Reviews from

in the past

i have zero fucking clue how to deal with the fact this game exists. NOTHING about this game makes sense to me.

A really weird Musou crossover game that I ultimately could not really get into. I played it for a few hours and just got tired of it.

This game was such an overwhelming dissapointment that it actually wrecked my love for the warriors series as a whole. Its a game that's just filled to the brim with questionable choices, awkward unlock requirements and more filler than a plastic surgery.

Maybe I should give a clearer reason as to why this is so bad. Lets look at the characters first. I get this was never going to match the Warriors Orochi series and its 100+ roster but reducing down to 30 is rough. This gets even worse when you realise most of the characters are locked off in one of the three factions and as such, you cant even freely pick between them throughout most of the game. It makes an already slimmed down roster feel even more sparse.

While im on that character roster rant, the roster is indeed very much geared towards Koei's Japanese fanbase. Mostly this isnt too bad but theres a few 'choice' picks who don't translate well.

Most notably Plachta from the Atelier series (who I feel I should be in jail for even looking at) and Naotora Ii (who spends 90% of her time apologizing to everything that moves. In Japan I get this is supposed to be endearing and cute but it doesn't translate overseas very well and she comes off as annoying and whiny). Also having 3 of the 30 slots reserved for O.C. characters doesn't help.

Right I've whined enough about the characters. Lets talk about general gameplay and story progression. Gameplay is pretty much unchanged from most Warriors games which is fine but having most of the game centred around randomly generated battle maps isn't fun. Most of the time you'll just be plonked into a map and asked to hit random objectives. No plot, no core aim. Just random objective after objective until you've ground up enough exp to take on or unlock more actual missions. Its boring. Its tedious and just feels so filler it hurts.

I dont think this game did anywhere near as well as Koei wanted as they soon went back to the Warriors Orochi series and seemingly abandoned all DLC plans despite advertising and teasing heavily to have extra characters incorporated. Overall its just a bit of a slog and only really worth it if you have to play every Warriors game going.

A very fun cross over game with characters from different franchises, like Nioh or DEAD or ALIVE, Dynasty Warriors, and Ninja gaiden, in a very fun yet repetitive game. The story is nonsense but still invests you, and having fun with different characters is always great. The interactions are always cool. Great game I recommend

Middle of the road Musou game where you beat on some weird furry OCs for a few hours until you get bored and move on. There are multiple endings you need to get to experience the full story but why would you when it's just an uninteresting excuse to bring all these characters together anyway? Mostly played it for my girl Honkers.

too disconnected of a crossover. Good for memes of the cat Nobunaga Oda just fucking up William Adams but otherwise not very good at all. Shoutout to the Monster Rancher entries.

This is literally someone's fanfiction and you can tell because there are furry OCs in this.

This is such a bizzarre crossover. Great roster, with lots of oddball characters like Millennia, Opoona and Nobunyaga Oda, along with the obvious ones like Lu Bu, Ryu Hayabusa and Yukimura Sanada. Honestly love the roster, it has pretty great variety of styles and franchises and characters play pretty differently despite streamlined movesets, though it does suffer from some recency bias. Each playthrough can be short as fuck (a couple hours), so it doesn't overstay its welcome unless you want to keep playing other story routes. The story, however, is rather bland, but nobody cares anyway, it's a solid excuse plot which is all you need. I also wished the game used the generic furry enemies way less and used the enemies from represented IPs more (specially because they already do have a pretty good selection in the game). The soundtrack is fantastic too, the remixes of Atelier Totori's battle themes are fucking amazing in particular. Honestly overall the best Musou I've played and the only one I kept coming back to for more constantly, playing over 90 hours in total.

I wanted to like it but the story mode system sucks :((( it's so strict, tedious, and confusing

Why did all these people crossover, the characters aren't even interesting enough to keep me entertained sadly.

Technically I have "beaten" this game despite not even spending 5 hours in it, thanks to its multiple endings.

I...I feel super mixed about this game. I love the musou game formula, and love the way this game is laid out into a large map with missions and varying paths. However, despite the gameplay being passable, and even mighty fun at some times, everything else falls apart pretty quickly.

First, you have to be some insane Koei and Warriors fan to even play this, because if not, you are going to be so confused like I was. It's some convoluted ass stuff and I literally didn't understand almost any of the crossovers besides Ryu (Ninja Gaiden) and William (Nioh). That's it. Good luck if you can pick out where any of these others came from, and instead of playing them, I played as some huge anthropomorphic cat, not dissimilar to Chopper from One Piece (One Piece Warriors games are way better.)

Anyways, getting to why as I had to play as the weird cat, well, that's the "true ending" path. So you're forced into playing as this weird cat for at least a while if you're going to try and get the true ending and not finish within 3 hours getting some bad end or uneventful ending. Along with being forced into that, you're expected to somehow pick out a perfect path of 20 missions in a row that give you the "true ending" of the game. Most guides on the internet haven't been translated correctly, so good luck ending up like me and finishing the game within 3 hours despite believing I was on the "right path."

Overall, wtf is this game, lol. It's nothing terrible or unplayable, maybe Warriors diehards will get something out of it, but I'm in no rush to get back to this game with the terrible design choices.

Easily one of the strangest crossover rosters in a video game but the appeal of getting to build a team with sophie and honkers can only carry it so far. The story and stages are completely uninteresting and the gameplay is not as smooth as it needs to be to keep up that musou spirit.

Finally able to achieve my dream of playing as the cute dealer from those Tecmo pachislot games