Reviews from

in the past

This was a fun game from my childhood that recently got remastered and re-released onto PC and Switch.
My biggest praise for the remastered release is that they DRASTICALLY improved the camera controls. In the PS2 version I played as a kid, the camera was so sensitive and crazy that I couldn't bother to replay it nowadays after being spoiled with games that have nice camera controls. However, this release offers really detailed controls such as whether or not you want the camera centered on Ty as he jumps. Huge quality of life improvement.
The addition of achievements is fun, and I've nearly 100% the game after just 14 hours. Currently working on the hardcore achievements.
This game is obviously a kids' game that was made for PS2, so obviously the animations are super wonky and the writing is really cheesy, also considering it is just stuffed full of Australian stereotypes and slang (which is fine, because the developers are Australian, but it does go a little overboard at times). It's really only a story that is there to drive the theme and gameplay.
Level design is actually really good, for the most part. There are a couple levels that are annoying and one that is really gimmicky, but the rest are really fun to explore, and they gave me a feeling of what the landscape is like Down Under. Platforming is quick and tight, and combat is really kinda basic (you either rang or bite your enemies, and they die in 1-2 hits). Bosses were mainly puzzle-based, so you're not just whittling down their health bar by flinging your rangs at them, which I appreciate.
Collecting things is actually a lot more fun than I anticipated. Usually it's tedious, but for some reason, this one was fun. Sucks if you miss a single opal, though, and you have to scour the entire level looking for it.
The different boomerangs you can get have very limited functionality, and nearly every one of them has a benefit to its usage, but once you get the Megarang, the Multirang kinda becomes obsolete. Towards the end of the game while picking up missed collectables, I found myself just using the Megarang and the Kaboomarang to quickly clear out enemies.
This is a fun game, and you can easily beat it in a weekend or so. I'd recommend it.

Didn't age as well as I had hoped. It seems like the team blew their money and energy on the first half of the game, and the quality drops from good to mediocre around the halfway point. An average experience overall.

I have a lot of nostalgia influence on this, but overall it's a pretty solid game. It's fun and has good characters, and the levels are pretty good. The environments are really peaceful and fun to explore but finding collectibles can be a nightmare. Again, its a solid game.

fun platformer with boomerangs

korkunç zordu travma yarattı bende

PAL copy played on a PlayStation 2 Slim.

Ty the Tasmanian Tiger is a fine game. It had the unfortunate timing of being an animal mascot platformer during a period when they were losing popularity, whilst its game design really only being possible as soon as the PlayStation 2 era.

Compared to Jak and Ratchet, it holds its own fairly well and has the great novelty of a a variety of abilities via the boomerangs. The art direction is bright and fun while the level design keeps your attention for the most part but feels a little stuck in the 90s. The story is pretty meh but that's not really a slight during this time when good narratives and characters weren't a solid "must have" in the big releases.

If you're exploring the platformers available during this period, I'd easily recommend you check Ty out - it has its own fun gimmicks via the boomerangs and it was cool to see a gaming character represent Australia in a positive manner.

Really fun platformer, never finished it but I really should. 6/10

A game that is surprisingly popular and I am not sure how it sold so many copies back in the day. That isn't meant to be an insult, just the opposite it's really cool how such a middling yet charming as heck platformer sold so well and was played by more people then you expected. Probably my favorite aspect of it is the many boomerangs you aquire as they get increasingly more overpowered and fun to use the further you advance in the game. I also have to give credit to the satisfying sound design of said boomerangs, makes it fun just to toss them without rhyme or reason. Overall it's not one of the better 3D platformers since it doesn't do much interesting with its movement or level design, but it's inoffensive enough for those who love the genre. To call it "bad" by any means is being overly harsh.

Aw man I love this. way more than the second game. I loved the level design, the bosses and the way this game kept me going through and through and never burned me out (unlike Ty 2 with it's open world)

this is my SHIT.

at some point this was the only game i could play for weeks, even months
it's not great but it sure is a fun playable game

God I loved the fuck out of this game as a kid but man am I afraid to play it now and find out if that’s still true

One of my FAVORITE Platformers. Vast worlds, plenty of challenge and powerups!

yor man couldn't even get to the first level

childhood game. competent and charming (australian) 3d platformer but not much else to note

i remember having great fun playing this as a kid, would love to play again sometime to see how much is just childhood nostalgia goggles tho. loved the characters and still have some of the phrases forever living in my head (can't read thunder egg without an australian accent)

I have nostalgia for this one as a kid. Its an alright 3d platformer, nothing major.

Ty will always hold a special place in my heart as one the earliest games I remember playing. It could be nostalgia bias, but I truly love this game. The environmental designs and atmosphere of the game are really nice to look at. Also this game has surprisingly good dialogue for a B-list platformer.

Willing to believe this game could've been one of the collect-a-thon greats had it not been for its tedious level design.

That being said, the atmosphere, music, and art style really shine here.

ps2 platformers were a different era of fun

If I am only allowed one Australian themed piece of media to consume, I would choose Australian Survivor over this.

This review contains spoilers

A nostlagic game for me but looking at it now, it does have some flaws.

The gameplay is decent. The boomerang powers are fun but the bite mechanic slows down the game exponentially.

Environmental hazard hitboxes are especially finnicky causing a lot of hits that just don't make sense.

Glide mechanic is very underwhelming and sometimes difficult to execute properly.

Characters and designs are fantastic but sadly we never get to know much more than a few lines via thunderegg quests.

The last third of the game is very...different? We're introduced to villains we had no previous info on (Besides Sly) and their storylines abruptly end.

The boss battles aren't difficult but they lack logic and understanding. For instance, Bull is easy enough to figure out, but Crikey's battle involves new unexplained mechanics. Fluffy I have no indication of using fire rangs on the fire pistons. Cass is the worst because even when using the proper technique you have no indication that its working or what to do next.

Let's not mention the numerous mechanics introduced and never used again and the hidden opals in the worst places.

But this is just looking at the bad parts of the game.. Let me explain why Ty is worth a playthrough.

Our setting is the australian outback with many different and fun characters to help along your way. The designs are amazing and the locations are mostly consistent with the theming.

The rangs are a fun weapon giving you a two shot third person shooter style attack. Frills are fun to fight for this specific reason and the different effects each rang has just makes it even better.

Swimming mechanics are actually very fun in this game with very little anxiety inducing moments due to the breath meter being an afterthought.

While we only get one "driving" level the mechanics are solid and fun when crashing into things or just running around the track.

The ability to gain new boomerangs at your own pace with required rangs being given to you free is much less stressful than grinding to get that one object to fight the boss.

So while my nostalgia glasses are off, I think the game still holds up as one of those middling platformers that never really got big but still has a big place in my heart.

The game that honed my convincing Australian accent, and my love for boomerangs. Only one of these is true.

A very fun 3D collectathon with charming environments and characters. Had a great time with it and is recommended to anyone who likes games like Banjo-Kazooie or similar.

Ty... the Tas-freaking-mania tiger. I absolutely, loved this game as a kid. And I still do today... Still haven't gotten around to beating it quite yet, though.

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Main character was one of my first fictional crushes so I've been a gay furry my entire life 10/10