Reviews from

in the past

Gameplay is weird nonsense but the scenario is actually kami. TenShion for life

Is aight. The online kinda sucks, though.

Tenshi and Shion fall in love, thats it thats the game

Daría mi vida por Marisa, Reimu, Miko o Shion.

i mandela effected Jo'on's (tied for best character) car to be the wrong color

Touhou fighting game rating: 10/10

não sou fan de jogos de luta, mas isso é divertido até

this is the best touhou game tbh

kasen ibaraki my love.........

This game introduced me to the concept of "floating fighters" which is like this weird middle ground between traditional fighters and platform fighters. There are no platforms but despite playing like a traditional one, there is now the element of "down". You can move around in any direction in a 2D space which is honestly really interesting for a fighter, even if it's kinda awkward to get used to.

Got my ass kicked but it was fun. Didn't do story mode, this wasn't my copy. Surprised there isn't a Dragon Ball Z version of one of these. It'd be the first game to sell 100 Zillion copies.

ya şu “türkiye’nin en zengin ailelerindensiniz, parayla çözemiyorsun” muhabbetini bıraksanız mı? koç holding dediğin, halka açık bir sürü yöneticileri olan kocaman bir şirket. babanızın pantolonundan para mı tırtıklıyorsunuz? kaldı ki adamın serveti fb’ye başkan olduğundan beri 150m dolar azalmış. (pandemi falan da var tabi)

neredeyse bütün koç grubundan yüksek fiyatla sponsorluk alıyor, kendinden ekliyor, oyuncu satıp kâr ediyor maddi olarak daha ne yapacak bu adam? buraları okuması imkansız ama söyleyin de yapsın, yapmazsa da biz bilelim. 2018’de 608 milyon euro olan borç şu an %40 azalmış ve 386 milyon dolar olmuş.

dahasını söyleyeyim. fb 250 milyon kâr yapıyor gs 250 milyon, beşiktaş 72 milyon zarar yapıyor.

maddi açıdan daha ne yapsın takıma söyleyin hadi? forma satın almayan adamlar tüm servetini bassın diyor ya hayret ediyorum.

arkadaşlar bu işin olması gereken esas hali budur. diğer takımlar sonsuza kadar zarar yazmaya nasıl devam edecekler? ya arkadaş 5 milyar tl borç yapmışlar ve hala deli gibi artıyor. nereden geliyor bu değirmenin suyu? bursaspor örneği var önümüzde. şampiyon oldular, para saçtılar şimdi lisans bedeli ödeyemedikleri için maçlara katılamıyorlar, takım otobüsünü satma peşindeler falan.

zaha’ya 23 milyon euro vermişler, sponsor karşılıyor diyorlar hayırlı olsun. bu model sürdürülebilir değil, uzun vadede batacaksınız çünkü deli gibi borcunuz var ve zarar açıklıyorsunuz.

ali koç’un tek hatası bu kâr - zarar tablosunu düzeltmeye uğraşırken başarılara net şekilde odaklanmaması. en azından 2 sezon kâr odaklı çalışıp 1 sezon başarı odaklı çalışsa ve takımın gazını alsa müthiş olacak. uzun vadede ben ali koçtan razıyım, taraftarın gazını alacak sağlam başarı getirse bu sezon da rahatlasak.

I haven't played the story mode yet but playing multiplayer with a friend is very unique and fun. Thanks limmy for being a good fighting game mate.

Yukari's hands in this game are so beautiful
Also there is a lot of gay tension and I kinda love it

On release it was seen as unnecessary and light on the new content, but I do think this is the game where floater fighters came together, and with a surprisingly compelling story to boot. It's full of personality, it's a blast to play and it's a cool sendoff to the story arc started back in UFO, just such a great fun if you're already attached to these characters and world. I definitely wish the netcode wasn't ass, but that's maybe too much to ask from doujin creators.

It was released on Switch, so I got it. First English, main title release for the Nintendo platform, too!

It's pretty fun. Creative fighting game concepts. I wish this was more played often, and promoted to the big leagues. Heavily underrated. I would be an avid player, if it weren't for the fact no one I know plays it.

Só joguei até completar a história, mas posso garantir que se eu quisesse poderia passar horas masterizando personagens.

Touhou floaty fighters feel off and this one reuses the arrangements from 14.5 rather than add new ones for every character which is a little bit of a letdown after 14.5's arranges.

I may be bad at it, but god damn it's really fun to try and pull off combos. As a touhou fan, I really like it!

The first official touhou available in english on the Switch! That's the version I played, and it's fine but not as impressive as the various fan patches. There are a few odd things in the translation and the presentation isn't as slick but these are very minor problems and it's all quite workable.

I have to assume this is better as a fighting game than Urban Legend in Limbo. The pseudo tag-team aspect where you have a backup character to temporarily swap in seems much better than all the ball stuff, and the handful of new fighters are cool. And anyway this one has Yukari's special 'hitting you in the face with a god damn train' attack so how could it be bad. The package doesn't have any kind of tutorial or move list though, which is normal for these but you don't get any manual on Switch and it might come across as barebones to you. I dunno if it has rollback I'm not playing online

I'm here for story mode though and while I'm not as into AoCF as I am ULiL I still had a real good time. The story does tie into some other things, and I love to see Yukari and Tenshi back, but the story is nothing special. The antagonists this time are the Yorigami sisters: Jo'on, the pestilence god, and Shi'on the poverty god. Their plan is just to steal a shitload of money from everyone at concerts and honestly good for them. I love these two very much and am happy to know they come back in 17.5 when I get to it. They have a very complicated rules-lawyering setup to make themselves unbeatable and everyone kind of dicks around having problems with the dream world until it's time to beat them. A workhorse plot without any deep meditations on much but some fun moments with the characters.

The fights in story mode are a little bit mixed. The tag team thing means there are a lot of modular attacks, but some of them are unique and very clever combinations of the character's abilities. It's ultimately not too dissimilar from the repetition of previous games and they don't make you fight the sisters all as often as you've had to repeat the final boss in the previous fighters.

Yeah I guess in totality Gensokyo is a land of contrasts and this was fine and nice. If you were curious about these Touhou fighters this would be fine to mess around with and I had a good time. Solid middle tier of the fighting spinoffs.

Overshadowed by Hisoutensoku, this game is extremely fun in it's own way and deserves more love.

Really fun and enjoyable singleplayer! Lackluster in terms of an actual fighting game unfortunately (the bar IS pretty high though).

gameplay is kinda a step up from 14.5 but i like the plot a lot more too, tenshion sweep

pretty anime fighter i play with my friends, fuck it, 5 star