Reviews from

in the past

As basic as a shooter can get

This is fun with friends, but absolutely DO NOT play alone. it is the equivalent of having a curling iron shoved up your ass, while it is ON.

I refuse to play this with friends if we do not have a full team.

The randoms in this game act like they have some kind of sleeper agent killswitch, where randomly in the middle of the 3rd round they'll start trying to kill you for no reason whatsoever.

o pior jogo que eu ja joguei na minha vida
mineirinho é melhor

O jogo que me introduziu praticamente ao mundo dos E-sports e a jogar video game para a vida. O jogo até o meio de 2019 estava muito bom. Porém depois disso começou a ficar saturado e se você não joga com uma mentalidade competitiva de se tornar um profissional e de jogar nos ranks mais altos, você irá perder seu tempo.

I suck ass
Strategy good
Makes me never want to play a video game ever again

You can break walls so that’s cool

simply wasn't my cup of tea.

The best shooter of its generation, period.

Massa como esse jogo mistura realismo com estrategia curto bastante.

A fun game that is unfortunately a ubisoft game.

The first time I played beginners queue I was shit on by my teammates who definitely did not belong in that queue with me. Not a welcoming experience for newcomers

Used to easily be the best shooter on consoles, but all the balance changes after the Italian operators like the machine pistols nerf really killed a lot of playstyles. Not even worth bothering to play anymore which is sad because before that I could get 5V5 custom games with friends using the pro league rule set.

Acho que foi o multiplayer que mais joguei na vida.
Se SW Battlefront foi um marco, esse é mais ainda.
As amizades cultivadas no game citado anteriormente, esse consolidou.

Que jogo bom de passar um dia todo com seus amigos, ganhando, perdendo, matando, morrendo e dando várias risadas. Jogava bem em, não era um inútil, mas com o passar do tempo dropei forte.

one of the best fps games on market rn. player gadgets are not broken or buggy like most of the time in other titles and the shooting is fine if you're not some freak weirdo in top 500 or whatever the fuck. perfectly serviceable and fun.

i will say the community is the most toxic and ass pieces of shit but honestly its to be expected of an FPS. They're either all try hard neets or fucking assholes who think calling you slurs is genuine comedy. The game would be fucking untouchable if it weren't for the community they honestly ruin it but otherwise the mechanics and everything excluding them is solid for what it is.

Great concept although I miss the olden Rainbow games, a campaign would be kinda cool for this game. Extremely fun to play with your friends.

I can't lie this game has had its huge fair share of problems, but its ingenuity is in game design, and the way multiplayer matches work, which leads to some of the absolute most heard pounding, adrenline rush scenarios. Now any other shoot, take call of duty for instance, gets old real fucking fast, nothing changes its just static maps with the same shit until the next game comes out. Siege on the other hand, has fully destructible maps, which singlehandedly has saved the game from a terrible launch and kept it going. Every. Single. Match. is different. I cannot overstate how valuable that is. Each map is like a sandbox for you to approach every situation differently, nothing will ever be the same, couple that with the quartly updates, and this game is just stronger than ever, and is to this date, the onyl game that has held my attention over 2 years

broken as shit, but theres still a lot of fun to be had, and a lot of fond memories associated with this game

couldn't pass tutorial too hard

Best academic career and life ruiner approwed by Sonic,Obama and espacially our lord and savior TACHANKA

Turns out you're actually having fun once you git gud.

For a tactical, competitive shooter, it's my go to. I've been a fan since the Black Ice season which makes me near ancient in the community.

It's not always the most enjoyable experience (being a Ubisoft game and the culture of the game being pretty negative) but I generally have fun and like the level of strategy and creativity you can employ to win. Mouse and keyboard users on Xbox have turned me off from Ranked which is a shame. I still love booting this up and playing in a squad with my friends after all these years. It's not a shooter for everyone but it's worth your time.

One of those games that gets extremely metagamed and there's really not much more to it besides that.

The moment i can play ranked ill get diamond rank WATCH ME

This is one rather enjoyable piece of shit!

A FPS with the team dynamics of a MOBA and the strategical complexity of a Tactical RPG. The element of destruction brings a complexity to Siege that dwarfs any other competitive FPS I've played. This, in addition to the now 50-plus operators each with unique abilities, makes the game undoubtedly punishing for new players to learn, but incredibly rewarding for veterans to manipulate and use to their advantage.

The game is not without it's issues, however many of it's problems STEM from it's complexity (sound bugs originating from sound having to travel through tiny bullet holes that were just created in a wall, for example). I'm more than willing to accept these compromises in order to play this great tactical FPS.