Reviews from

in the past

I just think building and designing houses is more fun than the actual game

Sims 4's CAS is basically the whole game for me. I don't give a shit about the actual simulation. I just like making the families and then leaving them to fend for themselves.

yup! it's the sims. looks better than 3 but plays way worse xoxo

Malísimo, vaya port mas malo....

The downgrade of the neighborhood system along with many other mechanics just makes this game feel so dead compared to The Sims 3 that I can never bother myself to play this for more than 1 hour.

The sims will always be fun, for a few hours, then it will probably end up getting a little boring, much like real life.

It's fun, but you have to be the boss of a Fortune 500 company to be able to afford even just the decent looking DLC.

decent game. there's not much in the base game but mods can really boost the experience. no idea why dlcs are so expensive, but that's ea for you I guess

It's the sims, you know what you're getting into.

Morto pelo mercenarismo de querer vender 23095238952390 dlcs inuteis

I had fun with this game for a while, but it couldn’t keep me playing long term.

the amount of time i have building houses outshadows my time actually playing it and i think that's great

best building mechanics, worst gameplay (which is still pretty decent).

O jogo é muito bom, estando completo. Infelizmente, 3000 reais pra jogar ele em um estado bom acredito que seja senso comum de ser inviável, podem crackear sem peso na consciência, a EA merece não receber 1 centavo a mais por coisas que deveriam vir com o jogo base.

gets half a star for being pretty and two for emotional attachment

a lot better than sims 3 in areas, a lot worse than sims 3 other areas

It's awesome when it plays full, even though the game itself and like dlcs are lazy and empty compared to other games. But you can have a lot of fun with this game.

Remember when you are going to play download the pirated game👍🏻

Rightfully hated when it came out because of how many staples of the franchise weren't included on the base game, and the massive step back of going from open world to lots like in sims 2 again, but I think its somewhat alright-ish now?
All the expansions released do provide some needed variety at least, and with a little modding it can truly last for a long time.
Not a terrible option right now for anyone who wants the sims experience without going back to the older games and avoiding all the technical issues that plague 3.

ea has to give me all the packs for free for me to consider 5 stars and thats a hard consider

sigh... looks like I am back in my annual two-week Sims rut...

I've had a lot of fun with the sims 4, but it's one of those games that's getting worse the more time passes. EA's continued monitization of basic gameplay concepts that should be there for free and continued content updates that only show how bare the game was at launch just demonstrate more and more how much of a cashgrab the Sims 4 is. I don't hate the game for what it is, but I have a massive issue with what it represents and the company behind it. I'd say it's 3 stars gamewise, 4 and a half with the wonderful community mods, and 1 in terms of the philosophy at the sims 4. It all rounds up at a measily 2 stars. Play the sims 3 if you want more customization and the sims 2 if you want more story.

Incompleto comparado ao the sims 3