de "juego", está muy superado desde hace años, tanto de físicas como de comportamientos de la IA.

Es una curiosidad interesante, pero no pasa de ahí.

Floating about a city like a wee cyber ghost watching the world go by.

Muy interesante y prometedora demo de Unreal Engine 5. A ver cómo exprimen este motor los desarrolladores.

A neat thing to check out what the future of gaming can look like. The city and cars cars look incredible. The figures and their animations are not quite at the same level yet.

The game is broken. Seems to start with behind the scenes type stuff that should be an unlockable after completion, and then throws us into what feels like the halfway point and we're just supposed to know what's happening.

I scoured the city for 5 hours trying to make progress, and couldn't find a single mission trigger. It's a shame this was free, because I can't call it a cynical cash-in, but it definitely is that in spirit. Fans of the films, please avoid.

Not really a game, but a tech demo. And on that front, holy shit that's an absolutely gorgeous city.

Bracing myself for a new wave of games that look absolutely fuckin incredible but bore me to tears

This is one of the coolest things I have ever played, the level of detail in this is beyond words and the opening cinematic is mind blowing. The new Unreal 5 engine is absolutely awesome and I personally would love to see this became a full on game, it is that great to me.

I’m just a sucker for tech demos, I can’t do anything about it. And this is just one of the craziest things I’ve seen in a while. Whenever I imagined what rockstar would be able to do with the new console generations, having the new ssd speeds and data streaming rates that directly influence how detailed open worlds can get, I was thinking about this. Of course, this is on a small scale and without any gameplay, but we’re going to get there and that’s just absolutely insane. You don’t even have to be a matrix shill, like I am, to have to check this out. It’s crazy.

It looks good but this really has nothing going for it.

Absolutely stunning.

Ever since my jaw dropped in 1996 when I first saw Super Mario 64, I have loved that first moment when new hardware really shows off what this console generation can do. The Matrix: Awakens was that moment for me, chronologically following SM64, Metroid Prime, Halo 3, and Uncharted 4.

It's very important to go into this knowing exactly what it is beforehand though: a tech demo. This is not a game, so don't expect any compelling gameplay of any kind. But when the latter half of the demo started, I was breathless. I could not believe what I was seeing and exploring.

Most of the time, I was thinking "My PS5 is rendering this???" though that was occasionally interrupted by bleak thoughts of how many high-res assets and textures are needed for any game on this scale, and that it will likely increase development time and be more grueling for employees. But it was hard to stay focused on that when there was such an immense, gorgeous cityscape to gawk at!!

I went into this game with no knowledge of the matrix movies, and I enjoyed it. (2023 UPDATE: I have seen the first 2 Matrix films and they were ok)

"Agents are bad. But whatever you do, stay the hell away from marketing."

Spoiler alert: It's a tech demo! A demonstration of technology! It's not a full game, or even a complete game play experience, which seems to have escaped a lot of people on here! WHAT A CONCEPT!

And on that note, HOLY SHIT THE NEXT DECADE OF GAMING IS GOING TO BE STUNNING. I was legit in awe at the high quality of the character renders, and the way the photo realism held up as it moved between in-engine cinematics and fast-paced game play.

So, overall, this was cool!

Minha primeira impressão dessa Tech Demo foi por um vídeo no YouTube, e eu fiquei bem impressionado com tudo.

Jogando... não foi pra tanto. Mas ainda assim é algo bem incrível que mostra o potencial enorme dos jogos em estarem cada vez mais graficamente fiéis a realidade.

Ah, e usar o universo de Matrix pra isso foi uma boa cartada.

"we made a game that looks just like real life. no not that one. no not that one. no not that one. no not that one. no not that one. no not that one. no not that one. no not that one. no not that one. no not that one. no not that one. no not that one. yeah that one. this one is the one. it looks just like real life."

Unreal 5 needs Euphoria imo

All games need Euphoria

This was cool, that’s all I can really say

Bonito e massa os carrim batendo

A graphically impressive Tech demo, nothing more, nothing less

I don't understand how this is mind blowing. A lot of games looks better than this

I mean, it's teach demo. Albeit an incredibly cool tech demo.

This is a tech demo, so don't expect much from it. You'll be in an out in 20 minutes tops. With that said, it's really cool to see how games might look down the road. I wasn't necessarily blown away, but I was thoroughly impressed. I also liked the secondary mode where you can walk around the city and play with the graphics options to see the different layers of architecture at play. I was fascinated just tinkering and exploring it.