Reviews from

in the past

Muy antiguo y ha envejecido fatal. Lo mejor del juego que es la historia, viene en el manual.

Could only play this on old ass computers

Играл после второй и может даже третьей. Интересно было посмотреть, с чего всё началось. Но играть в это сейчас невозможно. Хотя деревни строить, прокладывать тропинки и ставить заборы - прикольно лампово, в следующих частях такого нет

Please get this mouseclick mod:
It makes the playing experience SO much better.

Honestly I'm not really willing to write a full Warcraft 1 review right now, even though I fucking love the game more than it deserves and I beat it multiple times, and I pored a lot of hours into researching it for the betterment of the entire Internet(but those are stories for another day), but I will just make it brief: Warcraft, even with the dumb story twists in WoW, even with the attrocities that Blizzard regularly commits, is a stunning and captivating story that impacted my life. I might have started with Warcraft 2 but I have immense respect for the OG and I still play it every now and then. It might be far from a relevant game anymore but this little gem was the source of many of my inspirations and fueled my career milestones in a strange way. So that's why I feel so connected and grateful to it.

So I'd really like to see all the hacking efforts people made in making this game that much more accessible. The mouse mod is a fine start. I want to see how much further it can go.

P.S.: If you've ever contemplating an interest into getting into this whole "Warcraft" thing but are worried about the size of the games and its universe, please talk to me. I should know, I'm a big fan since 1995 and the interest in it hasn't gone down by one bit.

It is amazing to see how Warcraft evolved through time. This game isn't so great, but for me as a big Warcraft fan it was great to play.

This is a charming game for its time. I love the voice acting on the orc's side but only being able to select four units at a time feels incredibly clunky. I still have to respect what they were going for.

These sound effects are lodged in my brain forever.

Why do you keep touching me?! Cracks me up every time.

WELL I decided on a whim today to do the Orc campaign of the OG. I've been on this PC Games Of My Youth kick the last several days, more or less just trawling abandonware sites and grabbing stuff I loved back in the day.

Since I've been playing other RTS of the era this week as well, it's pretty wild to see what Warcraft did and didn't take from Dune 2, and then to see what the original Command and Conquer did and didn't take from Warcraft.

It's hard to impress to folks who weren't alive and playing PC games back then, but the RTS genre was enormous, I mean like, it was The Big Genre, and it evolved quickly. The quality of life things not present here that show up in C&C a year later and then are just fully baked in by Warcraft 2? Incredible to see happen being able to play them back-to-back-to-back

Wish y'all could've been there alongside us to absolutely flip out about being able to select as many units as you want later on

Good beginning of a franchise.
Enjoyable, with an interesting story.

I played the War1gus mod of it and not the vanilla version. Usually not an RTS kind of guy as the number of them I've played I can count on my hands, but I wanted to give the genre a true chance and decided to play the game that revolutionized the genre back in the 90s.

It's a decent start to this iconic franchise. I was surprised that I was enjoying myself somewhat with it. Having both a human and orc campaign is pretty neat, especially cause each one has different play styles and stories. The story is nothing mind-blowing though, just enough to establish the setting and levels. Music was a bit weak but it fit the tone of the game too. I wouldn't say it's a good game but it's not bad either, just decent. Hopefully the 2nd game will bring this to new heights for me. 6/10

hasn't aged the greatest especially in comparison to the later warcraft RTSes, but this being my first exposure to the franchise in an era where world of warcraft was still newly dominant in pop culture was an interesting experience lemme tell you.

I did manage to get to the pre-last stage but could not win. It is pretty bad game for today's standards. It was worth endeavor to check it out.

There is some context to what you do (mission briefings), can be fun.
The story is almost nonexistent, it's ugly, clunky.

While it's a valuable game for historical purposes and innovative for its time, out of the 3 Warcraft RTS games, this ones has aged the least gracefully.
Only being able to control 4 units feels incredibly limiting.
Orcs and Humans being the same in everything but names, models and sounds basically makes every game a mirror match, which eventually gets pretty boring. Pathfinding also felt pretty bad.
On the positive side, the mission briefings are cool. And the graphics have their charm.

Fascinating to experience for the historical value, this is the next step of RTS design after Dune 2. You can actually select multiple units (as much as four!) and there are two resources to manage. Although there are two campaigns, they are basically parallels of each other - you will play the same maps, just starting on opposite sides. What surprised me is the amount of missions where you can't build anything and have to complete the objective with the units given to you - this is common practice for later games in the genre, but for one released in 1994 I was expecting every map to be a base construction affair. If you're willing to get used to the ancient interface, there is fun to be had in following the simple but effective plot and overcoming entrenched opponents. With regard to balance, this game does not succeed - humans are simply more powerful with the ability to heal units, and indeed the sheer number of healers will be your primary obstacle in the Orc campaign. However, I did find the Orc units undeniably more charming. Charm is, to be sure, the primary currency of this game - the sprites are colorful and units bursting with personality, at least until you're sick of the repetitive voice lines. There is a spark of greatness here, one that is worth uncovering for fans of the genre. Just get used to holding that CTRL key.

- finished both campaigns

Mamita lo que me costó terminar este juego, no por la dificultad sino porque su gameplay está prácticamente obsoleto.
Además, el juego está desbalanceado. Los humanos son considerablemente mejores ya que pueden curar a las unidades y sus arqueros tienen más rango.
Lamentablemente ya es juego obsoleto pero se reconoce su importancia.

On a bit of a Warcraft Lore binge. I had never actually played this before and so decided to scratch that Play from the Beginning itch of mine.
For its time, this must have been pretty impressive, but felt clunky to play for now at least, especially with the only selection of 4 units at a time, the stories being pretty much exactly the same as the other campaign, nonetheless a fun blast down memory lane.

If you insist on playing Warcraft 1, please do it with this:

Truthfully, Warcraft 1 holds up better than I would have thought. As characteristic of Blizzard, it is a large jump forward in an infant genre, and it's a well-polished experience. The only real issue is that small, basic changes that in a few years would go on to be entirely standardized across the genre, are not present yet. Some other ones actually are, but that doesn't change the fact that the vast majority of modern players will struggle terribly just to perform basic actions.

You'd be surprised though, how much of Warcraft 3 is already present in Warcraft 1... and man, I think that's actually pretty impressive.

You could see the start of something special here. The game definitely hasn't aged well, with how fast-paced the RTS genre has become since, but it established Blizzard as an exciting newcomer to the mainstream. This began one of the great, lasting fantasy universes in media, and the legacy really speaks for itself these days.

An important game that has been improved on in basically every conceivable way. It has charm to some of the briefings and the barks, but that wears thin quickly 30 years later.

Surprised by how well this holds up, and how much of the story from 30 years ago has remained part of Warcraft canon