Reviews from

in the past

cute game with a really great story about what it means to be a hero. I love the way singing is implemented but I do wish they could occasionally bring some mechanics back more often

Charming and polished with some great writing, marred by some pacing issues (rhythm sequences that go on much longer than they should)

It does a lot with very little. The core singing mechanic isn't really used for any super hard puzzles, but is still really varied and just fun to mess around with. The story and characters are all fantastic, with lots of humor to round out the emotional moments. Overall just a very polished and charming experience.

A very cute and wholesome indie game about a bard, with a lovable cast of characters and good writing.

this is what we in the business like to call a mastahpeece, folks

A game of cosmic circumstances on a humble scale. It deals with questions of archetypes, destiny, an understanding of the self, and how our actions shape the world around us. It is a game that begs to be read as analogous to the hopeless pessimism that permeates modern life as well as a commentary on the tropes games so consistently employ, using our familiarity with both these elements to subvert the traditional hero’s journey.

Honestly one of the most joyful and pleasant games I've ever played. I got very frustrated with some of the platforming sections but it's such a delight in every other moment.

Ok, on the one hand, I enjoyed myself. This comes from an older cloth of "let's throw in an optional skiing game... now a pirate song... alright, time management sim!", and you get a fun variety.

On the other hand, and maybe this is my fault for playing it back to back with Chicory, there's a pretty straightforward vibe of "I want to be the hero and I'm not". And it's warm and fuzzy and not meanspirited, which through one lens is refreshing, and through another lens (having just played Chicory), is a second teaspoon of pure sugar.

the musical nature of it is very forgiving, the platforming came right up against the edge of my very low skill bar but didn't push me too hard, and that's a neat challenge. the unlockable dances were hilarious. and the composed songs were great. However, the actual act of singing was.... not always the most pleasant thing to hear.

i finished this game a few days ago and I'm just reflecting on what it left me with. The answer isn't a lot, but it also isn't negative. So, you know.

This is a nice little game. On the whole it feels like it occupies well-worn territory--part of that indie puzzle platformer trend of the 2010s, but that's not the worst thing in the world. I think the middle of the game drags a bit but that might be personal preference. The singing mechanic could probably have been implemented in a more central or interesting way. But holy cow, the end of the game really just pulls everything together. Emotionally powerful and catchy, the ending will pull feelings out of you that you didn't know you had for the game. In the end it kind of harmonized and achieved something greater than it's constituent parts. It's worth a little playthrough; do not buy it on Switch.

Ein nettes Spiel über die Wichtigkeit von Mitgefühl und Verständnis. Das Spiel gab mir einige Gelegenheiten über die Welt zu reflektieren. Mein liebster Charakter im Spiel ist die Person, die einem die Tänze beibringt, ab und zu mit einer freundlichen Person zu sprechen, die keine besonderen Erwartungen an einen stellte war eine schöne Sache.

Didn't know much going in and was blown away by much more emotional storytelling and complex characters than expected.

I cried a lot, this game is beautiful

I cried a few times. At first, I thought the super positivity and cheesiness would get tiring, but it never did. There's power in hope and power in insisting that the world is good.

Super cute game about singing and saving the world! Fantastic and adorable :)

There's the potential for a really great game in this one but it just falls a bit flat until the ending, which is great and made me cry

This is so damn sweet and has one of the best written friendships I've ever seen in a game. A bit too long and some sections are less fun than others, but this is a really good time.

A loveable and charming story but the game is about twice as long as it needed to be

I love this game so much dude. Genuinely one of my favorites of all time.

Wandersong is very good and you should go out and play it. A lot of it is about what it is to be a hero and saving the world without hacking and slashing.

It has many great characters in it (having given up coffee, I especially liked the pirates). The music is delightful and the story line zips along nicely.

And you think it's shown you all that it can do mechanically and it comes up with something new.

There were some boss fights that I felt could be shorter and one or two points that I got a bit waylaid, but overall it's good.

And being able to do goofy dances and sing at inappropriate times was lovely.

I enjoyed this more than the hour or so I spent with Bard's Tale. Best barding game I've played to date (though maybe I should go replay The Bard's Tale (2004)).

When i started playing this i tought, alright, its a unity game, its going to be a very short musical experience, but man, i was wrong, what this game lacks on visual assets it has on musics and sound effects, this game has so many emotional musical moments and at the same time it gets every single one of them handed to you in a unique way that you can remember which one of them with a diferrent and special feeling. Summing up, straight 5 out of 5

This game was probably really good, I mean the art style is very nice at the least, but as I played a bit I got bored, it's a lot like an RPG with going town to town talking to people to progress and using singing to help do a bit of platforming and fighting bosses.

Doesn't seem like a bad game, I thought there was a bit more to it, it's just not the game for me.

This game is like if Night in the Woods and Adventure Time had a baby and it was adopted by Paper Mario. Great vibes, great tunes, great visuals. Only issue is that the gameplay is a little lacking, but recontenxualizing it as a walking sim with a side of gameplay makes that super easy to get past. Definitely recommend this if you want something short and sweet to make you happy and jam out.

A beautifully animated and told story about what it means to be a hero, pacifism, music, and one of the most uplifting and inspiring endings I ever saw. My perfect pick for anyone stuck in the "Asteroid for Year Now" phase.

It has a nice art style but the singing mechanic did not click with me, no sense story and find it kinda boring just walking around singing and dancing, so yeah I dropped it

This was a really enjoyable journey. The characters is awesome and very cheerful, just talking with them feels good. Every region has its own unique theme, thanks to the art direction in this game whenever you get to a new place, it feels so fresh and cozy. I really liked the mechanich's of each region it was fun to play and consistent new gameplay mechanich's was fun to use. General story is really cool, the game is short and story keeps you interested until the end. Just playing music feels good in this game, i would recommend this game to a music lover and i think every music lover should experience it once in their lifetime.

A joyful game about a bard trying to save the world. The colorful art style and singing mechanics are very charming, with good writing that has a ton of heart poured into it. It does go on a bit long, but liked the story enough where I didn’t mind much.

Fantastic game with an amazing story. Each and every NPC had so much life to them it was phenomenal.

wandersong is a blissful, almost therapeutic experience that intertwines its musical gameplay with every part of its stand out narrative and characters; a rare game that actually has something to say and hits real emotional notes, all while putting a smile on your face the whole time

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